- Book room function
- Get data from API
- Display data in room booking page
- Check user Login status
- Submit user's booking information to the database
- Show the booking history in user's booking history page
- checkout page (to make final booking and do payment)
- include encryption
- Merge the Auto filling method in the project
alert windows for incorrect login/register
- Email input is empty
- Password input is empty
- Check-Password is different to Password
- Password is not strong enough
- email already exist
Show the recommended hotels
- in the home page
Modify our front-end pages' style
- Unit Testing
- search_for_hotels():
- search_for_rooms():
- check_booking_history():
- booking_cancellation():
- UI Testing
- login and register (test for part 2's additional Functions )
- Auto filling method
- Book a room
- Cancel a booking