tar -xvzf PScout.tar.gz in <PScout_DIR> source bin/setup_env
Install XML::Simple (if not installed already) sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell install XML::Simple
PScout directory contents: <PScout_DIR>/bin - various scripts used in the analysis <PScout_DIR>/soot - soot analysis programs of java class files
- <android_version>_allmappings: API calls (both documented and undocumented) to permission mapping
- <android_version>_publishedapimapping: documented API calls to permission mapping
- <android_version>_intentpermissions: intents with permission
- <android_version>_contentproviderpermission: content provider (URI string "content://") with permission
- <android_version>_contentproviderfieldpermission: content provider (URI field) with permission
mkdir <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR> # create new directory under <PScout_DIR> cd <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR> ../bin/setupanalysis.sh <ANDROID_DIR> # <ANDROID_DIR> is the root directory of the Android source code (should be already complied with lunch full-eng) # performs steps 1-3 described in the following "Detailed Analysis Steps Section" testsetup # step 4 (a few seconds) ../bin/dumpclass.sh # step 5 (~half a day) ../bin/postprocess_1.sh # steps 6-11 (a few minutes) ../bin/intentpermissioncheck.sh # step 12 (~half a day) ../bin/postprocess_2.sh # step 12-16 (a few minutes)
1: Get the relevant class files from the android build <ANDROID_DIR> root directory
Put all classes in a new directory <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR> under <PScout_DIR> ../bin/getclasses.pl <ANDROID_DIR> ../bin/extractjar.sh rm -f *.jar
Create a list of class name ../bin/createclasslist.sh under <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR>
2: Parse all AndroidManifest.xml files (in ANDROID_DIR) for permission information
Under <ANDROID_DIR> run the following: find -name AndroidManifest.xml > manifestlist <PScout_DIR>/bin/parseandroidmanifest.pl > manifestpermission
grep ^contents:// manifestpermission | grep -v grantUriPermissions | sort -u > contentproviderpermission sed -i 's/^contents/content/' contentproviderpermission mv contentproviderpermission <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR>
grep ^PROVIDER: manifestpermission | sort -u > providerauth mv providerauth <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR>
grep ^Intent: manifestpermission | sort -u > intentpermission sed -i 's/^Intent://' intentpermission mv intentpermission <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR>
Note: At this point, unless otherwise specified, all commands in future steps should be executed under <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR>
3: Generate list of permissions to be analyzed by PScout
Create list of permissions available to 3rd party applications ../bin/parsepermission.pl <ANDROID_DIR>/frameworks/base/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml > permissions
Output files:
- permissions
4: Testing setup
runsoot dump.DumpClass com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone under <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR>
If you see Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: couldn't find class: com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone$1 (is your soot-class-path set properly?) do the following: ../bin/compileemptyclass.pl com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone$1
If setting is correct, there should be no errors.
5: SOOT dump class information (this step should take ~day to finish)
Output files:i
- classhierarchy
- rawcallgraph
- permissionstringusage
- message
- handlemessageswitch
- rpcmethod
- clearrestoreuid
- urifield
- modify the classlist file to change the list of class files to be processed (useful if computer died(?) in the middle of an analysis)
- the file 'processed' stores the list of classes examined so far
- run 'wc processed' to get an idea on the progress (# of lines = # classes processed)
6: Build basic call graph
../bin/buildcallgraph.pl | sort -u > callgraph
Output files:
- callgraph
7: Create message sending edges ../bin/analyzemessages.pl > sendmessagecallgraphedges
Output files
- sendmessagecallgraphedges
8: AIDL RPC ../bin/createrpcedge.pl > aidlcallgraphedges ../bin/removerpcedge.pl > callgraphnorpc
9: String permission checks ../bin/analyzepermissionusage.pl > pchk ../bin/formatpermissioncheck.pl
Output files:
- stringpermissioncheck
- sendreceivepermissioncheck
10: Uri permission checks ../bin/analyzeurifield.pl > contentprovidercheck
- contentprovidercheck
- contentproviderfieldpermission
11: SOOT Intents with "dynamic" send/receive permission ../bin/intentwithpermission.sh ../bin/analyzeintent.pl > intentwithdynamicpermission cat intentpermission intentwithdynamicpermission > intentpermissions
- intentwithdynamicpermission
- intentpermissions
12: SOOT Intent permission check (~day) ../bin/intentpermissioncheck.sh ../bin/analyzeintentcheck.pl > intentpermissioncheck
- intentpermissioncheck
13: API mapping
cp <ANDROID_DIR>/frameworks/base/api/current.xml <ANDROID_CLASS_DIR> Note: when analyzing android 4.0, copy current.txt instead
../bin/broadcaststickycheck.pl > broadcaststickycheck ../bin/apimapping.pl > API
Output files:
- permissionreachedprovider
14: New content permission requirement found from first apimapping.pl pass
../bin/analyzereachedprovider.pl > reachedcontentproviderpermission ../bin/analyzeurifield.pl > contentproviderdynamiccheck
15: Second (final) API mapping
../bin/apimapping.pl > API grep -e ^Permission -e Callers: -e ^< API > allmappings
Output files:
- allmappings
- publishedapimapping
16: Generate some basic stats
../bin/generatestats.pl > stats
Output files:
- stats