diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index cab5b17..ff545fc 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,76 +2,16 @@ # Kriten -## Main features +## Quick Install -### Auth flows - - Authentication via Active Directory credentials - - Authorisation via Active Directory users' groups +### Add helm repo +```helm repo add kriten https://kriten-io.github.io/kriten-charts/``` - - K8s secret to define Operators +### Copy values.yaml +```helm show values kriten/kriten > myvalues.yaml``` -### Config - - API endpoint for creating Runners - - Specify which AD group has access to creating Tasks for that runner +### Edit myvalues.yaml - - Possibility to create an API endpoint that will define a Task - - Endpoint for updating / modifying the task or access groups +### Install -### Runners - - Python code execution - - Agree on Python version and imported packages - - Define example code that should be able to run - - - Ansible tower - - Possibility to launch pre-defined jobs - - Store ID of the jobs executed - -### Tasks - - Possibility for authorised users (Consumers) to launch pre-defined Tasks - - - Store information about past jobs (kriten-collector cronjob) - - Define what do we need to store / How often - - - API endpoint for querying informatio about specific task (ID) - - - API endpoint for retrieving IDs of past jobs - - - API endpoint for querying all past jobs - -## API Generated - -All endpoints are currently generated under `/api/v1` root - -### Shared - -#### Endpoints: - - POST /login - - GET /refresh - -### Runners -Define a runner image and github repository to fetch your scripts from. - -#### Endpoints: - - GET /runners // List Runners - - GET /runners/:rID // Get Runner - - [POST,PUT] /runners // Create Runner - - [PATCH, PUT] /runners/:rID // Update Runner - - DELETE /runners/:rID // Delete Runner - -### Tasks -Define which script you want to make accessible via API - - #### Endpoints: - - GET /tasks // List Tasks - - GET /tasks/:tID // Get Task - - [POST,PUT] /tasks // Create Task - - [PATCH, PUT] /tasks/:tID // Update Task - - DELETE /tasks/:tID // Delete Task - -### Jobs -Execute a script and retrieve output - - #### Endpoints: - - GET /tasks/:tID/jobs // List Jobs - - GET /tasks/:tID/jobs/:jID // Get Job - - [POST,PUT] /tasks/:tID/jobs // Create Tasks +```helm install -f myvalues.yaml kriten/kriten```