Disable simulcast for screenshare backup codec - #1409 (@cnderrauber)
added new connection tests - #1402 (@davidzhao)
Add backupCodecPolicy to TrackPublishDefaults - #1399 (@cnderrauber)
The default policy of backup codec is
codec regression
for maxium compatibility, which means the publisher stops sending primary codec and all subscribers will receive backup codec even primary codec is supported. It changes the default behaviormulti-codec simulcast
in the previous version, will not break the functionality of the previous version but only cause potential extra bandwidth usage. The user can set the policy tomulti-codec simulcast
to keep the previous behavior. -
Move RPC registration to room level and deprecate localParticipant level registration - #1396 (@lukasIO)
Populate name property of LiveKit errors and add reasonName for enums - #1385 (@lukasIO)
Replace internal instanceof checks with typeguards - #1378 (@lukasIO)
Remove track from pending publishing on device errors - #1380 (@lukasIO)
Allow audio processing for react native without AudioContext - #1395 (@davidliu)
use a error code 14 for data publish errors - #1374 (@davidzhao)
Only emit TrackSubscriptionEvent once on room - #1392 (@lukasIO)
Redact access_token parameter in debug logs - #1394 (@hughns)
Don't hang on audio context trying to resume - #1379 (@lukasIO)
expose inbound-rtp.id as streamId - #1367 (@s-hamdananwar)
Emit ActiveDeviceChanged event also for audio-output - #1372 (@lukasIO)
Ensure maxFps applies for very low framerates - #1362 (@lukasIO)
Emit MediaDeviceError only when acquiring tracks fails - #1365 (@lukasIO)
Support swapping out the E2EEManager for react-native - #1345 (@davidliu)
fix: prevent monitoring leak when stopOnUnpublish is false - #1348 (@davidzhao)
Prevent undefined access to engine in connection reconciler - #1349 (@lukasIO)
Fix sdp connection address mismatch - #1342 (@cnderrauber)
Set participant attributes as soon as possible, making them available in all related events - #1344 (@holzgeist)
- Add support for detecting video element visibility in Document PiP (can be tested on the examples/demo) - #1325 (@davideberlein)
- Expose
, for use in custom reconnection implementations. - #1328 (@wuhkuh)
Add voiceIsolation constraint to AudioCaptureOptions - #1320 (@lukasIO)
Forward disconnect reason on leave requests and ConnectionErrors - #1323 (@lukasIO)
Add ConnectionErrorReason when cancelling ongoing connection attempt - #1315 (@lukasIO)
Make Remote Tracks
method public - #1309 (@mpnri)
fix: mimeTypeToVideoCodecString should not throw - #1302 (@davidzhao)
Keep dd extension id in the session - #1297 (@cnderrauber)
Increase default audio bitrates - #1295 (@davidzhao)
Track E2EE key validity on a per index basis - #1284 (@hughns)
Use happy-dom for testing instead of jsdom - #1283 (@hughns)
[e2ee] await key update before emitting key ratchet event - #1288 (@hughns)
Add SIP publish DTMF feature - #1277 (@s-hamdananwar)
Only emit TrackStreamStateChanged events on changed stream state - #1199 (@lukasIO)
Fix duplicate ParticipantPermissionsChanged updates for the local participant - #1270 (@davidzhao)
Ensure republishing is finished when calling setTrackEnabled methods - #1250 (@lukasIO)
Fix permissions for all devices being requested when connecting/disconnecting devices - #1249 (@lukasIO)
Pass connect options to room from connection checkers - #1245 (@jespermjonsson)
Switch active device if previously selected device becomes unavailable - #1237 (@lukasIO)
Treat MissingKey as decryption failure to prevent spamming the logs - #1241 (@hughns)
Fix trackProcessor creation from LocalParticipant.createTracks - #1247 (@lukasIO)
Use ReturnTypes of built-in functions for critical timers - #1236 (@lukasIO)
Set default scalabilityMode to L3T3_KEY in sample/comment - #1238 (@cnderrauber)
Expose localTrackSubscribed event on localParticipant and room - #1229 (@lukasIO)
fast track publication - #1228 (@cnderrauber)
Add firstReceivedTime and lastReceivedTime to received TranscriptionSegments - #1223 (@lukasIO)
Ensure SVC layers are starting from LOW quality - #1226 (@lukasIO)
- Add RemoteTrack.setPlayoutDelay and make receiver non-optional in RemoteTrack constructor - #1209 (@lukasIO)
Clear pingInterval at start of disconnect processing - #1217 (@lukasIO)
Add internal LocalTrackSubscribed engine event - #1222 (@lukasIO)
Use kind instead of mediaType for outbound-rtp stats in PublishVideoCheck and PublishAudioCheck helpers - #1207 (@svajunas-budrys)
Set region settings when fetching them on first connection - #1201 (@lukasIO)
Handle SignalReconnecting event in ReconnectCheck helper - #1198 (@svajunas-budrys)
Fix RoomEvent.ParticipantAttributesChanged not emitting for local participant (#1200) - #1203 (@lukasIO)
Include participant identity in CryptoError errors - #1186 (@hughns)
Only set loglevel for specified logger if present - #1196 (@lukasIO)
Ensure permission request for listDevices works for audio outputs in Firefox - #1188 (@lukasIO)
Emit transcription on transcribedParticipantIdentity and update protocol - #1177 (@lukasIO)
Wait for pending publish promise before attempting to unpublish track - #1178 (@lukasIO)
Ensure app visibility listeners are only added for video tracks - #1173 (@renovate)
Fix activeSpeakers has old participant when participant sid changed - #1180 (@zesun96)
Fix normalising of default device Ids in DeviceManager - #1162 (@lukasIO)
Fix resumeUpstream with local track processors enabled - #1157 (@kyleparrott)
Use legacy SVC encoding specification for React-Native - #1093 (@davidzhao)
Make sure setting a new processor doesn't remove the processor html element - #1149 (@lukasIO)
Also set audioOutput on audioElements when using webAudioMix - #1145 (@lukasIO)
Add degradationPreference option for LocalVideoTrack - #1138 (@lukasIO)
Honor calls to track.stop() during an ongoing restart attempt - #1131 (@lukasIO)
Add check for getSynchronizationSources support - #1136 (@lukasIO)
Add leave req full reconnect simulation scenario - #1137 (@lukasIO)
Ensure DD ext for svc codecs - #1132 (@cnderrauber)
Don't create data channel of publisher until sending data message - #1118 (@cnderrauber)
Update to protocol 13 with LeaveRequest Action - #1127 (@lukasIO)
Allow simulcast together with E2EE for supported Safari versions - #1117 (@lukasIO) Also fixes the simulcast behaviour for iOS Chrome prior to 17.2
Remove internal calls to setCodecPreferences on senders - #1114 (@lukasIO)
Allow options to be passed into connection checker - #1102 (@cscherban)
Await data publisher connection without multiple negotiations - #1107 (@lukasIO)
Add non-svc mode (L1T1) for vp9/av1 - #1109 (@cnderrauber)
Support more scalability mode - #1104 (@cnderrauber)
Create processorElement before processor init - #1091 (@xdef)
Improve VideoSenderStats with FPS and targetBitrate - #1090 (@davidzhao)
Fix publishing for Chrome M124. Read capabilities from RtcRTPReceiver instead of from sender - #1088 (@lukasIO)
Set degradationPreference to maintain-resolution for screen share tracks - #1080 (@davidzhao)
Handle SVC compatibility with Safari and Chrome prior to M113 - #1079 (@davidzhao)
Add sanity check for duplicate cryptors and log more errors - #1082 (@lukasIO)
Fix quality issues with SVC screenshares - #1077 (@davidzhao)
Export SubscriptionError from protocol - #1075 (@davidzhao)
Recreate engine before trying to connect to another region - #1071 (@lukasIO)
Add experimental preferCurrentTab screen share capture option - #1070 (@lukasIO)
Fix FPS and latency issues with VP9 screenshare - #1069 (@davidzhao)
Read deviceId from source mediastreamtrack - #1068 (@lukasIO)
Replace protocol submodule with npm package - #1067 (@lukasIO)
Set logExtension on all livekit loggers if not specified - #1061 (@lukasIO)
Don't treat PC config error as SignalReconnectError - #1052 (@lukasIO)
Align logContext fields with server naming - #1062 (@lukasIO)
Throw error if trying to connect with a non-compatible browser - #1064 (@davidliu)
Normalize audiooutput device id for webAudio mode - #1051 (@lukasIO)
param to replaceTrack function - #1040 (@lukasIO) -
Set audio context on track as early as possible - #1053 (@lukasIO)
Export logger names to configure fine grained logging - #1042 (@lukasIO)
Emit Restarting as soon as both signal and pc connection are severed - #1047 (@lukasIO)
Add VideoPreset overload for more granular options settings - #1044 (@lukasIO)
Only perform mute/unmute actions if necessary - #1048 (@lukasIO)
Make sure a 401 ConnectionError is thrown on invalid token permissions - #1049 (@lukasIO)
Fix transceiver reuse for e2ee and add more verbose e2ee debug logging - #1041 (@lukasIO)
Make sure only one track restart request is processed at a time - #1039 (@lukasIO)
Ignore unknown fields in protobuf parsing - #1029 (@lukasIO)
Stronger kind type for Tracks to improve processor support - #1033 (@lukasIO)
Verify participant identity matching when unsetting transformer for e2ee - #1032 (@lukasIO)
Remove experimental hint for webAudioMix and enable it by default - #1013 (@lukasIO)
Add support for async room sid. Removes
and replaces it withawait room.getSid()
. - #983 (@lukasIO) -
- #947 (@lukasIO) -
Rename getTrack to getTrackPublications and participants to remoteParticipants - #945 (@lukasIO)
Update participant info when getting participant - #1009 (@lukasIO)
Avoid throwing unhandled error for simulcast codec tracks - #999 (@lukasIO)
Resume audio playback status when switching back to tab on iOS -
(@lukasIO) -
Buffer room events during reconnect -
(@lukasIO) -
Fix state handling issue in SignalClient -
- Perform full reconnect on leave during reconnect -
Fix for recovering SignalChannel closing during reconnect -
(@lukasIO) -
Log server offer sdp -
- Await unpublish before re-publishing on signal-reconnect -
Fix stopping old track in
- #980 (@mpnri) -
Default screenshare capture resolution to 1080p - #972 (@davidzhao)
Add receiver video mime type to stats - #963 (@cnderrauber)
Make sure all signal client callbacks are set up for a reconnect - #966 (@lukasIO)
Make sure to apply audio output selection when participant is first created - #968 (@lukasIO)
Prevent backup codec publishing when e2ee is enabled - #943 (@lukasIO)
Use enum to track connection state of signal client - #949 (@lukasIO)
Disable VP9 for Safari 15, AV1 for Safari (incomplete support) - #950 (@davidzhao)
Move PeerConnection logic into PCTransportManager - #909 (@lukasIO)
method andRoomEvent.VideoPlaybackStatusChanged
- #939 (@lukasIO)
Reset LocalTrack debounced mute when setting new track - #936 (@davideberlein)
Treat all signal messages as ping response - #933 (@davidzhao)
Correctly apply elementVolume on attach for webaudioMix - #922 (@lukasIO)
Simplify multi-codec simulcast usage, backupCodec: true - #923 (@davidzhao)
Update dependency @bufbuild/protobuf to v1.4.1 - #913 (@renovate)
Don't set the autoplay attribute on video elements in Safari - #918 (@lukasIO)
Call startAudio when an audio track has been acquired in order to update audio playback status - #919 (@lukasIO)
Round start bitrate for svc - #920 (@cnderrauber)
Use a deepClone util function for CreateLocalTrackOptions - #906 (@vas11yev1work)
Guard against overriding newly set key when auto-ratcheting - #895 (@lukasIO)
Fix Safari reporting wrong initial track resolution - #898 (@lukasIO)
Make peerconnection private on PCTransport - #903 (@lukasIO)
Improve handling of incompatible published codecs - #911 (@davidzhao)
Fix a race in setKeyFromMaterial that would cause keys to be set at the wrong index if several keys were set in quick succession. - #908 (@dbkr)
Fix Typescript compilation error in angular setups - #901 (@pabloFuente)
Don't disconnect room before retrying new regions - #910 (@lukasIO)
Handle new format streamId to better sync a/v tracks - #881 (@cnderrauber)
Do not support VP9 publishing for FF - #894 (@davidzhao)
- Do not constrain screenshare resolution by default - #889 (@davidzhao)
- Fix vp9 svc failed for screenshare - #882 (@cnderrauber)
Log connection error message on region retries - #879 (@lukasIO)
Wait for publisher connection after reconnects - #875 (@lukasIO)
Make audio analyser cleanup function async - #867 (@kand193)
Update h360 video preset - #872 (@davidzhao)
Fix infinite metadata loop when canUpdateOwnMetadata is granted - #871 (@davidzhao)
Remove legacy code paths for tracks arriving before participant info - #854 (@lukasIO)
Make KeyProvider and ParticipantKeyHandler work consistently for shared key and sender key scenarios (e2ee) - #850 (@lukasIO)
Fix track processor blips when restarting tracks - #842 (@lukasIO)
Correctly import livekit logger in facingMode helper - #855 (@lukasIO)
Add websocketTimeout to RoomConnectOptions - #834 (@lukasIO)
Add support for get/setVolume in react-native - #833 (@davidliu)
Refine pause/resumeUpstream, setProcessor for multi-codecs - #829 (@cnderrauber)
Force enable dynacast when backupCodec is enabled - #839 (@cnderrauber)
Fix video device switch not working for backup codec - #824 (@cnderrauber)
Update dependency webrtc-adapter to v8.2.3 - #819 (@renovate)
Allow ArrayBuffers to be used for ExternalKeyProvider keys - #844 (@lukasIO)
Fix passing maxRetries connectOption to RTCEngine - #838 (@mpnri)
Ability to simulate subscriber-bandwidth - #835 (@davidzhao)
Fix getDevices permissions when no kind is supplied - #811 (@Talljoe)
Fix setTrackMute ignored simulcast-codec - #827 (@cnderrauber)
Add support for server injected frame trailer being passed down - #812 (@lukasIO)
Add ceil of width and height when emitting UpdateTrackSettings - #846 (@HermanBilous)
Setup signal callbacks before connecting signal - #832 (@lukasIO)
Ensure play requests are invoked synchronously in startAudio - #841 (@lukasIO)
Fix missing ScalabilityMode import when using SVC - #816 (@davidzhao)
Adjust default bitrates according to VMAF results - #817 (@davidzhao)
Set a default resolution for createLocalScreenTracks - #796 (@lukasIO)
Debounce reacting to mediastreamtrack mute events - #809 (@lukasIO)
Remove duplicate options being passed to publish - #794 (@lukasIO)
Do not attempt to restart screen share tracks when re-publishing after reconnect - #802 (@lukasIO)
Add failureTolerance to KeyProvider options (E2EE) - #810 (@lukasIO)
Add video options to ScreenShareCaptureOptions - #792 (@lukasIO)
Fix iOS browser parser check, add more test cases - #798 (@lukasIO)
Improved connection checker with more details about ICE candidates - #806 (@davidzhao)
Throw connection error immediately if unauthorized instead of trying alternative URLs - #804 (@lukasIO)
Revert event emitter lib usage to 'events' - #807 (@lukasIO)
Support for region pinning with LiveKit Cloud using prepareConnection - #783 (@davidzhao)
Ensure we do not replace http unless it's in the scheme - #805 (@davidzhao)
Stop tracks if publishing fails with
- #799 (@lukasIO)
Allow specifying audio source for participant.setVolume API - #780 (@lukasIO)
Add iOS detection to browser parser and only use audio element workar… - #785 (@lukasIO)
Skip decryption if maximum ratchet accounts have exceeded until a new key is set - #786 (@lukasIO)
Update constraints with actually selected deviceId on track creation - #773 (@toger5)
Always resume AudioContext if in suspended state - #779 (@lukasIO)
Only check for setSinkId support on AudioContext if webaudiomix is enabled - #787 (@lukasIO)
Update adaptive stream dimensions when a remote track is being detached - #766 (@burzomir)
Fixed missed event listeners on MediaStreamTrack - #768 (@davidzhao)
Emit activeDeviceChanged when publishing local track - #759 (@lukasIO)
Use mutex lock for queueing calls to setProcessor - #756 (@lukasIO)
Use active device when publishing a new track - #757 (@lukasIO)
Apply user setting bitrate to maxaveragebitrates for firefox - #752 (@cnderrauber)
Do not override forceStereo=false when publishing stereo input - #748 (@davidzhao)
Add helper function to detect camera
. - #738 (@Ocupe)
Fix missing await for async setMediaStreamTrack calls - #747 (@boris-graeff)
Emit RoomEvent.ActiveDeviceChanged when
has been called. - #743 (@lukasIO) Add room.getActiveDevice(kind) method. -
Use JSdocs instead of warning for mediastreamtrack access - #742 (@lukasIO)
- Fix mute event handling - #740 (@davidzhao)
Increase default adaptiveStream pixelDensity on high-density(mobile) screens - #735 (@davidzhao)
Replace event emitter lib with eventemitter3 - #681 (@lukasIO)
Handle device mute and document freeze events - #734 (@davidzhao)
Pass method logLevel to LogExtension instead of configured logLevel - #730 (@lukasIO)
Fix svc encodings for safari and chrome before 113 - #731 (@cnderrauber)
Always catch reconnectFuture rejections - #727 (@HermanBilous)
Work around iOS safari audio playback issue when not publishing, by playing back silent audio - #733 (@lukasIO)
Use replaceTrack(null) for pauseUpstream - #716 (@davidzhao)
Always add codec info to AddTrackRequest - #728 (@cnderrauber)
Surface subscription error via TrackEvent.SubscriptionFailed when trying to subsribe to an unsupported codec - #722 (@lukasIO)
Reject signal connection promise immediately when aborted - #719 (@lukasIO)
Fix svc mode for chrome v113 - #720 (@cnderrauber)
Make sure
events are emitted before the publication gets deleted from maps - #708 (@lukasIO) -
Use body instead of document as intersection observer root - #703 (@lukasIO)
Use default video dimensions when they are not available - #709 (@davidzhao)
Remove ua-parser-js dependency and fix browser version comparison - #697 (@lukasIO)
Use STATE_MISMATCH disconnect reason in connection reconciliation - #705 (@lukasIO)
Make sure engine gets closed when connection reconciliation triggers - #702 (@lukasIO)
Fix supportsAV1 and supportsVP9 helper functions on Firefox - #689 (@davidzhao)
Keep reference to latest joinResponse on engine - #691 (@lukasIO)
Ensure engine is always set to undefined when closing - #682 (@lukasIO)
Handle connection state mismatch with periodic reconciliation - #680 (@davidzhao)
Only set maxFramerate on encoding if defined - #676 (@lukasIO)
added experimental option suppressLocalAudioPlayback - #675 (@jibon57)
Fix: Emit connected events for participants that connected during signal reconnect - #672 (@lukasIO)
Add VP9 SVC support - #643 (@cnderrauber)
- Fix race condition with full reconnect sequence during server restart - #663 (@davidzhao)
Add support for local participants to update own metadata - #599 (@lukasIO)
Expose numParticipants and numPublishers on Room - #668 (@davidzhao)
Handle signal reconnect and full reconnection separately #665 - #670 (@lukasIO)
Thanks @lukasIO! - Give up on reconnections if token is invalid -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Allow manual operation on audio publications with adaptiveStream enabled
Thanks @lukasIO! - Remove page visibility listener when last element gets detached -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Stop monitoring track on unsubscribe -
Thanks @renovate! - chore(deps): update devdependencies (non-major) -
Thanks @renovate! - fix(deps): update dependency webrtc-adapter to v8.2.2 -
Thanks @davidliu! - Identify react-native apps when connecting to server -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Expose DataChannel buffer status events -
Thanks @davidliu! - Support screen pixel density for react-native -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Replace async queue with mutex lock for mute operations
Thanks @wjaykim! - Emit mute status events also for unsubscribed publications -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Don't auto-pause videos when element is in pictureInPicture mode (only applies when adaptiveStream is enabled) -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add room option to configure automatic disconnect on page leave -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Respect incoming data message order by processing message events sequentially -
Thanks @lukasIO! - EmitRoomEvent.LocalAudioSilenceDetected
if aLocalAudioTrack
is silent after publishing
Thanks @lukasIO! - Allow to specify exact constraint for room.switchActiveDevice -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Reject publish future if engine disconnects -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Only trigger AudioPlaybackFailed when error is NotAllowed
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Receive remote participant disconnected updates while reconnecting -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add support for some experimental getDisplayMedia options in ScreenShareCaptureOptions -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Defer publishing of tracks during reconnection -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add support for topics on data messages
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Disable red by default for stereo track -
Thanks @davidzhao! - internal getter connectedServerAddress is has been changed to an async function getConnectedServerAddress -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixed incorrect state with resume then reconnect -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Track.streamState defaults to active
- #585
Thanks @davidzhao! - Prevent concurrent RTCRtpSender.setParameter call to avoid exception
Thanks @HermanBilous! - Provide more context to ConnectionError when connecting to a room -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Add reconnect reason and signal rtt calculation -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Only restart track after permission change if not muted
Thanks @otakueadwine! - Export CheckStatus type -
Thanks @lukasIO! - EmitParticipant.PermissionChanged
event also for remote participants -
Thanks @kilimnik! - Emit DeviceUnsupportedError when getDisplayMedia is not supported on a device -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixed handling of unknown signal messages -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Drop local participant updates with wrong sid
Thanks @cnderrauber! - add reconnect response to update configuration while reconnecting -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Enable nack for audio track only if offer wants it -
Thanks @renovate! - Update dependency ua-parser-js to v1.0.33 -
Thanks @davidliu! - Allow for internal background timer implementation to be overridden
Thanks @davidzhao! - Wait for dimensions to become available prior to publishing -
Thanks @lukasIO! - MakeunpublishTrack
async, emit TrackUnpublished before TrackPublished within the same update -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Improve autoplay when multiple streams are attached to the same media element #534 -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Set local name for simulated participants via updateInfo -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Add autosubscribe option for sample -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Fix race edgecase between subsequent disconnect and connect calls
- #500
Thanks @davideberlein! - add getActiveAudioOutputDevice method to Room
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add util function to simulate participants within a room -
Thanks @lukasIO! - mute track if ended event has been fired on underlying mediastreamtrack -
Thanks @lukasIO! - use mutex to prevent simultaneous calls to disconnect -
Thanks @davidliu! - Track event for track restart -
Thanks @davidliu! - Ignore stopObservingElementInfo calls on RemoteVideoTracks when not adaptive stream -
Thanks @davidliu! - Fix error in getStats for local tracks on react-native -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add createAudioAnalyser util function -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Set minimum of 1 for scaleResolutionDownBy -
Thanks @lukasIO! - grace period for WS to close gracefully -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Exp: Add option for passing AudioContext as WebAudioOptions
Thanks @lukasIO! - Sync muted state with track.enabled when calling replaceTrack" -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Don't filter out default devices in order to detect OS Level default switches
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add ConnnectionCheck helper class -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Check for ws readystate before attempting to send signal request -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Expose Room.isRecording to indicate if the Room is being recorded -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Add fps field to SubscribeSetting -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Only emit metadatachanged if the metadata actually changed
Thanks @lukasIO! - Fix reconnection attempts potentially getting stuck -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add option formaxJoinAttempts
to retry establishing initial signal connection if it failed -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Register engine events on localParticipant when updated -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Add stereo and red support for track level -
Thanks @davidliu! - Fixes for latest transceiver APIs in react-native-webrtc -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixes switchAudioDevice not respecting those preferences for future tracks -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Don't override client provide ice servers -
Thanks @davidzhao! - peer connnection timeout is now configurable -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Allow subscription settings before fully subscribed
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add experimental option to pipe attached audio tracks through webaudio API -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fail subscription when reusing stopped MediaStreamTrack -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Update ice servers from join response -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Increase default audio bitrate; additional audio presets -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add experimental method to prepare connection for speeding up subsequent first connection attempt -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Emit AudioPlaybackFailed event also in experimental web audio mix mode"
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add isLocal getter to participant class -
Thanks @KallynGowdy! - Fix local participant events being disabled before tracks unpublished -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Fix: reset connect future to undefined when promise is rejected -
Thanks @davidzhao! - Added supportsAV1 helper function -
Thanks @scott-lc! - Add missing ESM types subpath export condition to support TS Node16 and NodeNext module resolution
- #443
Thanks @lukasIO! - Breaking Decouple SubscriptionStatus and SubscriptionPermissionStatus
Thanks @davidzhao! - Improve handling of connection resume failures -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Increase event listener limit
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add subscriptionStatusChanged event and isDesired getter for RemoteTrack Publications -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - send previous server offer when reconnecting -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add RoomEvent.Connected, fix connectFuture rejection exception -
Thanks @lukasIO! - Use explicit defaults for room and connect options
Thanks @cnderrauber! - add participant id when reconnecting -
Thanks @cnderrauber! - fix video attach to incorrect element when tranceiver reuse
- #414
Thanks @cnderrauber! - add force relay configuration
- #418
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixed compatibility with older browsers with setCodecPreferences (Chrome 96)
- #419
Thanks @cnderrauber! - fix video track lost for safari migration
- #396
Thanks @davidzhao! - Send current network type to server
- #393
Thanks @wcarle! - Prevent multiple redundant monitors from being started if start is called multiple times on a RemoteTrack
- #397
Thanks @cnderrauber! - enable simucalst codecs for firefox
- #390
Thanks @davidzhao! - Enable ICE restart for Firefox
- #388
Thanks @cnderrauber! - don't declare simulcast codecs for firefox
- #384
Thanks @davidzhao! - Perform full reconnect faster when server is unable to resume
- #379
Thanks @davidzhao! - Use stricter union types for oneof messages
- #369
Thanks @lukasIO! - Fix reconnect promise not being reset after reconnect attempts are exhausted
- #365
Thanks @lukasIO! - Make sure that ParticipantConnected fires before related TrackEvents
- #359
Thanks @lukasIO! - Only reject connection promise if it was triggered by a call to connect()
- #358
Thanks @lukasIO! - Add safari explicitly to browserslist, to ensure compatibility with Safari 11"
- #363
Thanks @lukasIO! - Decrease publication timeout to 10s and clean local state on failed unpublish attempts
- #330
Thanks @lukasIO! - Check for duplicate source publications before adding them to tracks
- #328
Thanks @lukasIO! - Make local track publication timeout instead of waiting indefinitely for server response
- #321
Thanks @davidzhao! - Improve reconnect timeout handling
- #322
Thanks @cnderrauber! - enable audio nack
- #323
Thanks @lukasIO! - Remove internal event listeners from local participant on disconnect
- #321
Thanks @davidzhao! - Customizable reconnect policy
- #317
Thanks @theomonnom! - Fix Unity issue with placeholders ' '
- #316
Thanks @theomonnom! - Add PublishOptions to Set*Enabled
- #314
Thanks @cnderrauber! - apply av1 bitrate setting
- #308
Thanks @lukasIO! - Try to re-aquire mediastreamtrack when device has been disconnected, pause upstream if no device could be acquired
- #309
Thanks @cnderrauber! - fix safari data channel migration failed
- #306
Thanks @davidzhao! - Determine track allowed status primarily by precense of Track
- #306
Thanks @davidzhao! - Improved Track event handling for permission changed
- #306
Thanks @davidzhao! - Room.disconnect is now an async function
- #303
Thanks @davidzhao! - Do not stop tracks that are userProvided during mute
- #299
Thanks @davidzhao! - Do not attempt to add subscribed track when disconnected
- #294
Thanks @cnderrauber! - keep mediastream id unchange for migration
- #296
Thanks @lukasIO! - Additional guards against creating localParticipant as remoteParticipant
- #289
Thanks @davidzhao! - Reconcile local mute status after resuming connection
- #287
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fix handling of permissions after resubscribe
- #282
Thanks @davidzhao! - Improved duplicate connect handling
- #280
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixed reconnection with the same Room object
- #275
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixed TrackPublished events not firing correctly in some cases
- #271
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixed Dynacast not activated when default codec is set to empty
- #267
Thanks @cnderrauber! - Start publishing backwards-compatible codec only when subscribers need it
- #268
Thanks @davidzhao! - Fixed AdaptiveStream incorrectly using element width as height
- #262
Thanks @cnderrauber! - refine preferred codec
- 3e5e3b8: Fix dynacast fallback when simulcast codec is not available
- 4a51ae0: Fix getParticipantIdentity returning
in some cases
- 9487a4d: Fix typescript declaration location
- 4effe17: Moving StreamState to Track to improve usability
- 3bca206: Fix: guard against (multiple) simultaneous reconnect attempts
- Updated API to create screen share tracks.