New materials
- array
- hashtable
- linkedlist
- stack
- Heap (priority queue)
- ordered set
- dp
- math
- dfs
- bfs
- sorting
- merge sort
- topological sort
- greedy
- tree (binary tree)
- binary search
- matrix
- two pointers
- bit manipulation
- backtracking
- graph
- simulation
- prefix sum
- sliding window
- union find
- counting
- recursion
- bst
- trie
- monotonic stack
- monotonic queue
- dc
- bitmask
- hash function
- segment tree
- interactiveenumeration
- string matching
- data stream
- binary indexed tree
- rolling hash
- randomized
- shortest path
- combinatorics
- iterator
- concurrency
- number theory
- bucket sort
- mst
- counting sort
- Quick select
- suffix array
- shell
- line sweep
- Reservoir sampling
- strongly connected components
- eulerian circuit
- radix sort
- rejection sampling
- biconnneted components
- Cherry Pickup
745- Prefix and Suffix Search
Useful algo link
All problems(including locked; Company-oriented)
System design additional :
- MIT 6.006: Introduction to Algorithms
- MIT 6.824: Distributed Systems
- Berkeley cs162: Operating Systems
- CMU 15-213: csapp; Computer system
S.M.Sze: 半導體原件物理,Physics of Semiconductor Device Hust: 分子生物学 J: 无机化学
书: csapp ddia 百面机器学习算法工程师带你去面试 LeetCode101
其实后来总结了一下,要想系统性学习并了解所有,要学: (also: ref)
- C语言
- OS
- 编译原理
- 组成原理(龙书和虎书)
- 数据库原理
- 很多选择, 一次只能选一个,要选很多,就是backtracking
- 参数有一个中间态