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f695ff0 · Mar 19, 2024


1674 lines (1283 loc) · 64.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1674 lines (1283 loc) · 64.8 KB




Get a javascript simulation of a real browser (jsdom)


Saves the data into the cozy blindly without check.


cozy-client-js instance already initialized and ready to use.


Filters the passed array from data already present in the cozy so that there is not duplicated data in the Cozy.


Finds links between bills and bank operations.


Returns the given name, replacing characters that could be an issue when used in a filename with spaces.


Encapsulates the saving of Bills : saves the files, saves the new data, and associate the files to an existing bank operation


Saves the given files in the given folder via the Cozy API.


Helper to set or merge io.cozy.identities See


Provides an handy method to log the user in, on HTML form pages. On success, it resolves to a promise with a parsed body.


Use every possible means to solve a captcha. At the moment, Anticaptcha web service is used if any related secret key is found in COZY_PARAMETERS environment variable.


Creates or updates the given entries according to if they already exist in the cozy or not


Small utilities helping to develop konnectors.


Bank transactions categorization



The class from which all the connectors must inherit. It takes a fetch function in parameter that must return a Promise. You need at least the GET permission on io.cozy.accounts in your manifest to allow it to fetch account information for your connector.

Its role is twofold :

  • Make the link between account data and konnector
  • Handle errors

⚠️ A promise should be returned from the fetch function otherwise the konnector cannot know that asynchronous code has been called.


Connector base class extending BaseKonnector which handles cookie session in a central way It also handles saving cookie session in the account and automatically restore it for the next connector run. All cozy-konnector-libs tools using request are proposed as methods of this class to force them to use the central cookie which can be saved/restored. You need at least the GET and PUT permissions on io.cozy.accounts in your manifest to allow it to save/restore cookies


Simple Model for Documents. Allows to specify shouldSave, shouldUpdate as methods.

Has useful isEqual method



Manifest is provided differently in developement that in production.

  • In production, the manifest has been "merged" via Webpack via the DefinePlugin

  • In development/test, we simply read the manifest from the fs


The konnector could not login


The folder specified as folder_to_save does not exist (checked by BaseKonnector)

VENDOR_DOWN : string

The vendor's website is down


There was an unexpected error, please take a look at the logs to know what happened


There was a problem while downloading a file


There was a problem while saving a file


Could not save a file to the cozy because of disk quota exceeded


It seems that the website requires a second authentification factor that we don’t support yet.


Temporarily blocked


Access refresh required


Unavailable account


Unavailable account


Password update required


The user needs to accept a CGU form before accessing the rest of the website


solveCaptcha failed to solve the captcha


Additionnal information is needed to check your login details


remote website seems to be unavailable


User needs to accept new terms


unkown error


The synchronization is complete but some elements may be missing


Renewal of authentication required


Authentication renewal required


Authentication on vendor website required


Incorrect strong authentication code


Unavailable bank website


Unavailable bank website



Attach event handlers to catch uncaught exceptions/rejections and signals. Log them as critical and exit the process accordingly. If the cleanup function has not been called, calling again the function is a no-op.


Declarative scraping.

Describe your items attributes and where to find/parse them instead of imperatively building them.

Heavily inspired by artoo scraping method.

scrape($, specs, [childSelector])object | Array

Scrape a cheerio object for properties


Get a javascript simulation of a real browser (jsdom)

defaultOptions ⇒ object

Get a preconfigured jsdom browser simulator using the zombie npm package See for complete documentation The connector has to import the zombie npm package itself.

Kind: Exported constant
Returns: object - Zombie browser extended class

Param Type Description
options.userAgent string The user agent string used by the browser


const Browser = require('cozy-konnector-libs/libs/CozyBrowser')
const browser = new Browser()
await browser.visit('')


Add cozy-konnector-libs specific logs to browser events

Kind: inner method of defaultOptions


Saves the data into the cozy blindly without check.

addData() ⏏

Saves the data into the cozy blindly without check.

You need at least the POST permission for the given doctype in your manifest, to be able to use this function.


documents: an array of objects corresponding to the data you want to save in the cozy doctype (string): the doctype where you want to save data (ex: 'io.cozy.bills') options (object): option object

  • sourceAccount (String): id of the source account
  • sourceAccountIdentifier (String): identifier unique to the account targetted by the connector. It is the login most of the time
const documents = [
    name: 'toto',
    height: 1.8
    name: 'titi',
    height: 1.7

return addData(documents, 'io.cozy.height')

Kind: Exported function


cozy-client-js instance already initialized and ready to use.

cozyClient ⏏

cozy-client-js instance already initialized and ready to use.

If you want to access cozy-client-js directly, this method gives you directly an instance of it, initialized according to COZY_URL and COZY_CREDENTIALS environment variable given by cozy-stack You can refer to the cozy-client-js documentation for more information.

Example :

const {cozyClient} = require('cozy-konnector-libs')'my.doctype', ['_id'])

Kind: Exported constant


Filters the passed array from data already present in the cozy so that there is not duplicated data in the Cozy.

hydrateAndFilter() ⏏

Filters the passed array from data already present in the cozy so that there is not duplicated data in the Cozy.

You need at least the GET permission for the given doctype in your manifest, to be able to use this function.


documents: an array of objects corresponding to the data you want to save in the cozy doctype (string): the doctype where you want to save data (ex: 'io.cozy.bills') options :

  • keys (array) : List of keys used to check that two items are the same. By default it is set to `['id']'.
  • index (optionnal) : Return value returned by, the default will correspond to all documents of the selected doctype.
  • selector (optionnal object) : Mango request to get records. Default is built from the keys {selector: {_id: {"$gt": null}}} to get all the records.
const documents = [
    name: 'toto',
    height: 1.8
    name: 'titi',
    height: 1.7

return hydrateAndFilter(documents, 'io.cozy.height', {
  keys: ['name']
}).then(filteredDocuments => addData(filteredDocuments, 'io.cozy.height'))

Kind: Exported function


Since we can use methods or basic functions for shouldSave and shouldUpdate we pass the appropriate this and arguments.

If funcOrMethod is a method, it will be called with args[0] as this and the rest as arguments Otherwise, this will be null and args will be passed as arguments.

Kind: inner method of hydrateAndFilter


Finds links between bills and bank operations.

linkBankOperations() ⏏

Will soon move to a dedicated service. You should not use it.

Finds links between bills and bank operations.

Kind: Exported function


mkdirp ⏏

Creates a directory and its missing ancestors as needed.

Options :

  • ...pathComponents: one or many path components to be joined
await mkdirp('/foo') // Creates /foo
await mkdirp('/foo') // Does nothing as /foo already exists
await mkdirp('/bar/baz') // Creates /bar, then /bar/baz
await mkdirp('/foo/bar/baz') // Creates /foo/bar, then /foo/bar/baz, not /foo
await mkdirp('/') // Does nothing
await mkdirp('/qux', 'qux2/qux3', 'qux4') // Creates /qux, then /qux/qux2,
                                          // then /qux/qux2/qux3 and
                                          // finally /qux/qux2/qux3/qux4

The function will automatically add a leading slash when missing:

await mkdirp('foo', 'bar') // Creates /foo, then /foo/bar

Kind: Exported constant


Returns the given name, replacing characters that could be an issue when used in a filename with spaces.

normalizeFilename() ⏏

Returns the given name, replacing characters that could be an issue when used in a filename with spaces.

Replaced characters include:

  • Those forbidden on one or many popular OS or filesystem: <>:"/\|?*
  • Those forbidden by the cozy-stack \0, \r and \n
  • Multiple spaces and/or tabs are replaced with a single space
  • Leading & trailing spaces and/or tabs are removed

An exception will be thrown in case there is not any filename-compatible character in the given name.


  • basename is whatever string you want to generate the filename from
  • ext is an optional file extension, with or without leading dot
const { normalizeFilename } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')

const filename = normalizeFilename('*foo/bar: <baz> \\"qux"\t???', '.txt')
// `filename` === `foo bar baz qux.txt`

Kind: Exported function


Encapsulates the saving of Bills : saves the files, saves the new data, and associate the files to an existing bank operation

saveBills() ⏏

Combines the features of saveFiles, hydrateAndFilter, addData and linkBankOperations for a common case: bills. Will create io.cozy.bills objects. The default deduplication keys are ['date', 'amount', 'vendor']. You need the full permission on io.cozy.bills, full permission on io.cozy.files and also full permission on in your manifest, to be able to use this function.


  • documents is an array of objects with any attributes with some mandatory attributes :

    • amount (Number): the amount of the bill used to match bank operations
    • date (Date): the date of the bill also used to match bank operations
    • vendor (String): the name of the vendor associated to the bill. Ex: 'trainline'
    • currency (String) default: EUR: The ISO currency value (not mandatory since there is a default value.
    • contractId (String): Contract unique identicator used to deduplicate bills
    • contractLabel: (String) User label if define, must be used with contractId
    • matchingCriterias (Object): criterias that can be used by an external service to match bills with bank operations. If not specified but the 'banksTransactionRegExp' attribute is specified in the manifest of the connector, this value is automatically added to the bill

    You can also pass attributes expected by saveFiles : fileurl, filename, requestOptions and more

    Please take a look at io.cozy.bills doctype documentation

  • fields (object) this is the first parameter given to BaseKonnector's constructor

  • options is passed directly to saveFiles, hydrateAndFilter, addData and linkBankOperations.

Kind: Exported function

const { BaseKonnector, saveBills } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')

module.exports = new BaseKonnector(function fetch (fields) {
  const documents = []
  // some code which fills documents
  return saveBills(documents, fields, {
    identifiers: ['vendor']


Saves the given files in the given folder via the Cozy API.

saveFiles(entries, fields, options, [contract]) ⏏

Saves the files given in the fileurl attribute of each entries

You need the full permission on io.cozy.files in your manifest to use this function.

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Description
entries Array list of object describing files to save
entries.fileurl string The url of the file (can be a function returning the value). Ignored if filestream is given
entries.fetchFile function the connector can give it's own function to fetch the file from the website, which will be run only when necessary (if the corresponding file is missing on the cozy) function returning the stream). This function must return a promise resolved as a stream
entries.filestream object | string the stream which will be directly passed to cozyClient.files.create (can also be function returning the stream)
entries.requestOptions object The options passed to request to fetch fileurl (can be a function returning the value)
entries.filename string The file name of the item written on disk. This attribute is optional and as default value, the file name will be "smartly" guessed by the function. Use this attribute if the guess is not smart enough for you, or if you use filestream (can be a function returning the value).
entries.shouldReplaceName string used to migrate filename. If saveFiles finds a file linked to this entry and this file name matches shouldReplaceName, the file is renamed to filename (can be a function returning the value)
entries.shouldReplaceFile function use this function to state if the current entry should be forced to be redownloaded and replaced. Usefull if we know the file content can change and we always want the last version.
entries.fileAttributes object ex: {created_at: new Date()} sets some additionnal file attributes passed to cozyClient.file.create
entries.subPath string A subpath to save all files, will be created if needed.
entries.contract object contract object associated to the files string id of the contract string name of the contract
fields object is the argument given to the main function of your connector by the BaseKonnector. It especially contains a folderPath which is the string path configured by the user in collect/home
options object global options
options.timeout number timestamp which can be used if your connector needs to fetch a lot of files and if the stack does not give enough time to your connector to fetch it all. It could happen that the connector is stopped right in the middle of the download of the file and the file will be broken. With the timeout option, the saveFiles function will check if the timeout has passed right after downloading each file and then will be sure to be stopped cleanly if the timeout is not too long. And since it is really fast to check that a file has already been downloaded, on the next run of the connector, it will be able to download some more files, and so on. If you want the timeout to be in 10s, do + 10*1000. You can try it in the previous code.
options.contentType number | boolean ex: 'application/pdf' used to force the contentType of documents when they are badly recognized by cozy. If "true" the content type will be recognized from the file name and forced the same way.
options.concurrency number default: 1 sets the maximum number of concurrent downloads
options.validateFile function default: do not validate if file is empty or has bad mime type
options.validateFileContent boolean | function default false. Also check the content of the file to recognize the mime type
options.fileIdAttributes Array array of strings : Describes which attributes of files will be taken as primary key for files to check if they already exist, even if they are moved. If not given, the file path will used for deduplication as before.
options.subPath string A subpath to save this file, will be created if needed.
[contract] object contract object associated to the file
[] string id of the contract
[] string name of the contract
options.fetchFile function the connector can give it's own function to fetch the file from the website, which will be run only when necessary (if the corresponding file is missing on the cozy) function returning the stream). This function must return a promise resolved as a stream
options.verboseFilesLog boolean the connector will send saveFiles result as a warning


await saveFiles([{fileurl: 'https://...', filename: 'bill1.pdf'}], fields, {
   fileIdAttributes: ['fileurl']


Helper to set or merge io.cozy.identities See

saveIdentity() ⏏

Set or merge a io.cozy.identities

You need full permission for the doctype io.cozy.identities in your manifest, to be able to use this function. Parameters:

identity (object): the identity to create/update as an io.cozy.identities object accountIdentifier (string): a string that represent the account use, if available fields.login options (object): options which will be given to updateOrCreate directly :

  • sourceAccount (String): id of the source account
  • sourceAccountIdentifier (String): identifier unique to the account targetted by the connector. It is the login most of the time
const { saveIdentity } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')
const identity =
    contact: {
      name: 'toto',
      email: { 'address': '' }

return saveIdentity(identity, fields.login)

Kind: Exported function


Provides an handy method to log the user in, on HTML form pages. On success, it resolves to a promise with a parsed body.

signin() ⏏

Provides an handy method to log the user in, on HTML form pages. On success, it resolves to a promise with a parsed body.


  • LOGIN_FAILED if the validate predicate is false
  • INVALID_FORM if the element matched by formSelector is not a form or has no action attribute
  • UNKNOWN_PARSING_STRATEGY if parse is not one of the accepted values: raw, cheerio, json.
  • VENDOR_DOWN if a request throws a RequestError, or StatusCodeError

It does not submit values provided through select tags, except if populated by user with formData.

  • url is the url to access the html form

  • formSelector is used by cheerio to uniquely identify the form in which to log in

  • formData is an object { name: value, … }. It is used to populate the form, in the proper inputs with the same name as the properties of this object, before submitting it. It can also be a function that returns this object. The page at url would be given as argument, right after having been parsed through cheerio.

  • parse allow the user to resolve signin with a preparsed body. The choice of the strategy for the parsing is one of : raw, json or cheerio. cheerio being the default.

  • validate is a predicate taking three arguments statusCode, parsedBody and fullResponse. If it is false, LOGIN_FAILED is thrown, otherwise the signin resolves with parsedBody value.

  • requestOpts allows to pass eventual options to the signin's requestFactory. It could be useful for pages using latin1 encoding for instance.

Kind: Exported function
== basic example : ==

const $ = signin({
  url: ``,
  formSelector: 'form',
  formData: { username, password }

If the behavior of the targeted website is not standard. You can pass a validate function which will allow you to:

  • detect if the credentials work or not -> LOGIN_FAILED
  • detect if actions from the user are needed -> USER_ACTION_NEEDED
  • detect if the targeted website is out -> VENDOR_DOWN Example
const $ = signin({
  url: ``,
  formSelector: 'form',
  formData: { username, password },
  validate: (statusCode, $, fullResponse) {
   if (statusCode !== 200) return false // LOGIN_FAILED
   if ($('.cgu').length) throw new Error('USER_ACTION_NEEDED')
   if (fullResponse.request.uri.href.includes('error')) throw new Error('VENDOR_DOWN')

Do not forget that the use of the signin function is not mandatory in a connector and won't work if the signin page does not use html forms. Here, a simple POST request may be a lot more simple.


Use every possible means to solve a captcha. At the moment, Anticaptcha web service is used if any related secret key is found in COZY_PARAMETERS environment variable.

solveCaptcha() ⏏

Use every possible means to solve a captcha. At the moment, Anticaptcha web service is used if any related secret key is found in COZY_PARAMETERS environment variable. If you do not want to solve the captcha each time the connector is run, please also use CookieKonnector which will help you save the session.


  • params is an array of objects with any attributes with some mandatory attributes :
    • type (String): (default recaptcha) type of captcha to solve. can be "recaptcha" or "image" at the moment
    • timeout (Number): (default 3 minutes after now) time when the solver should stop trying to solve the captcha
    • withFullSolution(Boolean): (default false) Change the return to an object containing full solution
    • websiteKey (String): the key you can find on the targeted website (for recaptcha)
    • websiteURL (String): The URL of the page showing the captcha (for recaptcha)
    • body (String): The base64 encoded image (for image captcha) Returns: Promise with the solved captcha response as a string

Kind: Exported function

const { solveCaptcha } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')

const solvedKey = await solveCaptcha({
  websiteKey: 'the key in the webpage',
  websiteURL: '',
// now use the solveKey to submit your form


Creates or updates the given entries according to if they already exist in the cozy or not

updateOrCreate() ⏏

Creates or updates the given entries according to if they already exist in the cozy or not

You need the full permission for the given doctype in your manifest, to be able to use this function.

entries (object array): Documents to save doctype (string): Doctype of the documents matchingAttributes (string array): attributes in each entry used to check if an entry already exists in the Cozy options (object): general option affecting metadata :

  • sourceAccount (String): id of the source account
  • sourceAccountIdentifier (String): identifier unique to the account targetted by the connector. It is the login most of the time

Kind: Exported function


Small utilities helping to develop konnectors.


This function allows to fetch all documents for a given doctype. It is the fastest to get all documents but without filtering possibilities deprecated by the findAll method from cozyClient


doctype (string): the doctype from which you want to fetch the data

Kind: inner method of utils


This function allows to fetch all documents for a given doctype exceeding the 100 limit. It is slower that fetchAll because it fetches the data 100 by 100 but allows to filter the data with a selector and an index


doctype (string): the doctype from which you want to fetch the data selector (object): the mango query selector index (object): (optional) the query selector index. If not defined, the function will create it's own index with the keys specified in the selector

const documents = await queryAll('io.cozy.bills', {vendor: 'Direct Energie'})

Kind: inner method of utils


This function find duplicates in a given doctype, filtered by an optional mango selector


doctype (string): the doctype from which you want to fetch the data selector (object): (optional) the mango query selector options :

  • keys (array) : List of keys used to check that two items are the same.
  • index (optionnal) : Return value returned by, the default will correspond to all documents of the selected doctype.
  • selector (optionnal object) : Mango request to get records. Gets all the records by default

Returns an object with the following keys: toKeep: this is the list of unique documents that you should keep in db toRemove: this is the list of documents that can remove from db. If this is io.cozy.bills documents, do not forget to clean linked bank operations

const {toKeep, toRemove} = await findDuplicates('io.cozy.bills', {selector: {vendor: 'Direct Energie'}})

Kind: inner method of utils


This is a shortcut to update multiple documents in one call


doctype (string): the doctype from which you want to fetch the data ids (array): array of ids of documents to update transformation (object): attributes to change with their values options :

  • keys (array) : List of keys used to check that two items are the same.
  • index (optionnal) : Return value returned by, the default will correspond to all documents of the selected doctype.
  • selector (optionnal object) : Mango request to get records. Gets all the records by default

Returns a promise which resolves with all the return values of updateAttributes

await batchUpdateAttributes('io.cozy.bills', [1, 2, 3], {vendor: 'Direct Energie'})

Kind: inner method of utils


This is a shortcut to delete multiple documents in one call


doctype (string): the doctype from which you want to fetch the data documents (array): documents to delete with their ids transformation (object): attributes to change with their values options :

  • keys (array) : List of keys used to check that two items are the same.
  • index (optionnal) : Return value returned by, the default will correspond to all documents of the selected doctype.
  • selector (optionnal object) : Mango request to get records. Gets all the records by default

Returns a promise which resolves with all the return values of updateAttributes

Example to remove all the documents for a given doctype

const documents = await fetchAll('io.cozy.marvel')
await batchDelete('io.cozy.marvel', documents)

Kind: inner method of utils


This function can read the content of a cozy pdf file and output its text


fileId (string): the id of the file in the cozy options :

  • pages (array or number) : The list of page you want to interpret

You need to add pdfjs-dist package as a dependency to your connector to allow this to work

Returns a promise which resolves with an object with the following attributes:

  • text (string) : The full text of the pdf
  • 1 : The full pdfjs data for page 1
  • n : The full pdfjs data for page n


const pdfText = (await getPdfText('887ABCFE87687')).text

Kind: inner method of utils


This function convert a Date Object to a ISO date string (2018-07-31)


date (Date): the id of the file in the cozy

Returns a string


const date = formatFrenchDate(New

Kind: inner method of utils


Bank transactions categorization

categorization~createCategorizer(options) ⇒ Object

Initialize global and local models and return an object exposing a categorize function that applies both models on an array of transactions

The global model is a model specific to hosted Cozy instances. It is not available for self-hosted instances. It will just do nothing in that case.

The local model is based on the user manual categorizations.

Each model adds two properties to the transactions: The global model adds cozyCategoryId and cozyCategoryProba The local model adds localCategoryId and localCategoryProba

In the end, each transaction can have up to four different categories. An application can use these categories to show the most significant for the user. See for more informations.

Kind: inner method of categorization
Returns: Object - A method to categorize transactions and the classifiers it uses.

Param Type Description
options CreateCategorizerOptions Options used to build the categorizer


const { BaseKonnector, createCategorizer } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')

class BankingKonnector extends BaseKonnector {
  async saveTransactions() {
    const transactions = await this.fetchTransactions()
    const categorizer = await createCategorizer
    const categorizedTransactions = await categorizer.categorize(transactions)

    // Save categorizedTransactions

categorization~categorize(transactions, options) ⇒ Array.<object>

Initialize global and local models and categorize the given array of transactions

Kind: inner method of categorization
Returns: Array.<object> - the categorized transactions
See: createCategorizer for more informations about models initialization

Param Type Description
transactions Array.<object> The transactions to categorize
options CreateCategorizerOptions Options passed to create the categorizer


const { BaseKonnector, categorize } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')

class BankingKonnector extends BaseKonnector {
  async saveTransactions() {
    const transactions = await this.fetchTransactions()
    const categorizedTransactions = await categorize(transactions)

    // Save categorizedTransactions


Kind: inner typedef of categorization

Name Type Description
useGlobalModel boolean Whether to use the globally trained model
customTransactionFetcher function A custom training transaction fetcher
pretrainedClassifier object A pretrained instance of a bayes classifier


The class from which all the connectors must inherit. It takes a fetch function in parameter that must return a Promise. You need at least the GET permission on io.cozy.accounts in your manifest to allow it to fetch account information for your connector.

Its role is twofold :

  • Make the link between account data and konnector
  • Handle errors

⚠️ A promise should be returned from the fetch function otherwise the konnector cannot know that asynchronous code has been called.

Kind: global class

new BaseKonnector(fetch)


Param Type Description
fetch function Function to be run automatically after account data is fetched. This function will be binded to the current connector. If not fetch function is given. The connector will have to handle itself it's own exection and error handling


const { BaseKonnector } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')

module.exports = new BaseKonnector(function fetch () {
 // use this to access the instance of the konnector to
 // store any information that needs to be passed to
 // different stages of the konnector
 return request('')

Entrypoint of the konnector

  • Initializes connector attributes
  • Awaits this.main
  • Ensures errors are handled via
  • Calls this.end when the main function succeeded

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

baseKonnector.main() ⇒ Promise

Main runs after konnector has been initialized. Errors thrown will be automatically handled.

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - - The konnector is considered successful when it resolves


Hook called when the connector has ended successfully

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

Hook called when the connector fails

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

baseKonnector.readPayload() ⇒ Object | null

Read an eventual payload from COZY_PAYLOAD env var, wether it is a JSON string or a reference to a file containing a JSON string

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Object | null - Promise<> result of JSON.parse from the JSON string or null if no payload


Initializes konnector attributes that will be used during its lifetime

  • this._account
  • this.fields

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

baseKonnector.saveAccountData(data, options) ⇒ Promise

Saves data to the account that is passed to the konnector. Use it to persist data that needs to be passed to each konnector run.

By default, the data is merged to the remote data, use options.merge = false to overwrite the data.

The data is saved under the .data attribute of the cozy account.

Don't forget to modify the manifest.konnector file to give the right to write on the io.cozy.accounts doctype. The syntax can be : "permissions": {"accounts": {"type": "io.cozy.accounts"}} (here we juste removed the verb GET)

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - : resolved with the modified account

Param Type Description
data object Attributes to be merged
options object { merge: true

baseKonnector.getAccountData() ⇒ object

Get the data saved by saveAccountData

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: object - the account data


Update account attributes and cache the account

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector


Sets the 2FA state, according to the type passed. Doing so resets the twoFACode field

Typically you should not use that directly, prefer to use waitForTwoFaCode since the wait for user input will be handled for you. It is useful though for the "app" type where no user input (inside Cozy) is needed.

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

Param Type Description
options object The list of options
options.type string Used by the front to show the right message (email/sms/app/app_code)
options.retry boolean Is this function call a retry ? This changes the resulting message to the user


Resets 2FA state when not needed anymore

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

baseKonnector.waitForTwoFaCode(options) ⇒ Promise

Notices that 2FA code is needed and wait for the user to submit it. It uses the account to do the communication with the user.

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - Contains twoFa code entered by user

  • Will throw USER_ACTION_NEEDED.TWOFA_EXPIRED if the konnector job is not run manually (we assume that not run manually means that we do not have a graphic interface to fill the required information)
  • Will throw USER_ACTION_NEEDED.TWOFA_EXPIRED if 2FA is not filled by the user soon enough
Param Type Description
options object The list of options
options.type string (default: "email") - Type of the expected 2FA code. The message displayed to the user will depend on it. Possible values: email, sms
options.timeout number (default 3 minutes after now) - After this date, the stop will stop waiting and and an error will be shown to the user (deprecated and alias of endTime)
options.endTime number (default 3 minutes after now) - After this timestamp, the home will stop waiting and and an error will be shown to the user
options.heartBeat number (default: 5000) - How many milliseconds between each code check
options.retry boolean (default: false) - Is it a retry. If true, an error message will be displayed to the user


const { BaseKonnector } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')

module.exports = new BaseKonnector(start)
async function start() {
   // we detect the need of a 2FA code
   const code = this.waitForTwoFaCode({
     type: 'email'
   // send the code to the targeted site


Tells Cozy-Home that we have successfully logged in. Useful when auto-success has been deactivated. See deactivateAutoSuccess

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector


By default, cozy-home considers that the konnector has successfully logged in when the konnector has run for more than 8s. This is problematic for 2FA since the konnector can sit idle, just waiting for the 2FA to come back.

When this method is called, cozy-home is notified and will not consider the absence of error after 8s to be a success. Afterwards, to notify cozy-home when the user has logged in successfully, for example, after the user has entered 2FA codes, it is necessary to call notifySuccessfulLogin.

Does nothing if called more than once.

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

baseKonnector.saveBills() ⇒ Promise

This is saveBills function from cozy-konnector-libs which automatically adds sourceAccount in metadata of each entry

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - resolves with entries hydrated with db data

baseKonnector.saveFiles() ⇒ Promise

This is saveFiles function from cozy-konnector-libs which automatically adds sourceAccount and sourceAccountIdentifier cozyMetadatas to files

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - resolves with the list of entries with file objects

baseKonnector.updateOrCreate() ⇒ Promise

This is updateOrCreate function from cozy-konnector-libs which automatically adds sourceAccount in metadata of each entry

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - resolves to an array of db objects

baseKonnector.saveIdentity() ⇒ Promise

This is saveIdentity function from cozy-konnector-libs which automatically adds sourceAccount in metadata of each entry

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - empty promise

baseKonnector.signin() ⇒ Promise

This is signin function from cozy-konnector-libs which automatically adds deactivateAutoSuccessfulLogin and notifySuccessfulLogin calls

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector
Returns: Promise - resolve with an object containing form data


Send a special error code which is interpreted by the cozy stack to terminate the execution of the connector now

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

Param Type Description
err string The error code to be saved as connector result see [docs/]




Get cozyMetaData from the context of the connector

Kind: instance method of BaseKonnector

Param Type Description
data object this data will be merged with cozyMetaData


Connector base class extending BaseKonnector which handles cookie session in a central way It also handles saving cookie session in the account and automatically restore it for the next connector run. All cozy-konnector-libs tools using request are proposed as methods of this class to force them to use the central cookie which can be saved/restored. You need at least the GET and PUT permissions on io.cozy.accounts in your manifest to allow it to save/restore cookies

Kind: global class

new CookieKonnector(requestFactoryOptions)


Param Type Description
requestFactoryOptions function Option object passed to requestFactory to initialize this.request. It is still possible to change this.request doing : javascript this.request = this.requestFactory(...) Please not you have to run the connector yourself doing : javascript


const { CookieKonnector } = require('cozy-konnector-libs')
class MyConnector extends CookieKonnector {
  async fetch(fields) {
     // the code of your connector
     await this.request('https://...')
  async testSession() {
     const $ = await this.request('https://...')
     return $('')
const connector = new MyKonnector({
  cheerio: true,
  json: false

cookieKonnector.initAttributes() ⇒ Promise

Initializes the current connector with data coming from the associated account and also the session

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: Promise - with the fields as an object


Hook called when the connector is ended

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector

cookieKonnector.requestFactory(options) ⇒ object

Calls cozy-konnector-libs requestFactory forcing this._jar as the cookie

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: object - - The resulting request object

Param Type Description
options object requestFactory option

cookieKonnector.resetSession() ⇒ Promise

Reset cookie session with a new empty session and save it to the associated account

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: Promise - empty promise

cookieKonnector.initSession() ⇒ Promise

Get the cookie session from the account if any

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: Promise - true or false if the session in the account exists or not

cookieKonnector.saveSession() ⇒ Promise

Saves the current cookie session to the account

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: Promise - empty promise

cookieKonnector.signin() ⇒ Promise

This is signin function from cozy-konnector-libs which is forced to use the current cookies and current request from CookieKonnector. It also automatically saves the session after signin if it is a success.

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: Promise - resolve with an object containing form data

cookieKonnector.saveFiles() ⇒ Promise

This is saveFiles function from cozy-konnector-libs which is forced to use the current cookies and current request from CookieKonnector.

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: Promise - resolves with the list of entries with file objects

cookieKonnector.saveBills() ⇒ Promise

This is saveBills function from cozy-konnector-libs which is forced to use the current cookies and current request from CookieKonnector.

Kind: instance method of CookieKonnector
Returns: Promise - resolves with entries hydrated with db data


Simple Model for Documents. Allows to specify shouldSave, shouldUpdate as methods.

Has useful isEqual method

Kind: global class


Compares to another document deeply.

_id and _rev are by default ignored in the comparison.

By default, will compare dates loosely since you often compare existing documents (dates in ISO string) with documents that just have been scraped where dates are Dates.

Kind: instance method of Document


Manifest is provided differently in developement that in production.

  • In production, the manifest has been "merged" via Webpack via the DefinePlugin

  • In development/test, we simply read the manifest from the fs

Kind: global constant


The konnector could not login

Kind: global constant


The folder specified as folder_to_save does not exist (checked by BaseKonnector)

Kind: global constant

VENDOR_DOWN : string

The vendor's website is down

Kind: global constant


There was an unexpected error, please take a look at the logs to know what happened

Kind: global constant


There was a problem while downloading a file

Kind: global constant


There was a problem while saving a file

Kind: global constant


Could not save a file to the cozy because of disk quota exceeded

Kind: global constant


It seems that the website requires a second authentification factor that we don’t support yet.

Kind: global constant


Temporarily blocked

Kind: global constant


Access refresh required

Kind: global constant


Unavailable account

Kind: global constant


Unavailable account

Kind: global constant


Password update required

Kind: global constant


The user needs to accept a CGU form before accessing the rest of the website

Kind: global constant


solveCaptcha failed to solve the captcha

Kind: global constant


Additionnal information is needed to check your login details

Kind: global constant


remote website seems to be unavailable

Kind: global constant


User needs to accept new terms

Kind: global constant


unkown error

Kind: global constant


The synchronization is complete but some elements may be missing

Kind: global constant


Renewal of authentication required

Kind: global constant


Authentication renewal required

Kind: global constant


Authentication on vendor website required

Kind: global constant


Incorrect strong authentication code

Kind: global constant


Unavailable bank website

Kind: global constant


Unavailable bank website

Kind: global constant

attachProcessEventHandlers(prcs) ⇒ function

Attach event handlers to catch uncaught exceptions/rejections and signals. Log them as critical and exit the process accordingly. If the cleanup function has not been called, calling again the function is a no-op.

Kind: global function
Returns: function - When called, removes the signal handlers

Param Type Description
prcs object Process object, default to current process


Declarative scraping.

Describe your items attributes and where to find/parse them instead of imperatively building them.

Heavily inspired by artoo scraping method.

Kind: global function

scrape($, specs, [childSelector]) ⇒ object | Array

Scrape a cheerio object for properties

Kind: global function
Returns: object | Array - - Item(s) scraped

Param Type Description
$ object Cheerio node which will be scraped
specs object | string Options object describing what you want to scrape
[childSelector] string If passed, scrape will return an array of items

scrape can be used to declaratively extract data :

  • For one object :
const item = scrape($('#item'), {
  title: '.title',
  content: '.content'
  • For a list of objects :
const items = scrape($('#content'), {
  title: '.title',
  content: '.content'
}, '.item')

For more power, you can use objects for each retriever :

const items = scrape($('#content'), {
  title: '.title',
  content: '.content',
  link: {
    sel: 'a',
    attr: 'href'
}, '.item')

Here the href attribute of the a inside .items would have been put into the link attribute of the items returned by scrape.

Available options :

  • sel: the CSS selector used to target the HTML node from which data will be scraped
  • attr: the HTML attribute from which to extract data
  • parse: function applied to the value extracted ({ sel: '.price', parse: parseAmount })
  • fn: if you need something more complicated than attr, you can use this function, it receives the complete DOM node. { sel: '.person', fn: $node => $node.attr('data-name') + $node.attr('data-firstname') }

⚠ Permissions

Please note that some classes require some permissions:

  • io.cozy.accounts for the BaseKonnector class (GET only)
  • io.cozy.files to save files
  • io.cozy.bills to save bills
  • for linkBankOperations