a python3 script to automate the sync of your LeetCode Problems to your repo. Only dependency is 'requests', which you can install easily with
pip3 install requests
Inspired By haoel/leetcode and QasimWani/LeetHub
- Quick way to add new LeetCode Question to your problems list
- Automatically Fetch Question and Code Snippets From LeetCode
- Access Premium Questions(LeetCode Premium Only) and Your submissions using Session Token
$ python3 scripts/workflow.py -h
usage: workflow.py [-h] [-s] [-q QUERY] [-n NUMBER]
Automatically Fetch and generate LeetCode problem and solution files and Update Project's README.md List
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --submissions Download your latest submitted solution instead of snippet(only with account session)
-q QUERY, --query QUERY
LeetCode problem search query
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
LeetCode problem number
$ python3 scripts/workflow.py -s -n 2
[=>] LeetCode Workflow Starting
[=>] Welcome kexecv, LeetCode Free User
[=>] Searching Your Problem on LeetCode..
[=>] Found Your Problem "Add Two Numbers"
[=>] Fetching Problem Details
[=>] Found Problem Details
[*] Id: 2
[*] Title: Add Two Numbers
[*] Type: Free
[*] Difficulty: Medium
[*] Likes: 19727
[*] Dislikes: 3955
[*] Topics: Linked List, Math, Recursion
Do you want to continue (yes/no)?
[=>] Generating Directory For "Add Two Numbers"
[=>] Generating README.md
[=>] Fetching Your Submission Entries
[=>] Generating Java Solution File
[=>] Updating Project's README.md Problem List
[=>] Creating New Problem Entry At The Top
[=>] LeetCode Workflow Complete
Upon first run, Script will generate a default config.json
file to adjust few settings
"useAccount": false,
"sessionToken": "",
"problemDirName": "[questionId]-[titleSlug]",
"solutionLangs": [
"name" : "Java",
"lang" : "java",
"ext": ".java"
"solutionFileName": "solution"
- Account Mode:
When you want to use your account to fetch submission, make sure to enable it and add your leetcode session token, You can get session token after login from cookieLEETCODE_SESSION
on leetcode.com
"useAccount": true,
"sessionToken": "eyJ*****",
- Customise Problem Directory and Solution File Name:
Examples of few options for customisation
[questionId]: 1
[title]: Two Sum
[titleSlug]: two-sum
[difficulty]: easy
[isPaid]: free
- Customise Solution's Programming Language:
Examples of few popular languages for customisation
"solutionLangs": [
{ "name" : "C", "lang" : "c", "ext": ".c" },
{ "name" : "C++", "lang" : "cpp", "ext": ".cpp" },
{ "name" : "C#", "lang" : "csharp", "ext": ".cs" },
{ "name" : "Python", "lang" : "python", "ext": ".py" },
{ "name" : "Python3", "lang" : "python3", "ext": ".py" },
{ "name" : "Java", "lang" : "java", "ext": ".java" },
{ "name" : "JavaScript", "lang" : "javaScript", "ext": ".js" },
{ "name" : "Ruby", "lang" : "ruby", "ext": ".rb" },
{ "name" : "Go", "lang" : "go", "ext": ".go" },
{ "name" : "Kotlin", "lang" : "kotlin", "ext": ".kt" },
{ "name" : "Rust", "lang" : "rust", "ext": ".rs" },
{ "name" : "PHP", "lang" : "php", "ext": ".php" },
Feel free to open an issue for bug or suggestions!
Email: [email protected]