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Dev Tools

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This is a collection of Luminar's development tools. These tools are used to help developers in their day-to-day tasks.


Configure VS Code for Bazel

If you want to debug C++ Bazel targets in VS Code, you can use configure-vscode-for-bazel to generate a .vscode/launch.json file. This file then contains all targets for debugging in VS Code. To generate a defined set of targets, run

configure-vscode-for-bazel //path/to/your/target/...

This will be forwarded to a bazel query listing all cc_binary and cc_test targets. Make sure you compile with debug symbols (--compilation_mode=dbg) enabled.


whoowns is a tool to print the GitHub codeowner of a folder or file by parsing the .github/CODEOWNERS file. With this tool, you can easily find out who is responsible for a specific part of the codebase from the terminal. To find the owners of a file or folder, run

whoowns path/to/your/file/or/folder

# example output
# path/to/your/file/or/folder -> @owner1

Specify the --level N to see the owners of child items in the N-th directory level below your provided folder.



Check that BUILD files have a .bazel ending. BUILD.bazel file is the recommended way to name these files.


Check that all source code files are snake_case. We don't want to use camelCase or kebab-case file names.


Check that all C++ and Cuda unit test files end with _test.cpp or (no _tests) and that they're under a /tests/ folder (not /test/).


Check that markdown filenames do not use dashes


Check that no sys.path.append is used in Python code


Format go files


Order go imports


Run Go Revive linter


Generate markdown documentation from the hook descriptions in .pre-commit-hooks.yaml into the Docs are generated between hooks-doc start and hooks-doc end markdown comment blocks.


Check that number of lines in scripts do not exceed max-lines. Use --max-lines=<number> to set the maximum number of lines. Default is 30 for shell scripts.


Check if options are set with set -euxo pipefail. Use # nolint(set_options) to ignore this check.


Check that all TODO comments follow the same pattern and link a Jira ticket: TODO(ABC-1234):.


Check for non existing and duplicate paths in .pre-commit-config.yaml. Background: In a big codebase, the exclude lists can be quite long and it's easy to make a typo or forget to remove an entry when it's no longer needed.


Sync VSCode settings and extensions from devcontainer.json to .vscode folder. devcontainer.json will be now your source of truth. Entries defined in settings.json and extensions.json which don't exist in devcontainer.json will be left as is.

If settings.json and extensions.json are ignored in Git, consider running the hook in post-checkout and post-merge stages by overwriting the stages config. In this case, define your default_install_hook_types in the pre-commit config and set always_run: true for this hook.


Check if all folders in the CODEOWNERS file exist, there are no duplicates, and it has acceptable codeowners.

What is an acceptable codeowner? We want to make sure that every folder has a codeowner other than the team that should exclusively own the CODEOWNERS file. For this, we define a CODEOWNERS_OWNER using the --codeowners-owner argument. Your CODEOWNERS file should look as follows:


# Here goes all your CODEOWNERS file content overriding the wildcard owner

# leave this at the bottom to have highest ownership priority

If the hook detects CODEOWNERS_OWNER owns anything else than .github/CODEOWNERS it will fail to make sure every file added has an acceptable codeowner.


Please refer to the file for information on how to contribute to this project.