- fixed GetPyxVerion when not has 'execute'
tab drop problem
in legacy vim - better lightline schemes
- leaderf popup ratio
- leaderf grep postion keeped on right if not has
orfloating window
- Better register insert
- Easymotion, within line jump
- far.vim
- fern.vim as tree_browser
- search_tool using leaderf or fzf
- auto choose yes to kill job when confirm quit termina
- install plunins in to $ADD_PATH by default
- leaderf as default fuzzy_finder when with +python3 support, otherwise fzf or ctrlp
- fix coc.nvim vsplitly open definition declaration etc.
- Copy && Paste using tmux
- fzf yank
- leaderf jumps
- optimize search_tool
- coc-explorer keep in buffer when opened.
- sidebar-manager intergrated.
- trace_code for coc.nvim according to gitter chat.
- vscode-neovim intergration
- GrepperSearch, with the best search tool
- leaderf paste/yank
- rewrite gitroot getfile functions
- nvim-dap
- dir diff config
- telescope registers
- start repl if not started before send above/below/all lines
- open TODO.md in b:git_root_dir
- tree-sitter back, for python/markdown/vim at first, enter is used for range selection using treesitter
adjuest vimspector UI. - cmp Ultisnips intergrated
- undotree and fundo
- workspace/symbol for lsp
replace telescope with fzf-lua when UNIX, withfzf.vim
- Intergrated leaderf-registers, fzf-registers, leaderf-tabs, fzf-tabs
- zfvimignore config, using .wildignore
- window vertical resize
- floaterm run reuse
- quickui preview window size.
- mason-nvim-dap
- run floaterm_right in order to use
- fzfdiagnostic in windows.
- quit terminal.
- Ale show message
- enhanced grep! using rg
- coc-fzf toggle preview shortcut.
- lsp-lens.nvim or symbol-usage.nvim for cmp/nvim-lsp codeaction.
- symbol-tags-search lsp check update.
- leaderf TODO/NOTE bug
- Neoformat, config like REPLFloaterm. using Q
- nnoremap
- xnoremap
- registers enhanced, using to copy to alphatical registers
- leaderf git
- update vim-which-key
- wilder.nvim or change wildmode settings -> longest,full
- nvim-dap conifg,
- plan to load vscode config [https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-dap/blob/master/doc/dap.txt#L372]
- daptab
- to reset dap and close daptab.
- load dap.json
- pause and mv to daptab
- <F7/F8> mv between breakpoints.
- optimize open json config.
- ai editor cursor config
- jupynium.nvim.
- local
- remote url
- Add ctrl-e to edit command in FzfCallCommands
- neoconf
- imap enhanced
- vimspector preview template in WINDOWS()
- leaderf gtags bug
- targets.vim bug
- yank optimize
- delete lsp_zero
- Expand function
- run reuse
- wilder.nvim && cmp-cmdline
- lsp codelens warn bug
- tabline add nr
- glance -> lspui
- grep command replace bug, using g:grepper_word
- CocAction return value
fzflsp -> fzfx.nvim or fzf-lua -
cmp problem -
vim's unamed registers - lightline modified
- run script in qf and show in lightline, refer albertomontesg/lightline-asyncrun
- suppress E5108 error messages
- LeaderfSeach with as optinal second parameter
fzfrg put files side by side with lines, using fzf --nth -
show current tab's all buffers in tabline, may using smart tab line width - search using 3 different entries: /, , s
- yank from file begin to current cursor postion
- config gopls in cmp || coc
- nvim-dap run to cursor
- delance
- jessekelighine/vindent.vim
- use native vim.lsp command instead of LspUI.
- FzfSearch Command optimize, 3 levels, Git/Project/Current.
- show/yank current dir/file/path
- codecompanion.nvim
- tab nr highlighting group
- vim-fern in popup || floating_window
- git branch icons
- Fzf --no-sort option for different commands
- find conflicts using Git/Project/Current path.
- R.exe exepath in windows
- write fzf-startify
- vim-funky
- open bug
- preview funky
- multi buffers
- jump to another window bug
FunkyAll not show buffer modified bug, actually should do w! before funky functions -
ctrlp intergrated, using funky#qf#show() instead - README
- deploy to github
- vim-floaterm-repl updates.
- use as prefix key
- update repl_floaterm block send command. Updated with Find_Side
- send block, but keep cusor position, NOTE:fixed by Find_Side function
- g:repl_floaterm_block_mark find without textobj.
- if REPL started, send enter in repl terminal. If not start REPL.
- g:repl_floaterm_clear for each ft
- g:repl_floaterm_quit for each ft
- send current word to terminal.
- mark content, and resend/show marked content if
installed - README
- deploy to github
- fzf-registers
- blink
- vista
- icons bug in windows-terminal
- open shortcuts
- ctags enhanced, according to zhihu user
- vim-plug
- floating or popup window.
- use
to load plugins - mix
- vim-zeal
- view document in (neo)vim
- rewrite readme
- introduce video