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Build a Pipeline

qimingj edited this page Nov 8, 2018 · 19 revisions

This page describes how to author pipelines and components, and submit them to the Pipeline system to run.

We suggest using JupyterHub that is installed in the same cluster as the pipeline system to author pipelines and components. Below are the steps.

  • Following instructions to deploy a Pipeline cluster and run kubectl proxy to connect to the cluster. You should see Pipelines UI.
  • Click "Notebooks" in the left menu. If it is the first time you visit JupyterHub, you need to sign in with any user name (password can be blank). Then you need to click "Spawn" button to create a new instance. After a few minutes, you will see Jupyter UI.
  • Download the notebooks from
  • Upload the notebooks from Jupyter UI.

Open the uploaded notebooks and make sure you are on Python3 (Python version at top right corner). You can run the notebooks now.

Note: The notebooks don't work on Jupyters outside the same cluster, because the Python library it uses communicates with Pipeline system through in-cluster service names.

Create a python3 environment

Python 3.5 or above is required. If you don't have Python3 set up, we suggest the following steps to install Miniconda.

In a Debian/Ubuntu/Cloud shell environment:

apt-get update; apt-get install -y wget bzip2

In a Windows environment, download the installer and make sure you select "Add Miniconda to my PATH environment variable" option during the installation.

In a Mac environment, download the installer and run the following command:


Create a clean python3 environment:

conda create --name mlpipeline python=3.6
source activate mlpipeline

If the conda command is not found, be sure to add the Miniconda path:


Install the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK

Run the following:

pip3 install --upgrade

After successful installation the command "dsl-compile" should be added to your PATH.

Compile the samples

The pipelines are written in Python, but they must be compiled to an intermediate representation before submitting to the Kubeflow pipelines service.

dsl-compile --py [path/to/py/file] --output [path/to/output/tar.gz]

For example:

dsl-compile --py [ML_REPO_DIRECTORY]/samples/basic/ --output [ML_REPO_DIRECTORY]/samples/basic/sequential.tar.gz

Deploy the samples

Upload the generated .tar.gz file through the Kubeflow pipelines UI.

Advanced: Build your own components

See how to build your own pipeline components.

Developer Guide

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