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Jul 1, 2024
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File metadata and controls

179 lines (151 loc) · 9.01 KB

Hello, I'm RinBot!

RinBot is a multi-purpose discord bot fully developed in Python using the nextcord library.


Requirement Version
Python 3.9+ and the necessary modules under requirements.txt
Java 17+


  • Programmed with both Windows and Linux in mind.
  • AI functionality with Gemini, StableDiffusion and Kobold.
  • Rewards system for active server members.
  • Command Cog extensions structure for easy functionality expansion.
  • Built-in logger with colours, multiple categories and tracebacks (errors) logging.
  • User ID tied command permission class system (explained below).
  • User blacklisting to prevent undesired users to use the bot.
  • "Warning" system, which automatically kicks users past a certain amount of warnings.
  • SQL database to store data.
  • Server moderation tools.
  • Music playback with search queries and playlists support. (Youtube and Soundcloud supported by default, Spotify, Deezer and others can be enabled on the config files.)
  • Rule34 and Danbooru integration if you're into that.
  • Integration with the FortniteAPI to show the daily shop and player statistics.
  • Much more...

Economy system

As of update 1.8, RinBot now has a economy system with oranges as the currency. The way it works is as follows:

  • Users will receive 500 oranges by default upon entering a server and being registered in the economy database.
  • Users will be rewarded 25 oranges every 50 messages sent.
  • Users can transfer oranges between eachother using the /orange transfer command.
  • Users can see the top 10 users with the most oranges using the /orange rank command.
  • Users can use their oranges to buy items from the shop using the /orange store and /orange buy command.

NOTE: Currently only roles are supported by the orange store, more item types will be added in the future.

User ID permission class system

It looks complicated, but it's easy to understand. RinBot has a "class" system composed of 3 classes, these being: "Owners", "Admins" and "Blacklisted".

The "owners" class are the ones to have absolute full control of the entire bot. They can reset it, shut it down, manipulate extensions, add/remove users from the admin class, and of course, they can use any commands. As soon as you run the file, and it creates a fresh database, you will be prompted to add your discord ID to be set as the owner of the bot.

The "admins" class is meant for administrators / moderators of the server the bot is on. It provides access to commands of the "moderation" command cog, where they can blacklist users, manipulate warnings and use the /censor command. To add / remove users from this class, a user with admin priv on the server needs to use the /admins set command.

Users inside the blacklisted class are well... blacklisted from using ANY functionality of the bot. To add / remove users from this class, a user in the admins or owners class needs to use the /blacklist command.



Command Description
/rininfo Shows information about the bot
/help You just used it.
/translate Translates a text from one language to another using the "Translate" library
/list-languages Lists the compatible languages for some functionalities
/specs Shows the specs. of the system running the bot


Command Description
/extension list Shows the list of loaded extensions
/extension load Loads a bot extension
/extension unload Unloads a bot extension
/extension reload Reloads a bot extension
/owners add Adds a user to the owners class
/owners remove Removes a user from the owners class
/ping Pong!
/shutdown Shuts the bot down.


Command Description
/set welcome-channel Sets a text channel on your server for RinBot to greet new members with a custom message
/set daily-shop-channel fortnite Sets a text channel on your server for RinBot to send the daily fortnite item shop (Updates
/toggle daily-shop fortnite Toggles on and off the fortnite daily shop


Command Description
/warnings show Shows a user's warnings
/warnings add Adds a warning to a user
/warnings remove Removes a warning from a user
/admins add Adds a user to the admins class
/admins remove Removes a user from the admins class
/admins add-me Checks if you're an admin and adds you to the class
/blacklist show Shows the users inside the blacklist (if any)
/blacklist add Adds a user to the blacklist
/blacklist remove Removes a user from the blacklist
/censor Deletes a specified number of messages from the text channel it was typed in


Command Description
/pet Pets someone :3
/cat Shows a random picture or gif of a cat
/dog Shows a random picture, gif or video of a dog
/fact Shows a random useless fact
/heads-or-tails Plays heads or tails
/rps Plays Rock Paper Scissors
/stickbug Nekobot's stickbug command
/threats Nekobot's threats command
/captcha Nekobot's captcha command
/deepfry Nekobot's deepfry command
/whowouldwin Nekobot's captcha command


Command Description
/gemini talk Starts or continues a conversation with Google's Gemini
/gemini reset Resets your conversation with Gemini


Command Description
/play Plays tracks from various sources on a voice channel
/queue show Shows the current song queue
/queue skip Shows the current song queue and allows you to choose and skip to a specific track
/queue clear Clears tracks from the current song queue
/queue shuffle Shuffles the current queue
/recommend Toggles the autoplay of recommended tracks on and off
/nightcore Toggles a nightcore effect on and off
/controls Shows the multimedia controls
/favourite tracks show Shows your favourite tracks
/favourite tracks add Adds a track to your favourite tracks
/favourite tracks edit Shows your favourite tracks and allows you to choose and remove them
/favourite tracks play Plays one or more of your favourite tracks
/favourite playlists show Shows your favourite playlists
/favourite playlists add Adds a playlist to your favourite playlists
/favourite playlists edit Shows your favourite playlists and allows you to choose and remove them
/favourite playlists play Plays one or more of your favourite playlists

NOTE: In order to use track sources like spotify, deezer, etc, make sure to open the "application.yml" lavalink config file and setup LavaSrc properly, by default RinBot does not provide any access tokens for those sources for obvious reasons. If you leave everything untouched, only Youtube, YoutubeMusic and SoundCloud will work.


Command Description
/orange rank Shows the top 10 members with the most oranges
/orange transfer Transfer oranges between users
/orange store show Shows the items on the store
/orange store create-item Creates and adds an item to the store
/orange store buy Buys an item from the store (by name)


Command Description
/tts connect Connects a TTS instance to your channel
/tts disconnect Disconnects the TTS instance from your channel


Command Description
/fortnite daily-shop Shows the fortnite daily shop on the channel
/fortnite stats Shows your fortnite account statistics on the channel


Command Description
/booru random Shows an image or gif from danbooru with your given tags

NOTE: In order to use Danbooru, the user has to configure it properly through the /rinbot/config/client/rin.json file, by adding your username and API key to the "BOORU_USERNAME" and "BOORU_KEY" keys.

NOTE 2: If you have a "Gold" danbooru account, make sure to change the "BOORU_IS_GOLD" flag inside config file from false to true, so you can take advantage of your 6 max tags search.


Command Description
/rule34 random Shows an image or gif from rule34 with your given tags
/rule34 i-came Shows the top 10 characters on rule34's i came list

NOTE: Due to the nature of Rule34 and Danbooru, their functionallity are disabled by default, in order to use them, an owner of the bot must change the "ENABLE_LEWD" flag inside the /rinbot/config/client/rin.json config file from False to True

Ok, cool! How do I host my own instance of RinBot?

It's easy:

  • Download and install python and java. (check required versions above)
  • Download the latest release or clone this repository.
  • Open a command line inside RinBot's directory and run pip install -r requirements.txt or create a venv and do the same.
  • Run the file and follow the start-up instructions.