These are a few program and setting that I use for fresh EndeavourOS installations. These can easily be used for other operating systems by changing the install command (e.g. apt-get in Ubuntu or Debian or dnf in Fedora) and checking the names of programs as they may be listed under slightly different names in your OS's repositories.
OS: EndeavourOS
yay -S cmake gcc-fortran
## Some of these are Gnome specific
yay -S neovim \
kitty \
libreoffice-fresh \
r \
python3 \
python-pip \
gnome-tweaks \
obsidian \
lazygit \
hunspell \
evolution \
evolution-ews \
nodejs \
ttf-fira-sans \
zsh \
rclone \
mariadb \
rstudio-desktop-bin \
yarn \
rpi-imager \
vlc \
ranger \
nomachine \
nautlius-admin \
yay -S hunspell-en_us
- user theme
- just perfection
- impatience
- caffeine
- blur my shell
Gnome tweaks modify window buttons
- Graphite GTK
cd /tmp
git clone
cd Graph*
./ --tweaks rimless normal darker
Make sure to switch to dark theme in Gnome 2. Tela icon theme
cd /tmp
git clone
cd Tela*
./ -a
This installs all color variations, pick both theme and icons using Tweak Tools
Install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
I personally use zsh theme agnoster
R packages to install
x <- c(
## If these are not installed already and you are running Linux, make sure to install the following:
## In terminal:
## yay -S cmake gg-fortran (EndeavourOS or other Arch-based distro)
## In R (after calling the x <- c(...) vector above):
Fix for rstudio-bin: (You might not have a to do this)
sudo nvim /usr/share/applications/rstudio.desktop
and append
Exec=/usr/bin/rstudio-bin %F
to Exec=/usr/bin/rstudio-bin %f --no-sandbox
Mounting cloud drives using rclone
mkdir ~/mnt
mkdir ~/mnt/drive
mkdir ~/mnt/box
rclone config # Run this to set up Google Drive and Box
sudo nvim /etc/fuse.conf
# uncomment user_allow_other
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable rclone@drive
systemctl --user start rclone@drive
systemctl --user enable rclone@box
systemctl --user start rclone@box
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
sudo systemctl start bluetooth