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724 lines (466 loc) · 43.2 KB

File metadata and controls

724 lines (466 loc) · 43.2 KB


[0.44.2] - 2025-03-03

  • Added support for serverless alerts. Parameter WAREHOUSE for object type ALERT is now optional.
  • Fixed tests for object type USER related to recent changes in output of SHOW USERS command.

[0.44.1] - 2025-02-13

  • Added workaround for AWS_SNS_TOPIC DIRECTORY parameter not being present in output of DESC STAGE command. It should be possible to use this parameter without triggering ValueError.

[0.44.0] - 2025-02-12

  • Reworked OUTBOUND_SHARE resolver. Now it supports more than 3 accounts per share. SET ACCOUNTS command was replaced with ADD ACCOUNTS and REMOVE ACCOUNTS, since SET ACCOUNTS no longer supports SHARE_RESTRICTIONS parameter.

[0.43.0] - 2025-01-31

  • Introduced action validate. It prepares and validates config, but stops right before connecting to Snowflake. It might be helpful for automated checks and git hooks.
  • Removed self.engine from application classes. Now engine is created and closed only during execute() call, but not during __init__.

This change should not have any impact, unless you have custom application classes. In this case replace with self.engine call with with self.get_engine(). Some output functions now also accept engine argument instead of relying on self.engine.

[0.42.1] - 2025-01-30

  • Prevented SnowDDL from trying to change OWNERSHIP of Notebook object. This change is explicitly not supported by Snowflake.

[0.42.0] - 2025-01-29

  • Introduced logic to .lstrip(" \n\r\t").rstrip(" \n\r\t;") from object config parameters containing SQL snippets:
    • DYNAMIC_TABLE: text;
    • MASKING_POLICY: body;
    • ROW_ACCESS_POLICY: body;
    • TASK: body;
    • VIEW: text;

This change should help to prevent issues with these characters causing SnowDDL to re-create object constantly. Affected objects might be re-created once after the update.

FUNCTION and PROCEDURE are not affected by this change, since their bodies may contain code which is not SQL.

[0.41.0] - 2025-01-26

  • Changed naming for some roles automatically created by SnowDDL to prevent collisions with native Snowflake entities, specifically DATABASE ROLES:
    • DatabaseRole -> DatabaseAccessRole
    • SchemaRole -> SchemaAccessRole
    • ShareRole -> ShareAccessRole
    • WarehouseRole -> WarehouseAccessRole

This change affects SnowDDL internals only. Config format and business logic remains the same. Names of roles in Snowflake account remain the same. Only names of files, classes and constants were changed.

[0.40.0] - 2025-01-08

  • VIEW object type is now supported as a valid target for STREAM. Streams are resolved AFTER views.
  • Added change_tracking parameter for views.
  • Added validation of change_tracking=True for EVENT_TABLE, TABLE and VIEW targeted by STREAM.
  • Reworked STREAM replace conditions. Now resolver should react to changes in object_type and object_name properly.
  • Stale streams will be suggested for replacement even if all other parameters are the same. It is especially important for streams on views.
  • Added "replace reasons" comments before CREATE OR REPLACE STREAM for better clarity. It is similar to "replace reasons" on tables.
  • Renamed technical object type EXTERNAL_VOLUME into VOLUME. It is necessary for grants to operate properly.
  • Added tests for streams.

[0.39.1] - 2025-01-06

  • Fixed error when TableResolver tries to run DESCRIBE SEARCH OPTIMIZATION on TABLE which does not exist yet.
  • Fixed error when AuthenticationPolicyResolver tries to run POLICY_REFERENCES() on USER which does not exist yet.

These changes take effect mostly during plan action and should not have noticeable impact on apply.

[0.39.0] - 2025-01-01

  • Increased default number of workers from 8 to 32.
  • Introduced basic benchmark to estimate how number of workers impacts final performance.
  • Added dependency validations for DYNAMIC_TABLE, HYBRID_TABLE, TASK, VIEW.

[0.38.0] - 2024-12-17

  • Introduced initial implementation of ICEBERG_TABLE object type. Currently only unmanaged Iceberg tables are supported.
  • Added parameters external_volume and catalog for SCHEMA object type, required for Iceberg tables to work.
  • Split script into two scripts: and The Lite version does not run tests which require complicated setup for external resources. At this moment it skips Iceberg tables.
  • Added iceberg_setup.sql for tests, helps to prepare environment for Iceberg table tests.

Managed Iceberg tables will be implemented if we see a sufficient interest from users.

[0.37.4] - 2024-12-06

  • Relaxed argument validation for oauth_snowpark authenticator.

[0.37.3] - 2024-12-06

  • Added oauth_snowpark authenticator to simplify running SnowDDL inside Snowpark containers.

[0.37.2] - 2024-12-05

  • Improved handling of new columns with default values during replace table.

[0.37.1] - 2024-12-05

  • Fixed issue with database role grants pointing to database with schema_owner ruleset.

[0.37.0] - 2024-12-04

This is a major update to config parsing and validation, which introduces some breaking changes. Read more about it.

  • Moved parsing errors from SnowDDLConfig class into individual Parser classes, now works similar to Resolvers.
  • Introduced a concept of IdentPattern. It is a special class used to define patterns to match object names in config.
  • Introduced a concept of GrantPattern. It is a special class used to define grants for objects defined by IdentPattern.
  • Significantly reworked BusinessRoleBlueprint, TechnicalRoleBlueprint, DatabaseBlueprint, SchemaBlueprint, OutboundShareBlueprint. Moved grant generation logic from parsers to resolvers. Programmatic config update is required.
  • Introduced concept of Validators running after all parsers and programmatic config to validate an entire config.
  • Moved some validations from existing parsers to validators.
  • Improved error handling while parsing config files with multiple entities. Now each entity is processed separately and may raise a separate exception.
  • Switched all calls of information_schema.policy_references() table function to SNOWFLAKE database. Other databases may not exist, especially during very first plan action.
  • Moved database role grants for shares from global_roles to share_read parameter. Currently, there are no more uses for database role grants, so thematically it makes sense.
  • Reworked StageFileBlueprint to operate using Path objects instead of strings. It helps to improve general compatibility with Windows OS.

[0.36.2] - 2024-11-28

  • Added CORTEX_SEARCH_SERVICE object types for grants.
  • Added skip logic for virtual columns when replacing table with CTAS.

[0.36.1] - 2024-11-25

  • Attempted to fix directory separator issues inside DirectoryScanneer on Windows.

[0.36.0] - 2024-11-23

  • Introduced support for both .yml and .yaml config file extensions. Previously it was only .yaml.
  • Implemented lists as possible placeholder values. Previously only scalar values were supported.
  • Changed default values for FileFormat.format_options, User.session_params, Warehouse.warehouse_params from None to {}. It should help to prevent errors when blueprints are created dynamically in code.
  • Removed .grep() calls and improved performance of config directory traversing.

[0.35.1] - 2024-11-11

  • Added skip for stage DIRECTORY property DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL. It is an informational property, should not be compared.

[0.35.0] - 2024-11-08

  • Added explicit notice when CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE is about to drop a column from table.
  • It is now possible to set is_sandbox: false on schema level when is_sandbox: true on database level.
  • Fixed ENV variable name SNOWFLAKE_ROLE.

[0.34.4] - 2024-11-03

  • Added missing conversion logic for DatabaseBlueprint when operating in SingleDB mode. It no longer prevents schemas from being dropped in this mode.

[0.34.3] - 2024-10-18

  • Added ICEBERG_TABLE object type to make it available for grants and permission models.

[0.34.2] - 2024-10-18

  • Added parameters owner_database_read, owner_database_write to DATABASE config. It only works if both current database and target database has permission model with database_owner ruleset.

[0.34.1] - 2024-10-14

  • Fixed issue with ACCOUNT-level policy references.

[0.34.0] - 2024-10-13

  • Introduced CLI option --env-prefix-separator which allows to choose separator for env prefix from one of three pre-defined variants: __, _, $. Default is __.
  • Implemented AUTHENTICATION_POLICY object type. It can be referenced from ACCOUNT_POLICY and USER configs.
  • Reworked WAREHOUSE resolver, implemented resource_constraint parameter for Snowpark-optimized warehouses.

[0.33.0] - 2024-10-11

This is a major update to policies, which introduces some breaking changes. Read more about it.

  • Introduced ACCOUNT_POLICY config to set ACCOUNT-level policies. Currently only NETWORK_POLICY is supported, but more policy types will be added in the future.
  • Reworked NETWORK_POLICY object type. Now it behaves similarly to other policies.
  • Setting NETWORK_POLICY on ACCOUNT now requires account_policy.yaml. Setting it via account_params.yaml no longer works.
  • Setting NETWORK_POLICY on USER now requires explicit network_policy parameter. Setting it via session_params no longer works.
  • It is now possible (and recommended) to assign AGGREGATION_POLICY, MASKING_POLICY, PROJECTION_POLICY, ROW_ACCESS_POLICY via config of specific TABLE or VIEW instead of mentioning all references in policy config. Old references will keep working, but marked as "deprecated" in documentation.
  • Introduced separate sequence for "destroy" action. Previously we used "apply" sequence for "destroy", but it may cause issues with some policies. Also, "destroy" sequence is much shorter overall.
  • Introduced logic to remove NETWORK_RULE references before dropping object itself. Rule cannot be dropped if it still has references.
  • NETWORK_RULE can now be ALTER-ed if only VALUES_LIST was changed. Previously network rules were always REPLACED.
  • Added type parameter for USER.

[0.32.0] - 2024-09-24

  • Introduced basic "elapsed timers" for performance debugging. Can be enabled with --show-timers CLI parameter.
  • Added basic support for VECTOR type. It can be used for TABLE, but not for FUNCTION or PROCEDURE due to issues with overloading.
  • Converting tables with auto-increment now recognizes ORDER and NOORDER flags.
  • Converting views without newline after AS is now possible.

[0.31.2] - 2024-09-05

  • Implemented custom __eq__ method to check Grants. It helps to take into account edge case for INTEGRATION object grants not returning specific integration type from SHOW GRANTS command.

[0.31.1] - 2024-09-05

  • Fixed grants on EXTERNAL ACCESS INTEGRATION trying to use full object name instead of simplified object name.
  • Reworked how simplified object type names are implemented internally. Now we have normal singular name, singular_for_ref used in context of policy references, singular_for_grant used in context of granting permissions.
  • Added more specific identifier type for ExternalAccessIntegrationBlueprint.full_name to prevent issues with env prefix and testing.
  • Fixed test for TASK related to Snowflake changing minimum value of USER_TASK_MINIMUM_TRIGGER_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS parameter.

[0.31.0] - 2024-08-16

  • Implemented share_read parameter for BUSINESS ROLE and owner_share_read parameter for DATABASE and SCHEMA.
  • Using share_read parameter now automatically generates SHARE_ROLES with IMPORTED_PRIVILEGE on specific share.
  • global_roles parameter can now accept database roles in addition to normal roles, e.g. SNOWFLAKE.OBJECT_VIEWER.

[0.30.5] - 2024-08-15

  • Added missing parameters for TASK.
  • Removed unused code and objects related to inbound SHARES. Such shares should be created manually by ACCOUNTADMIN and granted to business roles via global_roles.
  • Skipped data metric functions when reading metadata of existing FUNCTIONS.

[0.30.4] - 2024-08-05

  • Added logic to actually remove blueprints from config on remove_blueprint() call.

[0.30.3] - 2024-07-17

  • Added NOTEBOOK object type, so now it can be used for grants.

[0.30.2] - 2024-07-17

  • Allowed passing raw private key with SNOWFLAKE_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable for convenience of GitHub actions. This is an addition to original SNOWFLAKE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, but does not require creation of file.

[0.30.1] - 2024-07-15

  • Added missing to fernet package. Make sure this package is included by find: during build process.

[0.30.0] - 2024-07-14

  • Introduced built-in Fernet encryption for values in YAML configs, which is mostly useful for user passwords and various secrets.
  • Added YAML tags !encrypt and !decrypt.
  • Added ability to rotate keys for all config values encrypted with Fernet.
  • Made business_roles optional for USER object type.

[0.29.2] - 2024-07-11

  • Fixed parsing error of secrets parameter for PROCEDURE.

[0.29.1] - 2024-07-08

  • Implemented parameters match_by_column_name and include_metadata for PIPE object type.
  • Adjusted grant name parsing logic to extract arguments only from object types which support overloading.
  • Included currently unknown data types to graceful warning logic for non-conforming identifiers. It should prevent SnowDDL from terminating with exception in case of encountering manually created FUNCTION or PROCEDURE with data type like VECTOR or MAP.

[0.29.0] - 2024-06-12

  • Added property exempt_other_policies for MASKING_POLICY.
  • Added CLI option --apply-all-policy to execute SQL for all types of policies.
  • Prepared test objects for all types of policies.

[0.28.3] - 2024-06-08

  • Implemented graceful warning when encounter identifier which does not conform to SnowDDL standards while processing existing role grants. Previously it caused SnowDDL to stop with hard error.

[0.28.2] - 2024-05-28

  • Relaxed view parsing regexp in VIEW converter.

[0.28.1] - 2024-05-21

  • Refactored default permission model to init into Config class directly. No longer depends on parser.
  • Refactored DatabaseBlueprint and SchemaBlueprint to make permission_model back to string and make it optional. It should help to simplify dynamic config generation scenarios when permission models do not matter.

[0.28.0] - 2024-05-16

  • Implemented more advanced pattern matching with wildcards, which is used primarily for business roles.
  • Added new parameters for DYNAMIC_TABLE which were introduced when this object type went into General Availability.

[0.27.2] - 2024-05-09

  • Restored USAGE future grant on STAGE object type for default permission model. READ grant is still not enough to access external stages properly.

[0.27.1] - 2024-05-08

  • Granted schema OWNERSHIP privilege to DATABASE OWNER role. Unfortunately, it seems to be the only way to allow external tools to DROP schemas.

[0.27.0] - 2024-05-06

This is a major update to permissions and SnowDDL internals, which introduces some breaking changes. Read more about it.

  • Introduced a concept of "Permission model", which allows to customize create grants and future grants. Previously these grants were hardcoded.
  • Permission model can operate using default "schema owner" ruleset or new "database owner" ruleset, which is designed specifically for external ETL tools which try to create their own schemas, like Fivetran and Airbyte.
  • Changed OWNERSHIP of the following object types to schema owner role: ALERT, DYNAMIC_TABLE, EVENT_TABLE, STAGE. Previously these object types were owned by SnowDDL admin role.
  • Added new parameters for SCHEMA related to permission management: owner_warehouse_usage, owner_account_grants, owner_global_roles.
  • Added new parameters for DATABASE related to permission management: owner_integration_usage, owner_warehouse_usage, owner_account_grants, owner_global_roles.
  • Added new parameters for BUSINESS_ROLE related to permission management: database_owner, database_write, database_read.
  • Renamed TECH_ROLE to TECHNICAL_ROLE. Old configs with tech_roles parameter are still supported, no need to change anything.
  • Introduced a concept of "account grants" - special type of grants on entire account. The main difference is lack of grant "name".
  • Added an option to set custom account_grants for TECHNICAL_ROLE.
  • Reworked internals regarding future grants. Future grants are now automatically applied to existing objects on creation. Future grants on DATABASE are now supported. Previously it was only supported on SCHEMA.
  • Reworked check for exotic table types in TABLE resolver. Now it should no longer fail when Snowflake keeps adding and removing columns about exotic table types in SHOW TABLES output.
  • When trying to revoke OWNERSHIP, it will be transferred to SnowDDL admin role instead of skipping this change altogether.
  • Fixed future grants for ALERT object type.
  • Fixed blueprint class reference for HYBRID_TABLE.
  • Added better error messages when trying to convert TRANSIENT DATABASE or SCHEMA to non-TRANSIENT, or vice versa.

[0.26.0] - 2024-04-16

  • Introduced the concept of "intention cache". Initially it will be used to store and check intentions to drop or replace parent objects, so child objects can be properly resolved during "plan" action. For example, DROP TABLE command implicitly drops all table constraints, so there is no need to generate SQL commands to drop constraints.
  • Reverted explicit setting to destroy schemas in SingleDB. It should be handled automatically by "intention cache" checks.
  • Reworked HYBRID_TABLE to apply all constraints on table creation. Wait for Snowflake to resolve FOREIGN KEY issues with Hybrid Tables.

[0.25.3] - 2024-04-11

  • Added explicit setting to destroy schemas. Use it in SingleDB mode only. Do not attempt to destroy schemas in normal mode.
  • Set TARGET_DB automatic placeholder earlier, but only if --target-db argument was specified.

[0.25.2] - 2024-04-03

  • Added CLI options --refresh-stage-encryption and --refresh-secrets to SingleDB mode.

[0.25.1] - 2024-03-21

  • Prevented SingleDB mode from asking for --destroy-without-prefix CLI option which is not possible to set on "destroy" action.
  • Ensured schemas are correctly "destroyed" even when DatabaseResolver is not present in resolver sequence. Most schema objects are still being ignored.

[0.25.0] - 2024-03-20

  • Added browser-based SSO authentication (thanks to Joseph Niblo).

[0.24.0] - 2024-03-11

  • Implemented HYBRID_TABLE object type using short hash.
  • Switched depends_on implementation from list to set, which should help to avoid deduplication problem entirely.
  • Added SQL comment with specific replace reasons when replace table is required.
  • Adjusted replace table logic to avoid unnecessary type casting when data type was not changed.
  • Added some tests for HYBRID_TABLE.

[0.23.2] - 2024-03-08

  • Skipped all new fancy table types while working on normal TABLE in resolver, converter and during cloning.
  • Added explicit MONITOR, OPERATE and SELECT privileges for DYNAMIC_TABLE for schema owner role.
  • Added explicit SELECT privilege for DYNAMIC_TABLE for schema read role.
  • Updated handling of metadata for optional arguments in FUNCTION and PROCEDURE. Snowflake replaced brackets-syntax [, NUMBER] with more traditional , DEFAULT NUMBER.

You may have to run SnowDDL with flag --refresh-future-grants to apply new privileges to existing dynamic tables.

[0.23.1] - 2024-01-17

  • Added owner_integration_usage parameter for SCHEMA. It grants usage privilege to schema owner role on integrations pre-configured outside SnowDDL.

[0.23.0] - 2024-01-16

  • Added remaining parameters for TASK.
  • Added is_ordered for SEQUENCE.
  • Added converter for TASKS (thanks to Osborne Hardison).
  • Adjusted converter for TABLE to ignore event tables.
  • Fixed issue with ALTER for STAGE objects trying to apply REFRESH_ON_CREATE to existing objects, which is not allowed.

[0.22.1] - 2024-01-06

  • Added error_notification for PIPE.
  • Added tests for PIPE.

[0.22.0] - 2023-11-23

  • Added EXTERNAL_ACCESS_INTEGRATIOS and SECRETS parameters for functions and procedures.
  • Added ability to set default for function and procedure arguments.
  • Fixed issue with event tables being dropped while processing normal tables.
  • Implemented "owner" check via SHOW GRANTS for NETWORK POLICY and EXTERNAL ACCESS INTEGRATION. "Owner" column is normally not available for these objects types.
  • Added --env-admin-role CLI option.

[0.21.0] - 2023-11-01

  • Introduced custom value for application option (SnowDDL <version>) while opening Snowflake connection. Now it should be possible to find sessions created by SnowDDL using SESSIONS system view.
  • Added --query-tag CLI option to set custom QUERY_TAG session parameter.
  • Fixed pydantic deprecation warning related to __fields__.
  • Added explicit .close() call for Snowflake connection after execution of CLI commands. It should help to terminate SnowDDL sessions earlier, regardless of CLIENT_SESSION_KEEP_ALIVE parameter.

[0.20.1] - 2023-10-20

  • Added additional debug logs for VIEW resolver in attempt to diagnose rare unnecessary re-creation problem.

[0.20.0] - 2023-10-13

  • Replaced blueprint dataclasses with pydantic V2 models. Dataclasses are no longer used.
  • Introduced a lot of default parameter values for the majority of blueprints and related objects. It should make the custom code operating on config and blueprints more clear. It will also prevent this code from breaking when new optional parameters are added to blueprints.
  • Introduced black for code formatting. Reformatted entire codebase.
  • Introduced ruff for code linting. Fixed or explicitly skipped ruff warnings across the entire codebase.
  • Introduced the ability to dynamically add custom blueprints and adjust existing blueprints by placing Python modules in special config directory __custom.
  • Database names starting with __ (double underscore) will now be ignored. It is necessary to support more special config sub-directories in future.

[0.18.2] - 2023-08-16

  • When comparing grants, run REVOKE commands prior to GRANT commands. It should help to resolve issues with OWNERSHIP future grant, which should be revoked before a new OWNERSHIP grant can be added.

[0.18.1] - 2023-07-26

  • Ignore grants for object types which are currently not supported by SnowDDL.

[0.18.0] - 2023-07-18

  • Added initial implementation of table cloning while using --env-prefix argument.
  • Fixed issue with STAGE re-applying directory parameter on every run.
  • Fixed issue with DYNAMIC_TABLE re-applying target_lag parameter on every run.
  • Fixed missing change_tracking parameter for some DYNAMIC_TABLE tests.

[0.17.1] - 2023-07-16

  • Improved handling of PRIMARY_KEY when column list is being changed.

[0.17.0] - 2023-07-10

  • Implemented DYNAMIC_TABLE object type.
  • Implemented EVENT_TABLE object type (only with change_tracking parameter).

[0.16.1] - 2023-06-08

  • Do not remove accounts from OUTBOUND_SHARE if accounts parameter was not set in config. Outbound shares without explicitly defined accounts are managed by Snowflake Marketplace.

[0.16.0] - 2023-05-08

  • Implemented custom YAML tag !include, which allows to load specific config parameters from external files. It helps to maintain proper syntax highlight for SQL snippets (such as VIEW text) and bodies of Java / Scala / Python UDFs.
  • Added more tests for PROCEDURE object type.

[0.15.0] - 2023-05-03

  • Switched from packaging via legacy to pyproject.toml and setup.cfg.

[0.14.4] - 2023-04-22

  • Grant CREATE FILE FORMAT privilege for OWNER schema roles. It should help to handle common use case when external tools try to create a FILE_FORMAT object before running COPY INTO command.

[0.14.3] - 2023-03-08

  • Move STRICT and IMMUTABLE before RUNTIME_VERSION in SQL generated for object types FUNCTION and PROCEDURE.

[0.14.2] - 2023-02-26

  • Added is_memoizable for FUNCTION object type.
  • Added tests for FUNCTION object type.
  • Starting slash / in STAGE FILE path is now optional.
  • Runtime version for FUNCTION and PROCEDURE in YAML config can now be defined either as number or as string. Previously it was only defined as string, which caused confusion for numeric versions, like Python "3.8".

[0.14.1] - 2023-02-23

  • Added __hash__ implementation for Ident objects. It allows usage of such objects as keys for dictionaries.

[0.14.0] - 2023-02-12

  • Implemented ALERT object type.
  • Added better error message for missing text in YAML config for VIEW object type.

[0.13.0] - 2023-01-24

  • Completely reworked STAGE object type resolver. Now it checks actual property values and does not rely on short hash anymore. STAGE objects will be re-created only when absolutely necessary. ALTER will be applied for the majority of changes.
  • Introduced CLI option --refresh-stage-encryption to re-apply encryption parameters for each external STAGE. Normally it is not possible to compare config encryption parameters with existing parameters in Snowflake.
  • Introduced a few "safe" alters for TABLE object type: (1) add new column, (2) change comment on table, (3) change comment on specific column. Previously all alters for TABLE were unsafe.
  • ROLE resolver will no longer try to revoke OWNERSHIP grant on objects. This grant can only be transferred.
  • ROLE resolver will now revoke WRITE permission on STAGES before trying to revoke READ permission.

[0.12.3] - 2022-12-25

  • Fixed incorrect condition checking comment property for WAREHOUSE object type, which caused every warehouse to be re-created on every run.
  • FILE_FORMAT object type is now properly replaced when type was changed. Other changes are still applied using alter file format command.
  • Added tests for PROCEDURE and FILE_FORMAT object types.

[0.12.2] - 2022-12-04

  • Fixed incorrect order of parameters when resolving PROCEDURE with both comment and is_execute_as_caller.
  • Added protection from FUNCTION and PROCEDURE arguments with TIMESTAMP-like type and non-default precision. Snowflake bug, case 00444370.

Tests for UDFs and procedures are expected to be added in the next version.

[0.12.1] - 2022-11-29

  • Fixed a bug with session_params being ignored for USER object type. Added additional checks to tests.

[0.12.0] - 2022-11-23

  • (!breaking change!) Object types NETWORK_POLICY and RESOURCE_MONITOR now use env prefix, similar to other account-level objects. Previously env prefix was ignored for these object types.
  • (!breaking change!) Object types NETWORK_POLICY and RESOURCE_MONITOR are now dropped during destroy action as long as --apply-network-policy and --apply-resource-monitor options are present.
  • Added global_resource_monitor parameter for WAREHOUSE object type. Original resource_monitor now refers to monitor defined in config and managed by SnowDDL. New global_resource_monitor refers to monitor managed outside SnowDDL.
  • User with ACCOUNTADMIN privileges is now required to run tests. It is not possible to test RESOURCE_MONITOR object type otherwise.
  • Fixed a bug with warehouse_params not being applied for WAREHOUSE object type.
  • Fixed a bug with WAREHOUSE parameters not being properly updated in specific edge cases.
  • Added tests for WAREHOUSE, NETWORK_POLICY, RESOURCE_MONITOR object types.

[0.11.0] - 2022-11-16

  • Implement query acceleration and object parameters for WAREHOUSE object type.
  • Prevent suggestion of individual schema object drops if an entire schema was dropped.
  • Add automatic placeholder TARGET_DB for SingleDB mode. It holds full identifier of target database.
  • Add Snowflake account name and region to context object and logs.
  • Add special conversion logic for IDENTITY columns of object type TABLE. Such columns are converted into SEQUENCE objects automatically.
  • Rework naming of tests and objects in tests. It should help to streamline and speed up implementation of new tests.
  • Add complete SQL file with all commands required to set up a new Snowflake test account from scratch.

[0.10.0] - 2022-10-19

  • Add is_transient and retention_time for TABLE object type config.
  • Add is_transient to TABLE object type converter.
  • Implement advanced SEARCH OPTIMIZATION on specific columns. NB: VARIANT column paths are currently not supported due to high complexity of parsing target column from output of DESC SEARCH OPTIMIZATION command.

[0.9.9] - 2022-10-13

  • Strip trailing spaces from each line of view text during VIEW object type conversion. It prevents formatting issues described in pyyaml#411 issue.

[0.9.8] - 2022-10-11

  • Add collate support for TABLE object type conversion.

[0.9.7] - 2022-10-05

  • Try to fix markdown formatting on PyPi.
  • Enable converter for object type VIEW (currently not documented, work in progress).

[0.9.6] - 2022-09-09

  • Prevent USER_ROLE resolver from dropping grants other than ROLE grants. User roles may accumulate random grants during normal operation from temporary tables, temporary stages, manually created objects in schemas not managed by SnowDDL.
  • Change testing Snowflake account once again.

[0.9.5] - 2022-08-29

  • Implement missing comment parameter for USER object type.
  • Add more tests.

[0.9.4] - 2022-08-23

  • Added new supported data type GEOMETRY (in addition to existing GEOGRAPHY).
  • Added env variable SNOWFLAKE_ENV_PREFIX to specify --env-prefix without explicitly mentioning it in CLI command.
  • Added a workaround for Snowflake bug, which creates a grant for hidden MATERIALIZED VIEW when search optimization is enabled for a table.
  • Completely reworked an approach to tests. Now tests are executed in 3 steps, each step consists of "snowddl apply" followed by pytest execution. Now it should be much easier to add and maintain a large number of test.

[0.9.3] - 2022-08-19

  • Expose internal query builder SnowDDLQueryBuilder as public class. Now it can be used in external projects.
  • Minor internal changes in SQL formatter.

[0.9.2] - 2022-08-15

  • Implemented proper ALTER for FILE_FORMAT, fixed a bug when SnowDDL tried to re-create FILE_FORMAT which already exists. Also, EXTERNAL_TABLE will not lose association with FILE_FORMAT after ALTER.
  • Object types EXTERNAL_FUNCTION, EXTERNAL_TABLE, FUNCTION, PROCEDURE are now correctly resolved as REPLACE instead of ALTER, when object was actually replaced by CREATE OR REPLACE ... command.

[0.9.1] - 2022-08-13

  • Fixed incorrect encoding while opening files on Windows machines. Now it is explicitly set to utf-8.

[0.9.0] - 2022-08-01

  • (!breaking change!) Parameter after of TASK object type is now array of strings to support newly released DAG-feature. Previously it was a basic string.
  • Fixed a major bug with dependency resolution, when allocated full names were not preserved between cycles properly.
  • Allowed $ (dollar sign) character in identifiers.
  • Added basic expression parameter to TABLE columns, as an experimental feature. Currently, it requires fully resolved and normalized SQL expression. Otherwise, SnowDDL will fail to perform expression comparison and suggest re-creating a table on every run.
  • Added --include-databases and --ignore-ownership options for snowddl-convert entry-point.

[0.8.0] - 2022-07-28

  • Implemented OUTBOUND_SHARE object type.
  • Implemented test version of INBOUND_SHARE object type, which is currently disabled during normal execution.
  • It is now possible to specify grants for TECH_ROLE and OUTBOUND_SHARE using Unix-style wildcards.
  • Fixed typo in EXTERNAL_FUNCTION blueprint parameter api_integration.
  • Fixed type in TECH_ROLE JSON-schema used to validate YAML config.
  • Improved patter-matching for specific ROLE-types. Now it should work properly with multi-letter role-suffixes.

[0.7.4] - 2022-07-13

  • destroy CLI action now adds option --apply-unsafe automatically. Option --destroy-without-prefix should still provide a sufficient protection from accidentally destroying everything on production.
  • Dropping object types ROLE, EXTERNAL TABLE, STAGE is now considered "unsafe". Dropping ROLE prior to dropping other objects causes re-assignment of OWNERSHIP. Dropping EXTERNAL TABLE causes loss of associated meta-data (e.g. files, partitions), which cannot be restored easily. Dropping INTERNAL STAGE destroys all files in that stage.

[0.7.3] - 2022-07-12

  • Use special exit code 8 when any errors occurred inside resolvers or converters. Previously it was returned as exit code 0.
  • If user role was dropped manually, it will now be re-created and re-granted to corresponding user automatically.

[0.7.2] - 2022-07-01

  • Fixed default_sequence for table columns not being converted when using singledb mode.
  • Fixed DEFAULT value not being applied properly when adding new columns using ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN.
  • Switched to another Snowflake Trial account.

[0.7.1] - 2022-06-29

  • Ignore TEMPORARY STAGES created by another sessions. Such stages should not appear in SHOW STAGES output, but they do.

[0.7.0] - 2022-06-27

  • Added runtime_version, imports, packages, handler for PROCEDURE object type.
  • Added ability to set multiple columns for returns of PROCEDURE object type, now it is possible to define RETURNS TABLE (...).
  • Added initial collate support for TABLE columns.

[0.6.1] - 2022-06-15

  • Added packages for FUNCTION object type. Now it should be possible to use fully utilize Snowpark, Python and Java UDFs.
  • SnowDDLFormatter is now exposed as public object, if you want to use it for something other than SnowDDL.

[0.6.0] - 2022-06-05

  • Implemented first version of snowddl-singledb entry-point. It is a simplified version of SnowDDL to manage schemas and objects in a single database only. Account-level objects, roles and grants are NOT resolved in this mode. Please check the documentation for more details.
  • Schemas will no longer produce DROP SCHEMA ... SQL commands during destroy action without --apply-unsafe flag, similar to schema objects. All schemas are dropped implicitly after execution of DROP DATABASE anyway.
  • Added database_full_name property for SchemaIdent and SchemaObjectIdent objects to simplify access to corresponding DatabaseIdent object.
  • Replaced argparse.Namespace with basic dict for handling of CLI arguments. It helps to streamline access to specific arguments which may not be defined in other entry-points.

[0.5.5] - 2022-05-31

  • Fix missing grants for schema_owner, schema_write, schema_read business role options without wildcards.

[0.5.4] - 2022-05-31

  • Speed up SnowDDL execution by loading grants and future grants of existing roles in parallel.

[0.5.3] - 2022-05-30

  • Added a basic wildcard option while setting schema_owner, schema_write, schema_read options for business roles to match "all schemas in database". For example: snowddl_db.*. At least one schema matching wildcard condition should exist in config.

It is useful for managing generic script roles when new schemas are added and / or removed frequently.

[0.5.2] - 2022-05-30

  • Identifier objects were completely reworked. Now every identifier type has its own class with every part being named.
  • Simplified blueprint objects. Removed database, schema, name fields from schema object blueprints. All this information is available as parts of full_name.
  • Moved complex logic for "building" identifiers into dedicated module ident_builder.
  • Performed initial preparation and testing for "singledb" entry point, which will be added in the next version.

[0.5.1] - 2022-05-25

  • Rework internal architecture of entry-points for SnowDDL CLI interface. Now it will be much easier to add new entry-points and to partially re-use existing entry-points in your own code.

[0.5.0] - 2022-05-24

  • Added parameters login_name, display_name for USER object type.
  • Added argument --placeholder-values for CLI interface. It allows passing custom placeholder values in JSON format without creation of temporary file for --placeholder-path.

[0.4.10] - 2022-05-12

  • Fix grants not being revoked properly for object types which do not support FUTURE GRANTs.

[0.4.9] - 2022-05-09

  • Added parameters partition_type and table_format for EXTERNAL TABLE object type.
  • location.file_format is now required parameter for EXTERNAL TABLE.

[0.4.8] - 2022-05-06

  • OWNERSHIP on STAGE objects are no longer granted to schema OWNER role via FUTURE GRANT. All stages will be owned directly by admin role instead. Otherwise, it is not possible to use external stages without explicit grant of USAGE on STORAGE_INTEGRATION object to the current role or schema owner role, which is not desirable.

In order to fix OWNERSHIP on stages, you may execute the following expression for each affected schema with stages and restart SnowDDL to re-apply other grants:


[0.4.7] - 2022-05-02

  • Revert to session to original WAREHOUSE after execution of WarehouseResolver if necessary. Snowflake implicitly switches to newly created WAREHOUSE after successful CREATE statement, which is not desirable for the rest of the session.

[0.4.6] - 2022-04-11

  • SHOW PROCEDURES was replaced with SHOW USER PROCEDURES, in line with Snowflake release notes.
  • Added owner_schema_read, owner_schema_write parameters for schema. If specified, grants READ or WRITE roles from other schemas to the OWNER role of the current schema. It helps to make objects in other schemas accessible for VIEWS and PROCEDURES. Normally OWNER role can only access objects in the current schema.
  • Dependency management was enabled for schema roles.

[0.4.5] - 2022-04-02

  • MD5 markers which are automatically generated for STAGE FILES are now uploaded directly using file_stream option for .execute() command of Snowflake Python Connector. Temporary directory is no longer used.
  • file_stream option is now available for .execute_safe_ddl(), .execute_unsafe_ddl(). It might be used in future for more advanced operations with contents of internal stages.

[0.4.4] - 2022-03-27

  • Added technical placeholder env_prefix which is always available for YAML configs. It should be used to access objects in other databases when specifying VIEW definitions (${{ env_prefix }}db_name.schema_name.object_name). Objects in the same database can still be accessed without specifying database name (schema_name.object_name).
  • Fetching list of existing STAGE FILES no longer fails if stage exists in blueprints, but does not exist in Snowflake account.
  • Resolver for STAGE FILES is now skipped when "destroy" action is being called. All files are destroyed automatically when stage is deleted.

[0.4.3] - 2022-03-17

  • Replaced explicit format_exc() calls during config validation with modern TracebackException.from_exception().format() API. Pre-formatted error messages will no longer be stored in SnowDDLConfig, but rather be formatted on demand using Exception object only.
  • Fixed typos in some JSON schemas.
  • Simplified the way how .resolved_objects property is being stored for resolvers. Now it is a basic dict with object full name as key and ResolveResult enum as value.

[0.4.2] - 2022-03-12

  • Added more tests for TABLE and VIEW object types.
  • Improved project description.

[0.4.1] - 2022-03-02

  • Implemented EXTERNAL FUNCTION object type.
  • Added validation for YAML config file names for object types supporting overloading.
  • Re-create "invalid" EXTERNAL TABLES automatically.
  • Switched test account to AWS.

[0.4.0] - 2022-02-22

  • Reworked parsers. Now most exceptions raised in parsers will no longer interrupt the program, but will be stored and reported later. Each reported exception now has a proper traceback and pointer to file which most likely caused the problem.
  • Implemented placeholders in YAML configs.
  • Config path is now fully resolved prior to execution, which should help to produce consistent logs regardless of symlinks or cwd.
  • Added support for STAGE FILE object type, which is intended mainly for packages for Snowpark functions.
  • Added support for Snowpark function options: IMPORTS, HANDLER, RUNTIME_VERSION.

[0.3.1] - 2022-02-18

  • Use SYSTEM$BOOTSTRAP_DATA_REQUEST to detect edition of Snowflake account.
  • Drop admin role with prefix when calling destroy action with --env-prefix. Current role of connection reverts to original role without prefix.

[0.3.0] - 2022-02-17

  • Added NETWORK_POLICY and RESOURCE_MONITOR to list of supported object types.

[0.2.1] - 2022-02-16

  • Added is_sandbox for DATABASE object type, in addition to SCHEMA object type.
  • Dump empty params.yaml files for DATABASE and SCHEMA during conversion to preserve empty schemas. Empty directories cannot be pushed to Git.
  • Added basic safety checks for env_prefix. It cannot contain double underscore __ and it cannot end with underscore _.

[0.2.0] - 2022-02-15

  • Added optional -r (ROLE) and -w (WAREHOUSE) arguments for SnowDDL CLI interface.
  • Added basic converters from existing DATABASE, SCHEMA, TABLE, SEQUENCE objects to SnowDDL YAML configs.
  • Removed future grants from SCHEMA ROLE (WRITE) for VIEW object type.
  • "Getting Started Test" workflow now runs each config version twice to detect possible changes being missed on first run.
  • Fixed bug with comment and default not being applied to TABLE columns in some cases.
  • Fixed bug with short hashes being used as byte-strings instead of properly decoded pure ascii representations.
  • Fixed bug with other alters being applied to columns dropped from TABLE in some cases.
  • Fixed bug with table column comment not being applied immediately on ADD COLUMN.
  • Fixed bug with role comment not being applied immediately on CREATE ROLE.
  • Reworked the way how comment is being applied to VIEW object type. Snowflake implicitly modifies view text in SHOW VIEWS if it contains a comment during CREATE VIEW, which breaks view checks on subsequent runs.
  • If VIEW was replaced, the resolve result is now REPLACE instead of ALTER.

[0.1.1] - 2022-02-11

  • Fixed typing annotations for List and Dict to make it compatible with Python 3.7.

[0.1.0] - 2022-02-10

  • SnowDDL was released under an open source license.