lein deps && lein jar
If you are using it as a library within your project using lein: add [clojure-rabbitmq "0.2.1"] to the dependencies list in your project.clj
(ns rabbitmq-publisher-test
(:require [org.clojars.rabbitmq :as rabbitmq]))
(defonce conn-map {:username "guest"
:password "guest"
:host "localhost"
:port 5672
:virtual-host "/"
:type "direct"
:exchange "sorting-room"
:queue "po-box"
:durable true
:routing-key "<somekey>"})
(def c (ref 0))
(defonce connection (connect conn-map))
(let [[conn channel] connection]
(rabbitmq/bind-channel conn-map channel)
(println "rabbitmq publishing:" (format "message%d" @c))
(rabbitmq/publish conn-map channel (format "message%d" @c))))
Also See example/publisher.clj
and example/consumer.clj
for usage.
To test connection to the rabbitmq server, run: example/test-connection.clj
To test publishing of messages, run: example/publisher.clj
(rabbitmq/connect connection-map) -> [connection channel]
(rabbitmq/bind-channel connection-map channel) -> bool
(rabbitmq/publish connection-map channel message) -> bool
(rabbitmq/consume-wait connection-map channel) -> message
(rabbitmq/consume-poll connection-map channel) -> message
(rabbitmq/disconnect connection channel)
Note: The consumer part of the client and other utils are still under development