We have seen that tactics provide a powerful language for describing and constructing proofs. Care is required: a proof that is a long string of tactic applications can be very hard to read and maintain. But when combined with the various structuring mechanisms that Lean’s proof language has to offer, they provide efficient means for filling in the details of a proof. The goal of this chapter is to add some additional tactics to your repertoire.
[This chapter is still under construction.]
Just as the cases
tactic performs proof by cases on an element of an
inductively defined type, the induction
tactic performs a proof by
induction. As with the cases
tactic, the with
clause allows you to
name the variables and hypotheses that are introduced. Also as with
the cases
tactic, the induction
tactic will revert any hypotheses
that depend on the induction variable and then reintroduce them for
you automatically. The following examples prove the commutativity of
addition on the natural numbers, using only the defining equations for
addition (in particular, the property add_succ
, which asserts that
x + succ y = succ (x + y)
for every x
and y
import data.nat
namespace hide
open nat
theorem zero_add (x : ℕ) : 0 + x = x :=
induction x with x ih,
{exact rfl},
rewrite [add_succ, ih]
theorem succ_add (x y : ℕ) : succ x + y = succ (x + y) :=
induction y with y ih,
{exact rfl},
rewrite [add_succ, ih]
theorem add.comm (x y : ℕ) : x + y = y + x :=
induction x with x ih,
{show 0 + y = y + 0, by rewrite zero_add},
show succ x + y = y + succ x,
induction y with y ihy,
{krewrite zero_add},
rewrite [succ_add, ih]
-- END
end hide
(For the use of krewrite
here, see the end of Chapter Tactic-Style
The induction tactic can be used not only with the induction
principles that are created automatically when an inductive type is
defined, but also induction principles that prove on their own. For
example, recall that the standard library defines the type finset A
of finite sets of elements of any type A
. Typically, we assume A
has decidable equality, which means in particular that we can decide
whether an element a : A
is a member of a finite set s
. Clearly, a
property P
holds for an arbitrary finite set when it holds for the
empty set and when it is maintained for a finite set s
after a new
element a
, that was not previosly in s
, is added to s
. This is
encapsulated by the following principle of induction:
open finset
namespace hide
theorem finset.induction {A : Type} [h : decidable_eq A] {P : finset A → Prop}
(H₁ : P finset.empty)
(H₂ : ∀ ⦃a : A⦄ {s : finset A}, a ∉ s → P s → P (insert a s))
: (∀ s, P s)
-- END
:= sorry
end hide
To use this as an induction principle, one has to mark it with the
attribute [recursor 6]
, which tells the induction tactic that this
is a user defined induction principle in which induction is carried
out on the sixth argument. This is done in the standard library. Then,
when induction is carried out on an element of finset
, the induction
tactic finds the relevant principle.
import data.finset data.nat
open finset nat
variables (A : Type) [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
include deceqA
theorem card_add_card (s₁ s₂ : finset A) : card s₁ + card s₂ = card (s₁ ∪ s₂) + card (s₁ ∩ s₂) :=
induction s₂ with a s₂ hs₂ ih,
show card s₁ + card (∅:finset A) = card (s₁ ∪ ∅) + card (s₁ ∩ ∅),
by rewrite [union_empty, card_empty, inter_empty],
show card s₁ + card (insert a s₂) = card (s₁ ∪ (insert a s₂)) + card (s₁ ∩ (insert a s₂)),
from sorry
The proof is carried out by induction on s₂
. According to the with
clause, the inductive step concerns the set insert a s₂
in place of
, hs₂
denotes the assuption a ∉ s₂
, and ih
denotes the
inductive hypothesis. (The full proof can be found in the library.) If
necessary, we can specify the induction principle manually:
import data.finset data.nat
open finset nat
variables (A : Type) [deceqA : decidable_eq A]
include deceqA
theorem card_add_card (s₁ s₂ : finset A) : card s₁ + card s₂ = card (s₁ ∪ s₂) + card (s₁ ∩ s₂) :=
induction s₂ using finset.induction with a s₂ hs₂ ih,
show card s₁ + card (∅:finset A) = card (s₁ ∪ ∅) + card (s₁ ∩ ∅),
by rewrite [union_empty, card_empty, inter_empty],
show card s₁ + card (insert a s₂) = card (s₁ ∪ (insert a s₂)) + card (s₁ ∩ (insert a s₂)),
from sorry
-- END
The tactic subst
substitutes a variable defined in the context, and
clears both the variable and the hypothesis. The tactic substvars
substitutes all the variables in the context.
import data.nat
open nat
variables a b c d : ℕ
example (Ha : a = b + c) : c + a = c + (b + c) :=
by subst a
example (Ha : a = b + c) (Hd : d = b) : a + d = b + c + d :=
by subst [a, d]
example (Ha : a = b + c) (Hd : d = b) : a + d = b + c + d :=
by substvars
example (Ha : a = b + c) (Hd : b = d) : a + d = d + c + d :=
by substvars
example (Hd : b = d) (Ha : a = b + c) : a + d = d + c + d :=
by substvars
A number of tactics are designed to help construct elements of
inductive types. For example constructor <i>
constructs an element of an
inductive type by applying the ith constructor; constructor
applies the first constructor that succeeds. The tactic split
only be applied to inductive types with only one constructor, and is
then equivalent to constructor 1
. Similarly, left
and right
designed for use with inductive types with two constructors, and are
then equivalent to constructor 1
and constructor 2
respectively. Here are prototypical examples:
variables p q : Prop
example (Hp : p) (Hq : q) : p ∧ q :=
by split; exact Hp; exact Hq
example (Hp : p) (Hq : q) : p ∧ q :=
by split; repeat assumption
example (Hp : p) : p ∨ q :=
by constructor; assumption
example (Hq : q) : p ∨ q :=
by constructor; assumption
example (Hp : p) : p ∨ q :=
by constructor 1; assumption
example (Hq : q) : p ∨ q :=
by constructor 2; assumption
example (Hp : p) : p ∨ q :=
by left; assumption
example (Hq : q) : p ∨ q :=
by right; assumption
The tactic existsi
is similar to constructor 1
, but it
allows us to provide an argument, as is commonly done with when
introducing an element of an exists
or sigma
import data.nat
open nat
example : ∃ x : ℕ, x > 2 :=
by existsi 3; exact dec_trivial
example (B : ℕ → Type) (b : B 2) : Σ x : ℕ, B x :=
by existsi 2; assumption
The injection
tactic makes use of the fact that constructors to an
inductive type are injective:
import data.nat
open nat
example (x y : ℕ) (H : succ x = succ y) : x = y :=
by injection H with H'; exact H'
example (x y : ℕ) (H : succ x = succ y) : x = y :=
by injection H; assumption
The first version gives the name the consequence of applying
injectivity to the hypothesis H
. The second version lets Lean choose
the name.
The tactics reflexivity
, symmetry
, and transitivity
work not
just for equality, but also for any relation with a corresponding
theorem marked with the attribute refl
, symm
, or trans
respectively. Here is an example of their use:
variables (A : Type) (a b c d : A)
example (H₁ : a = b) (H₂ : c = b) (H₃ : c = d) : a = d :=
by transitivity b; assumption; transitivity c; symmetry; assumption; assumption
The contradiction
tactic closes a goal when contradictory hypotheses
have been derived:
variables p q : Prop
example (Hp : p) (Hnp : ¬ p) : q :=
by contradiction
Similarly, exfalso
and trivial
implement “ex falso quodlibet” and
the introduction rule for true
, respectively.
Combinators are used to combine tactics. The most basic one is the
combinator, written with a semicolon (;
), which applies tactics
The par
combinator, written with a vertical bar (|
), tries one tactic and then the other,
using the first one that succeeds. The repeat
tactic applies a
tactic repeatedly. Here is an example of these in use:
example (a b c d : Prop) : a ∧ b ∧ c ∧ d ↔ d ∧ c ∧ b ∧ a :=
apply iff.intro,
repeat (intro H; repeat (cases H with [H', H] | apply and.intro | assumption))
Here is another one:
import data.set
open set function eq.ops
variables {X Y Z : Type}
lemma image_comp (f : Y → X) (g : X → Y) (a : set X) : (f ∘ g) ' a = f ' (g ' a) :=
set.ext (take z,
(assume Hz,
obtain x Hx₁ Hx₂, from Hz,
by repeat (apply mem_image | assumption | reflexivity))
(assume Hz,
obtain y [x Hz₁ Hz₂] Hy₂, from Hz,
by repeat (apply mem_image | assumption | esimp [comp] | rewrite Hz₂)))
Finally, some tactics can be used to “debug” a tactic proof by
printing output to the screen when Lean is run from the command
line. The command trace
produces the given output, state
shows the
current goal, now
fails if there are any current goals, and
check_expr t
displays the type of the expression in the context of
the current goal.
open tactic
theorem tst {A B : Prop} (H1 : A) (H2 : B) : A :=
by (trace "first"; state; now |
trace "second"; state; fail |
trace "third"; assumption)
Other tactics can be used to manipulate goals. For example,
or rotate_right
followed by a number rotates through
the goals. The tactic rotate
is equivalent to rotate_left