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File metadata and controls

130 lines (112 loc) · 5.45 KB


1. Single RecyclerView:简单模式
【利用RecyclerView.OnScrollListener监听滑动位置,吸顶View被 ViewHolder和Activity复用】

2. Double RecyclerView:RecyclerView嵌套RecyclerView

3. Viewpager RecyclerView:RecyclerView嵌套ViewPager(其中包含的页面内容是RecyclerView)

4. 拓展View需要调用ParentRecyclerView接口OnFlingListener,并实现OnChildFlingListener
 【拓展View支持下拉刷新parent.onScrollBottom(false),支持联动onChildFling(speed: Int)】

USE by Kotlin

implementation 'com.uis:adsorbent:0.5.7
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
implementation "$supportVer"



Version Descipt Fixed Time
0.1.1 初始版本 2019/5
0.1.2 新增 快速滑动联动效果 2019/5
0.1.3 更改 快速滑动联动处理 2019/5
0.2.0 优化 联动平滑过渡,冲突后重新分发 2019/5
0.2.1 优化 联动支持fling 2019/5
0.3.0 优化 冲突事件分发优化,更简单易懂 2019/6
0.3.2 fixed The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first 2019/10
0.3.3 fixed 联动子view效果 2020/2
0.3.4 fixed 吸顶后子view不在顶部时父类在动 2020/2
0.3.5 fixed 吸顶后对view滑动事件放行处理 2020/3
0.3.6 fixed 纵向滑动判断 2020/3
0.4.0 优化 优化事件分发 2020/5
0.4.2 优化 优化fling联动速度,支持拓展 2020/5
0.5.0 新增 支持吸顶部分下拉刷新 2020/6
0.5.1 fixed 吸顶部分下拉刷新事件冲突 2020/7
0.5.5 fixed 内容在一个屏幕内支持下拉刷新 2020/7
0.5.6 优化 要吸顶View与Parent交集以外区域,parent事件不传递给吸顶View 2020/7
0.5.7 优化 刚吸顶时横向滑动和纵向冲突 2020/7


/** true 开启滑动冲突处理(默认true)*/
recyclerView.enableConflict = true
/** 开启快速滚动parent带动child联动效果(默认false)*/
recyclerView.enableParentChain = false
/** 开启快速滚动child带动parent联动效果(默认true)*/
recyclerView.enableChildChain = true
/** 开启child下拉刷新(默认false)*/
recyclerView.enableChildSwipeRefresh = true
recyclerView.addOnScrollListener(object : SingleAdsorbentListener(){
        /** 获取被吸顶ViewGroup*/
        override fun getUiViewGroup(): ViewGroup = relative
        /** 获取吸顶View*/
        override fun getPinView(): View = pin
        /** 获取吸顶View在RecyclerView中的位置*/
        override fun getPinViewPosition(): Int = 15
        /** 吸顶的时候 true:停止滚动并定位在吸顶位置,false:可以继续fling*/
        override fun stopWhenAdsorbent(): Boolean = false
//recyclerView is ParentRecyclerView
manager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
recyclerView.layoutManager = manager
recyclerView.adapter = adapter

//itemView.recyclerview is ChildRecyclerView as ViewHolder
init {
    val p = itemView.recyclerview.layoutParams
    /** 吸顶高+child recyclerView高 = recyclerView高*/
    val height = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 50f, parent.resources.displayMetrics) + 0.5f
    p.height = parent.measuredHeight - height.toInt()
    itemView.recyclerview.layoutParams = p

    val adapter = DemoGroupAdapter()
    for(i in 0 until 50) {
        adapter.addEntity(GroupEntity(VT_TXT, "Child RecyclerView item $i"))
    val recycler = itemView.recyclerview
    recycler.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(parent.context)
    recycler.adapter = adapter
//recyclerView is ParentRecyclerView
manager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
recyclerView.layoutManager = manager
recyclerView.adapter = adapter

//ViewPager as ViewHolder,ChildRecycler is ViewPager Item
    override fun instantiateItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int): Any {
    var view :RecyclerView? = null
    while(views.size > 0 && view == null){
        view = views.removeLast()
    if(view == null){
        view = ChildRecyclerView(container.context)
        view.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(container.context)
    if(view.adapter == null){
        val adapter = DemoGroupAdapter()
        for(i in 0 until 50) {
            adapter.addEntity(GroupEntity(VT_TXT, "ViewPager嵌套RecyclerView item $i"))
        view.adapter = adapter
    return view


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 uis

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.