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Solutions to practice test - Backup and Restore Methods
Run the kubectl get deployments command
``` $ kubectl get deployments ``` -
Look at the ETCD Logs using command kubectl logs etcd-master -n kube-system or check the ETCD pod kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system
``` $ kubectl logs etcd-master -n kube-system (or) $ kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system ``` -
Use the command kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system and look for --listen-client-urls
``` $ kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system ``` -
Check the ETCD pod configuration kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system
``` $ kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system ``` -
Check the ETCD pod configuration kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system
``` $ kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system ``` -
Run the below command to backup etcd. View answer file at etcd-backup-and-restore
``` $ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=https://[]:2379 --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key snapshot save /tmp/snapshot-pre-boot.db. ``` -
Wake up! We have a conference call! After the reboot the master nodes came back online, but none of our applications are accessible. Check the status of the applications on the cluster. What's wrong?
``` All of the above ``` -
Luckily we took a backup. Restore the original state of the cluster using the backup file.
- View answer file at etcd-backup-and-restore