raw_symbols[160] = list of the audio snipets of all the symbols sounds as raw recorded.
filtered_symbol[7] = for ONE given symbol (among the 160), this contains the 7 arrays reprensenting the 7 filtered audio snippets, 1 per frequency.
freq_cosine[7] = the list of the 7 arrays representing the 7 (clean) raised cosines frequencies that may (or not) compose the sent signal.
correlated_symbol[7] = list of 7 arrays corresponding to the 7 cross-correlations of the filtered audio snippets of a symbol, with the 7 clean raised-cosines.
amplitude_symbol[7] = list of 7 floats reprensenting the average amplitude of the 7 cross-correlations (if large, then the very frequency was sent, else it wasn't).
decoded_symbol[7] = list of the 7 bits (representing 1 symbol) that were sent during the symbol duration, going from the lowest freq to the highest.
This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 8, 2019. It is now read-only.