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Jonathan Gamble edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 7 revisions
  • Install elasticsearch 7.x.x

    no special config necessary, we'll use the default port 9200

  • Setup lila-gif (for game result thumbnails):

    git clone
    cd lila-gif
    cargo run

    ./target/debug/lila-gif is the binary that cargo builds & runs

  • Setup lila-search:

    git clone
    cd lila-search
    sbt stage

    sbt run doesn't currently work for lila-search which is why we use stage build. probably fixed by the time you read this.

  • Add the following line to lila/conf/application.conf:

    search.enabled = true
  • IMPORTANT! Once lila-search and elasticsearch are running but before playing / analyzing any games on lila, you must do this:

    curl -XPOST http://localhost:9673/mapping/game
  • Now you can startup lila, login as the lichess user, go to /dev/cli, and run these commands:

    forum search reset
    team search reset
    study search reset

You should now be able to search. Games are added to the index only when they are completed or analyzed (by computer), so it may take you awhile to build up a decent sized index for them.