- Run
make build-zabbix-server
to spin up containers needed for Zabbix server to run on docker. - Visit
to access Zabbix web interface. Username:Admin
, password:zabbix
- Run
make build-rundeck
to spin up Rundeck container. - Visit
to access Rundeck web interface. Username:admin
, password:admin
- Run
make build-dummy-host
to spin up dummy Zabbix host container with Zabbix agent. - Visit
to access dummy host web interface.
Get the IP address of dummy host by running
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dummy-host
On Zabbix web interface, information about configured hosts in Zabbix is available in Configuration → Hosts. To add dummy host, click on Create host. This will present us with a host configuration form. Enter the following values.
Host name: dummy-host
Groups: Linux servers
Agent interfaces: dummy-host-IP-address-gotten-above leaving port as 10050
Click on Enabled
then update.
Still on Configuration → Hosts, click on Templates
On the Link new templates
field, Select Template App HTTP Service
, click add
, then Update
Still on Configuration → Hosts, click on Triggers
Verify that the value of Template App HTTP Service: HTTP service is down on {HOST.NAME}
trigger is OK
To create a new project on Rundeck;
- Change the Resource Model Document Format to yaml instead of the default xml (we only support yaml in our codebase for now). Exec into the running rundeck container and update this file
, specifically these fields:
- Visit http://localhost:4440/resources/createProject
- Enter the project name and click create, then save, leaving the defaults.
Start Zabbix server containers -->
make start-zabbix-server
Stop Zabbix server containers -->
make stop-zabbix-server
Start Rundeck containers -->
make start-rundeck
Stop Rundeck containers -->
make stop-rundeck
Start Dummy host container -->
make start-dummy-host
Stop Dummy host container -->
make stop-dummy-host
Start all containers -->
make start-containers
Stop all containers -->
make stop-containers
Run make test
to run tests.