- feature palette: adding new values into grey palette (#68) (fba2c19)
- feature palette: added orange palette (#69) (24b876f)
- bug fix typography: font-weight for strong italics, tabulars (DS-3166)) (#65) (0020f64)
- feature typography: added new typo styles for our new inline code component (#66) (e29c8dc)
bug fix chore: added rule for shadows changes (#60) (9b01268)
feature colors: delete deprecated tokens, remove it from components (#48) (fc30de0)
feature palette: updated disable values for states-icons/states-foreground (#59) (2635711)
- feature markdown: markdown fixes (#DS-2629) (#31) (edf4519)
- feature tokens: added tokens for accordion (#53) (503f747)
- bug fix checkbox: disabled border color (#51) (023f1e2)
- feature markdown: markdown fixes (#DS-2629) (#31) (edf4519)
- feature tokens: added tokens for accordion (3fecbcd)
- feature Сontrast Сollibration (#DS-2003) (#38) (6a0d033)
- feature tooltip: updated tokens (#41) (8f142a9)
- bug fix typography: strong weight 500 → 600 (#DS-2741) (#37) (d1b9886)
- feature added eslint recommended plugin (#36) (e7a0ba5)
- feature removed card component tokens (#35) (5d6caaf)
- feature support composite typography tokens (#39) (a357a50)
- bug fix calendar: selected item color in dark theme (#DS-2685) (#32) (7e214da)
- bug fix popover: header padding bottom (#DS-2723) #33 (f3adf01)
- bug fix button: size border width (#29) (4b52ea9)
- bug fix markdown: typography (#DS-2629) (#28) (c2e8cbb)
- bug fix markdown: md-typography contains old values (#DS-2683) (#26) (54b6775)
- bug fix radio: fixed disabled label color (#DS-2666) (#23) (dad4da8)
- feature added prettier and eslint support (#25) (4ceb96a)
- feature typography: change opentype features and letter-spacing (#DS-2620) (#24) (76bb9e3)
- bug fix typography in empty-state (de7eaf4)
- bug fix typography: remove useless tnum in font-feature-settings (#15) (e73038c)
- feature css-variables for colors and fonts (#DS-2338) (#16) (efda80a)
- feature empty state (#DS-2551) (#19) (4120ca1)
- bug fix alert: alert-content right padding (#DS-2343) (#11) (3b08da3)
- bug fix horizontal padding in table (140b42a)
- feature icon: delete unused icon states (#12) (f5f58ed)
- feature table: table size tokens and font fix (#10) (b5347eb)
- feature icon-item: Warning state (89f3150b)