Changelog Notable changes after forking are tracked in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog [2.0.0 Beta1] Added OpenAI gym interface by #40. Enhanced viewers for GridWorld by #44. Removed Python 3.5 support [2.0.0 Beta0] Added PSRL by #23. CountBasedBonus by #25. DeepSea by #32. BernoulliGridWorld by #33. Removed Some modules by #31. Changed Module names by #20. [2.0.0 Alpha] Added New examples by #5. New CLI by #5. FixedRewardGridWorld by #13. Removed Old examples by #5. Fixed Now all tests pass by #2. Work without tkinter(for CI testing/SSH). Some visualizing codes are fixed by #4. Changed Domain has no class variable by #8. Now the package doesn't depend on future by #2. All packages are formatted by black by #3.