Command line utility that extracts the methods of classes in a JAR file. Filtering by a variety of class types and modifiers is supported. Useful if you ever need to know what is in a JAR - especially when you want to explore a public API and don't have the Javadocs.
ant clean build dist
java -jar jar-enumerator.jar android.jar -skipNative -skipVarargs -skipInterface -skipAbstract -skipNonStatic -skipMethodsWithNonConcreteParams
java -jar dist/jar-enumerator.jar -h
usage: jar-enumerator <input JAR> [zero or more filtering args listed below]
Skips static methods
Skips non-static methods
Skips final methods
Skips native methods
Skips synthetic methods
Skips methods that have a varargs parameter
Skips bridge methods
Skips interface classes
Skips abstract classes
Skips any methods that have non-concrete (abstract, interface, etc.) parameters
Shows return types and modifiers (public, abstract, etc.) of methods when printing.