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Developing ansible-role-netbox

Thanks for your interest in helping develop this role.

Workflow Summary

For any large feature requests, please open an issue to discuss it in further detail before working on it.

  1. Fork on Github.
  2. Clone your fork locally and create a new feature/issue branch (e.g. git checkout -b feature/fix-some-bug).
  3. Make required changes and test locally if appropriate (see below). Try to keep your commits concise and relevant (either amend or squash your commits if you're fixing typos or something minor).
  4. Regularly push your changes to Github and make sure CI tests pass on Travis. a. You may need to login to with your Github account and enable tests for your forked repository.
  5. Once you feel your branch is ready, open a pull request.

Setting up a local development/testing environment

You'll need to install the following to develop/test locally.

Setup Vagrant additions

Vagrant when working with molecule requires python-vagrant installed

$ pip install python-vagrant


Molecule is used to run tests locally (these can be integrated into the CI pipeline however not done for this project at this point in time), currently this project only implements vagrant/virtualbox testing.

Under the molecule directory contains testing scenarios, in this case there is a single default senario using vagrant and virtualbox, howver you may want to add your own in addition to the defaul, i.e. if you use parallels vm or you want to use docker. Please see molecule documentaton for more details.

└── default
    ├── molecule.yml
    ├── playbook.yml
    ├── prepare.yml
    ├── requirements.yml
    └── tests

molecule.yml - defines how the tests are run, linting is enabled/disabled from here, what images are used etc.

playbook.yml - actual playbook that gets run during converge

prepare.yml - any setups here that get executed as part of the prepare stage, do not modify when vagrant is used as the scenarios method as there are known issues.

requirements.yml - any external role dependancey go here.

tests - all tests live under here

Running tests locally

NOTE: please note that all molecule commands listed are executed from the root of the project directory.

Mostly you will (or should be doing):

  1. define a test
  2. make changes to your code
  3. run the suite of tests under the default scenario to make sure everything passes

Tests are written using testinfra and are locally in file.

below is an example testing required services are running and enabled. If either of the two assets fail for any of the three services the test will fail.

def test_services(host):
    services = [
    for service in services:
        s = host.service(service)
        assert s.is_enabled
        assert s.is_running

Easiest way to perform all the required steps and tests is:

molecule test

This will perform all the correct sequences

However you may want to manually run indiviual stages to troubleshoot the code changes.

Troubleshooting the role under test

To troublshoot a failed molecule test you can first start with a clean slate

molecule destroy

Then converge the environment via molecule converge command.

The converge will provision the test machine and then apply the role, but will not run any tests beside lint (if enabled), however unlike the molecule test command, when it completes it will still keep the vagrant environment up and running so you can:

  1. execute the suite of default tests via the molecule verify or molecule indempotent
  2. allows you to log into the vagrant machine and poke around. molecule login

To re-setup/reprovision the test environment, first perform molecule destroy then molecule converge

What tests can you do locally?

(Please refer to molecule documentation for more details)

Self Check molecule scenario

helpful if you make changes to anything under the scenario

molecule check


YAML Lint checking Ansible Lint checking

These can be enabled/disabled in molecule.yml (currently disabled)

molecule lint


molecule syntax


molecule idempotence

Side effects

molecule side-effect