diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 827df64..96c4858 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ The Koala framework adds to Koa:
- Supports JSON, urlencoded, and multipart bodies
- Supports arbitrary strings, buffers, and files as bodies
- Optional nested parameter support
-- [SPDY](docs/spdy.md) - specifically push streams
-- [File Serving](docs/file-serving.md) - with SPDY push support
+- [File Serving](docs/file-serving.md)
- [Sessions](docs/sessions.md)
- Cookie-based sessions
- CSRF protection
diff --git a/docs/faq.md b/docs/faq.md
index 7be9ceb..672918b 100644
--- a/docs/faq.md
+++ b/docs/faq.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ With Koa, it's easier as well as better to do atomic updates.
For example, if you use MongoDB, you might want to do something like: https://github.com/aheckmann/koa-mongodb-session/issues/5.
-## Will other SPDY and HTTP/2 features be supported?
+## Will other HTTP/2 features be supported?
A lot of these features belong at the `http.createServer()` state of
deploying your app, which Koala does not handle.
diff --git a/docs/file-serving.md b/docs/file-serving.md
index fe00121..6a41976 100644
--- a/docs/file-serving.md
+++ b/docs/file-serving.md
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ Don't try to juggle multiple static folders.
Some features of this static server:
-- SPDY push support
- Creates strong `sha256` etags and caches them
- Caches `fs.stat()` calls
- Caches gzipped versions of these files
@@ -34,20 +33,3 @@ var app = koala({
-## var file = yield* this.fileServer.push(path, [options])
-SPDY push a file from the folder.
-`path` must be relative without the leading `/`.
-Errors will be thrown on unknown files.
-The only `option` is `priority: 7`.
-`yield*` is required here because it uses an `fs.stat()` call
-to make sure the file exists.
-`yield` again and it'll wait until the file has finished being pushed.
-app.use(function* (next) {
- yield* this.fileServer.push('favicon.ico')
diff --git a/docs/polyfills.md b/docs/polyfills.md
index f657fcd..a84415b 100644
--- a/docs/polyfills.md
+++ b/docs/polyfills.md
@@ -18,9 +18,3 @@ client's user-agent, giving them only what they need.
Add `` to your page,
and the appropriate polyfills will be used on the page.
-### [yield] this.polyfills.push()
-To avoid that extra HTTP request delay,
-SPDY push `polyfill.js` so your page loads as fast as possible.
-You only need to do this when you serve HTML pages that have the script tag.
diff --git a/docs/spdy.md b/docs/spdy.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 992a200..0000000
--- a/docs/spdy.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-## SPDY
-Koala adds some SPDY support to Koa.
-Once SPDY becomes an HTTP standard and is baked into node.js,
-some of these features will be placed in Koa.
-### this.isSpdy
-Check whether SPDY is supported.
-app.use(function* (next) {
- if (this.isSpdy) {
- this.push('/some-file.js', {
- filename: __dirname + '/some-file.js'
- });
- }
- yield* next;
-### [yield] this.push([path], options, [priority])
-SPDY push a body.
-This is a wrapper around [node-spdy push streams](https://github.com/indutny/node-spdy#push-streams),
-allowing you to not think about stream acknowledgement,
-error handling, and file descriptor leaks.
-[spdy-push](https://github.com/jshttp/spdy-push) is used under the hood.
-- `path` - the path of the push stream
-- `priority: 7` - the priority of the push stream. `0` is highest, `7` is lowest.
-- `options`:
- - `path` if not set as an argument
- - `priority: 7` if not set as an argument
- - `body` - the body of the stream as a string, buffer, or stream
- - `filename` - the absolute path of the source file
- - `headers` - the headers for the stream
-Either set `options.body` or `options.filename`.
-The following headers will automatically be set if possible:
-- `content-length` - unless the body is a stream or `filename`
-- `content-encoding`
-- `content-type` - based on `path`
-Argument order does not matter, so use whatever is convenient.
-app.use(function* () {
- this.push({
- path: '/index.js',
- filename: path.resolve('public/index.js'),
- headers: {
- 'cache-control': 'public, max-age=999999999999'
- }
- })
-You may optionally `yield this.push()`.
-This yields until the push stream is finished.
-You may want this to avoid some issues with push streams.
-### Setup SPDY server
-Since [node-spdy](https://github.com/indutny/node-spdy) is optional dependency. You need install it by yourself `npm install spdy --save`.
-SPDY server is compatible with https module and fallback to regular https (for browsers that don't support SPDY yet).
-Imagine you're building a single page web site.
-app.use(function* () {
- yield this.fileServer.send('index.html');
- if (this.isSpdy) {
- yield this.push('/some-file.js', {
- filename: __dirname + '/some-file.js'
- });
- yield this.fileServer.push('css/all.css'); // or better use fileServer.push
- yield this.fileServer.push('img/logo.png'); // push image resources
- yield this.polyfills.push(); // polyfills support push also
- }
-var spdy = require('spdy'),
- fs = require('fs');
-var server = spdy.createServer({
- key: fs.readFileSync('server.key'),
- cert: fs.readFileSync('server.crt'),
- ca: fs.readFileSync('server.csr')
-}, app.callback());
-Open chrome(27+) visit . Server logs like this:
- <-- GET /
- --> GET / 200 302ms 367b
-If you visit with other old browser without spdy support. The logs maybe like this:
- <-- GET /
- --> GET / 200 76ms 367b
- <-- GET /css/all.css
- --> GET /css/all.css 200 16ms 32.73kb
- <-- GET /js/polyfill.js
- --> GET /js/polyfill.js 200 20ms -
- <-- GET /some-file.js
- --> GET /some-file.js 200 15ms -
- <-- GET /img/logo.png
- --> GET /img/logo.png 200 29ms 29.89kb
-SPDY can help you reuse http connection. Send more data in one request.
-> Its goal is to reduce the latency of web pages. ---
-### self-signed SSL Certificate
-For testing purposes. We need self-signed SSL certificate to boot up SPDY server.
-An easily way is install [spdy-keys](https://github.com/normalize/spdy-keys).
-var keys = require('spdy-keys');
-spdy.createServer(keys, app.callback());
-If you want to create keys by yourself. Read [How to create a self-signed SSL Certificate ...](http://www.akadia.com/services/ssh_test_certificate.html)