Definition: a bibliographic record, describing a real world object, like a book, an article, a journal, etc. The equivalent of the FRBR manifestation.[ID]
class | use |
dct:BibliographicResource | for all resources |
bibo:Article | for journal articles |
bibo:Book | for monographes |
bibo:Manuscript | for manuscripts |
bibo:Periodical | for periodicals (journals, revues, etc.) |
bibo:Proceedings | for conference proceedings |
bibo:Series | for series, collections |
bibo:Thesis | for thesis and dissertations |
bibo:Website | for websites |
property | use* | datatype | content |
bf:instanceOf | where possible | URI | Work(s) of which the resource is an instance (Swissbib URI from entity work ) |
bibo:edition | where possible | string | Edition statement and responsibility statement |
bibo:isbn10 | where possible | string | ISBN in 13 digits |
bibo:isbn13 | where possible | string | ISBN in 10 characters |
bibo:issn | where possible | string | ISSN |
dbo:originalLanguage | where possible | URI | Original anguage of the resource (Lexvo URI) |
dc:format | where possible | string | Physical description (extent, other physical details, dimensions, accompanying material) |
dct:alternative | where possible | string | Alternative title (incl. number and name of part) |
dct:bibliographicCitation | where possible | string | Series statement or note about host item |
dct:contributor | where possible | URI | Main or secondary author(s) (Swissbib URI from entity person or organisation) |
dct:hasPart | where possible | string | Parts of the resource (i.e. titles, ev. statements of responsibility and numbering) |
dct:isPartOf | where possible | URI | Host item, mainly used for journal articles (Swissbib URI from entity bibliographicResource) |
dct:issued | every resource | string | Publication date or period |
dct:language | every resource | URI | Language(s) of the resource (Lexvo URI) |
dct:subject | where possible | URI | Subject(s) (GND URI) |
dct:title | everywhere | string | Title (incl. subtitle, number and name of part) |
rdau:P60049 | where possible | URI | RDA content type |
rdau:P60050 | where possible | URI | RDA media type |
rdau:P60051 | only for serials and integrating resources | URI | RDA mode of issuance |
rdau:P60163 | every resource | URI | Country of publication, for some data also Swiss canton of publication (Geonames URI) |
rdau:P60333 | where possible | string | Imprint (place of publication, publisher, date) |
rdau:P60339 | where possible | string | Statement of responsibility |
rdau:P60470 | where possible | string | General note about the resource |
rdau:P60489 | where possible | string | Note about the dissertation or thesis |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | everywhere | URI | Document describing the bibliographic record (Swissbib URI from entity document) |
* The use in every resource doesn't exclude some exceptions. It means that every resource should contain this data.