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Releases: kubepack/swift


08 Sep 18:12
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0.2.0-rc.0 is now marked as 0.2.0. Keep Swift-ing!

Download Docker images via:

docker pull appscode/swift:0.2.0


31 Aug 07:51
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Wheel has been renamed to Swift, because it gets you Tiller Swift. :) Swift 0.2.0-rc.0 makes some backward incompatible api changes. To install/upgrade, please visit here.

Download Docker images via:

docker pull appscode/swift:0.2.0-rc.0

Notable Changes

  • Removes List Releases API. The URL path for this api could conflict with the GetHistory api. The replacement should be to use SummarizeReleases api. #24
  • Changes status_codes parameter type to string in SummarizeReleases API. Supported values are UNKNOWN, DEPLOYED, DELETED, SUPERSEDED, FAILED, DELETING. all field has been added to request object of this proto. This allows to get all releases (including deleted but not purged ones) without specifying all the status codes. #33
  • Adds option to format release values as json in ReleaseContent API. #34
  • Deployment scripts now mount an EmptyDir at /tmp path. This is used as scratch volume to store downloaded chart archives files. The downloaded files are also deleted, after request is served. Previously we cached the chart-archive files, but two different releases may have same chart-archive file name with different content. This improves storage performance. #35, #36

What's Next
Unless there are major bugs reported, this will be upgraded to 0.2.0 next week.


06 Aug 11:56
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First public release of Wheel. To install, please visit here.

Download Docker images via:

docker pull appscode/wheel:0.1.0

Notable Features

  • JSON proxy for Helm Tiller apis. Tested with Helm 2.5.0 .
  • Supports connecting to Tiller server in 3 different modes.
  • Install and update api uses chart tarballs instead of binary chart objects.
  • Includes a npm ready Javascript client using promises.