The Microsoft Provider uses the MSAL.js 2.0 library provided by Microsoft for authenticating against Azure Active Directory or Microsoft Personal Accounts, or an on-premise Active Directory with Federation Services.
The configuration options for angularx-social-login are a subset of the MSAL configuration options documented here. The clientId for the registered application is the first argument provided when initializing the MicrosoftLoginProvider:
id: MicrosoftLoginProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
provider: new MicrosoftLoginProvider('__CLIENT_ID__', {
redirect_uri: 'https://localhost:4200',
logout_redirect_uri: 'https://localhost:4200/logout'
The second argument can have the following fields (all fields are optional):
Field | Type | Description | Default Value |
authority | string | The authority URL like https://{uri}/{tenantid} |
'' |
scopes | string[] | Scopes requested during login | ['openid', 'email', 'profile', 'User.Read'] |
redirect_uri | string | The configured redirect URL for the registered application | location.origin |
logout_redirect_uri | string | The logout URL that the user is returned to after logging out | location.href |
knownAuthorities | string[] | An array of valid authority URL | null (all authorities are valid) |
protocolMode | ProtocolMode | The protocol to use, AAD or OIDC | ProtocolMode.AAD |
clientCapabilities | string[] | Array of capabilities to be added to all network requests as part of the xms_cc claims request | null |
cacheLocation | string | Location of token cache in browser | 'sessionStorage' |