- Install dependencies for
yarn setup
As of now we use Node.js
- Run the extension locally
yarn dev # default chrome
yarn dev:chrome # for chrome
yarn dev:firefox # for firefox
This command will build and watch the extension and run the
in parallel mode and when they are ready it will launch the chrome/firefox private instance with extension installed
Hack away!
Open a Pull Request from your fork to our repo once it is done or need a review.
If you use Linux you can run source .envrc
for some useful commands
-c: for chrome, -f: firefox, (chrome is default)
- Setup extension and test project Dependencies
- Chrome
npm run build:chrome
- Firefox
npm run build:firefox
- The code must be linted and properly formatted, that can be easily done with the right IDE -- I use JetBrains WebStorm. Perhaps some git hooks would come in handy in the future.
- Every feature needs to take into account the Meteor community as a whole and not the interest of a few in detriment of others.
- Be friendly and supportive, no one is perfect, and we all have limited time, especially in these difficult times.