A demo on LIUM ILP clustering
LIUM_SpkDiarization is a software dedicated to speaker diarization (ie speaker segmentation and clustering)
Homepage: http://www-lium.univ-lemans.fr/diarization/doku.php/welcome
Download http://www-lium.univ-lemans.fr/diarization/doku.php/download
1)glpk for ILP clustering: http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/
2)UBM and models http://www-lium.univ-lemans.fr/diarization/lib/exe/fetch.php/data_ilp.tgz
After download LIUM, UBM and other models, put them in this folder, you should have following file structure, then just $./go.sh, output segmetns will be in test_out folder
|-- LIUM_SpkDiarization-8.4.1.jar
|-- go.sh
|-- ilp_diarization2.sh
|-- README.md
|-- mat
| |-- wld.efn.xml
| |-- wld.mahanalobis.mat
| `-- wld.tv.mat
|-- models
| |-- gender.gmms
| |-- s.gmms
| |-- sms.gmms
| `-- ubm.gmm
|-- test_out
|-- test_wav
| `-- t001.wav
`-- ubm
`-- wld.gmm
Details are in ilp_diarization2.sh