diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/abbreviations.json b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/abbreviations.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..289a08aa --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/abbreviations.json @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +{ + "analysisServicesServers": "as", + "apiManagementService": "apim-", + "appConfigurationConfigurationStores": "appcs-", + "appManagedEnvironments": "cae-", + "appContainerApps": "ca-", + "authorizationPolicyDefinitions": "policy-", + "automationAutomationAccounts": "aa-", + "blueprintBlueprints": "bp-", + "blueprintBlueprintsArtifacts": "bpa-", + "cacheRedis": "redis-", + "cdnProfiles": "cdnp-", + "cdnProfilesEndpoints": "cdne-", + "cognitiveServicesAccounts": "cog-", + "cognitiveServicesFormRecognizer": "cog-fr-", + "cognitiveServicesTextAnalytics": "cog-ta-", + "computeAvailabilitySets": "avail-", + "computeCloudServices": "cld-", + "computeDiskEncryptionSets": "des", + "computeDisks": "disk", + "computeDisksOs": "osdisk", + "computeGalleries": "gal", + "computeSnapshots": "snap-", + "computeVirtualMachines": "vm", + "computeVirtualMachineScaleSets": "vmss-", + "containerInstanceContainerGroups": "ci", + "containerRegistryRegistries": "cr", + "containerServiceManagedClusters": "aks-", + "databricksWorkspaces": "dbw-", + "dataFactoryFactories": "adf-", + "dataLakeAnalyticsAccounts": "dla", + "dataLakeStoreAccounts": "dls", + "dataMigrationServices": "dms-", + "dBforMySQLServers": "mysql-", + "dBforPostgreSQLServers": "psql-", + "devicesIotHubs": "iot-", + "devicesProvisioningServices": "provs-", + "devicesProvisioningServicesCertificates": "pcert-", + "documentDBDatabaseAccounts": "cosmos-", + "eventGridDomains": "evgd-", + "eventGridDomainsTopics": "evgt-", + "eventGridEventSubscriptions": "evgs-", + "eventHubNamespaces": "evhns-", + "eventHubNamespacesEventHubs": "evh-", + "hdInsightClustersHadoop": "hadoop-", + "hdInsightClustersHbase": "hbase-", + "hdInsightClustersKafka": "kafka-", + "hdInsightClustersMl": "mls-", + "hdInsightClustersSpark": "spark-", + "hdInsightClustersStorm": "storm-", + "hybridComputeMachines": "arcs-", + "insightsActionGroups": "ag-", + "insightsComponents": "appi-", + "keyVaultVaults": "kv-", + "kubernetesConnectedClusters": "arck", + "kustoClusters": "dec", + "kustoClustersDatabases": "dedb", + "loadTesting": "lt-", + "logicIntegrationAccounts": "ia-", + "logicWorkflows": "logic-", + "machineLearningServicesWorkspaces": "mlw-", + "managedIdentityUserAssignedIdentities": "id-", + "managementManagementGroups": "mg-", + "migrateAssessmentProjects": "migr-", + "networkApplicationGateways": "agw-", + "networkApplicationSecurityGroups": "asg-", + "networkAzureFirewalls": "afw-", + "networkBastionHosts": "bas-", + "networkConnections": "con-", + "networkDnsZones": "dnsz-", + "networkExpressRouteCircuits": "erc-", + "networkFirewallPolicies": "afwp-", + "networkFirewallPoliciesWebApplication": "waf", + "networkFirewallPoliciesRuleGroups": "wafrg", + "networkFrontDoors": "fd-", + "networkFrontdoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies": "fdfp-", + "networkLoadBalancersExternal": "lbe-", + "networkLoadBalancersInternal": "lbi-", + "networkLoadBalancersInboundNatRules": "rule-", + "networkLocalNetworkGateways": "lgw-", + "networkNatGateways": "ng-", + "networkNetworkInterfaces": "nic-", + "networkNetworkSecurityGroups": "nsg-", + "networkNetworkSecurityGroupsSecurityRules": "nsgsr-", + "networkNetworkWatchers": "nw-", + "networkPrivateDnsZones": "pdnsz-", + "networkPrivateLinkServices": "pl-", + "networkPublicIPAddresses": "pip-", + "networkPublicIPPrefixes": "ippre-", + "networkRouteFilters": "rf-", + "networkRouteTables": "rt-", + "networkRouteTablesRoutes": "udr-", + "networkTrafficManagerProfiles": "traf-", + "networkVirtualNetworkGateways": "vgw-", + "networkVirtualNetworks": "vnet-", + "networkVirtualNetworksSubnets": "snet-", + "networkVirtualNetworksVirtualNetworkPeerings": "peer-", + "networkVirtualWans": "vwan-", + "networkVpnGateways": "vpng-", + "networkVpnGatewaysVpnConnections": "vcn-", + "networkVpnGatewaysVpnSites": "vst-", + "notificationHubsNamespaces": "ntfns-", + "notificationHubsNamespacesNotificationHubs": "ntf-", + "operationalInsightsWorkspaces": "log-", + "portalDashboards": "dash-", + "powerBIDedicatedCapacities": "pbi-", + "purviewAccounts": "pview-", + "recoveryServicesVaults": "rsv-", + "resourcesResourceGroups": "rg-", + "searchSearchServices": "srch-", + "serviceBusNamespaces": "sb-", + "serviceBusNamespacesQueues": "sbq-", + "serviceBusNamespacesTopics": "sbt-", + "serviceEndPointPolicies": "se-", + "serviceFabricClusters": "sf-", + "signalRServiceSignalR": "sigr", + "sqlManagedInstances": "sqlmi-", + "sqlServers": "sql-", + "sqlServersDataWarehouse": "sqldw-", + "sqlServersDatabases": "sqldb-", + "sqlServersDatabasesStretch": "sqlstrdb-", + "storageStorageAccounts": "st", + "storageStorageAccountsVm": "stvm", + "storSimpleManagers": "ssimp", + "streamAnalyticsCluster": "asa-", + "synapseWorkspaces": "syn", + "synapseWorkspacesAnalyticsWorkspaces": "synw", + "synapseWorkspacesSqlPoolsDedicated": "syndp", + "synapseWorkspacesSqlPoolsSpark": "synsp", + "timeSeriesInsightsEnvironments": "tsi-", + "webServerFarms": "plan-", + "webSitesAppService": "app-", + "webSitesAppServiceEnvironment": "ase-", + "webSitesFunctions": "func-", + "webStaticSites": "stapp-" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/app/db.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/app/db.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..938949c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/app/db.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +param accountName string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param collections array = [ + { + name: 'TodoList' + id: 'TodoList' + shardKey: 'Hash' + indexKey: '_id' + } + { + name: 'TodoItem' + id: 'TodoItem' + shardKey: 'Hash' + indexKey: '_id' + } +] +param databaseName string = '' +param keyVaultName string + +// Because databaseName is optional in main.bicep, we make sure the database name is set here. +var defaultDatabaseName = 'Todo' +var actualDatabaseName = !empty(databaseName) ? databaseName : defaultDatabaseName + +module cosmos '../core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-mongo' + params: { + accountName: accountName + databaseName: actualDatabaseName + location: location + collections: collections + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + tags: tags + } +} + +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output databaseName string = cosmos.outputs.databaseName +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f8747f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB account.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param connectionStringKey string = 'AZURE-COSMOS-CONNECTION-STRING' +param keyVaultName string + +@allowed([ 'GlobalDocumentDB', 'MongoDB', 'Parse' ]) +param kind string + +resource cosmos 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-08-15' = { + name: name + kind: kind + location: location + tags: tags + properties: { + consistencyPolicy: { defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session' } + locations: [ + { + locationName: location + failoverPriority: 0 + isZoneRedundant: false + } + ] + databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard' + enableAutomaticFailover: false + enableMultipleWriteLocations: false + apiProperties: (kind == 'MongoDB') ? { serverVersion: '4.2' } : {} + capabilities: [ { name: 'EnableServerless' } ] + } +} + +resource cosmosConnectionString 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = { + parent: keyVault + name: connectionStringKey + properties: { + value: cosmos.listConnectionStrings().connectionStrings[0].connectionString + } +} + +resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2022-07-01' existing = { + name: keyVaultName +} + +output connectionStringKey string = connectionStringKey +output endpoint string = cosmos.properties.documentEndpoint +output id string = cosmos.id +output name string = cosmos.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-account.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-account.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4aafbf38 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-account.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB account.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param keyVaultName string +param connectionStringKey string = 'AZURE-COSMOS-CONNECTION-STRING' + +module cosmos '../../cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-account' + params: { + name: name + location: location + connectionStringKey: connectionStringKey + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + kind: 'MongoDB' + tags: tags + } +} + +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint +output id string = cosmos.outputs.id diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a670578 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB account with a database.' +param accountName string +param databaseName string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param collections array = [] +param connectionStringKey string = 'AZURE-COSMOS-CONNECTION-STRING' +param keyVaultName string + +module cosmos 'cosmos-mongo-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-mongo-account' + params: { + name: accountName + location: location + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + tags: tags + connectionStringKey: connectionStringKey + } +} + +resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases@2022-08-15' = { + name: '${accountName}/${databaseName}' + tags: tags + properties: { + resource: { id: databaseName } + } + + resource list 'collections' = [for collection in collections: { + name: collection.name + properties: { + resource: { + id: collection.id + shardKey: { _id: collection.shardKey } + indexes: [ { key: { keys: [ collection.indexKey ] } } ] + } + } + }] + + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + ] +} + +output connectionStringKey string = connectionStringKey +output databaseName string = databaseName +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-account.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-account.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8431135e --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-account.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param keyVaultName string + +module cosmos '../../cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-account' + params: { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB' + } +} + +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint +output id string = cosmos.outputs.id +output name string = cosmos.outputs.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-db.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-db.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..265880dc --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-db.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account with a database.' +param accountName string +param databaseName string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param containers array = [] +param keyVaultName string +param principalIds array = [] + +module cosmos 'cosmos-sql-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-sql-account' + params: { + name: accountName + location: location + tags: tags + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + } +} + +resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2022-05-15' = { + name: '${accountName}/${databaseName}' + properties: { + resource: { id: databaseName } + } + + resource list 'containers' = [for container in containers: { + name: container.name + properties: { + resource: { + id: container.id + partitionKey: { paths: [ container.partitionKey ] } + } + options: {} + } + }] + + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + ] +} + +module roleDefinition 'cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-sql-role-definition' + params: { + accountName: accountName + } + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + database + ] +} + +// We need batchSize(1) here because sql role assignments have to be done sequentially +@batchSize(1) +module userRole 'cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep' = [for principalId in principalIds: if (!empty(principalId)) { + name: 'cosmos-sql-user-role-${uniqueString(principalId)}' + params: { + accountName: accountName + roleDefinitionId: roleDefinition.outputs.id + principalId: principalId + } + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + database + ] +}] + +output accountId string = cosmos.outputs.id +output accountName string = cosmos.outputs.name +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output databaseName string = databaseName +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint +output roleDefinitionId string = roleDefinition.outputs.id diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3949efef --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a SQL role assignment under an Azure Cosmos DB account.' +param accountName string + +param roleDefinitionId string +param principalId string = '' + +resource role 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleAssignments@2022-05-15' = { + parent: cosmos + name: guid(roleDefinitionId, principalId, cosmos.id) + properties: { + principalId: principalId + roleDefinitionId: roleDefinitionId + scope: cosmos.id + } +} + +resource cosmos 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-08-15' existing = { + name: accountName +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..778d6dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account.' +param accountName string + +resource roleDefinition 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleDefinitions@2022-08-15' = { + parent: cosmos + name: guid(cosmos.id, accountName, 'sql-role') + properties: { + assignableScopes: [ + cosmos.id + ] + permissions: [ + { + dataActions: [ + 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/readMetadata' + 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/items/*' + 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/*' + ] + notDataActions: [] + } + ] + roleName: 'Reader Writer' + type: 'CustomRole' + } +} + +resource cosmos 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-08-15' existing = { + name: accountName +} + +output id string = roleDefinition.id diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/main.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/main.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0320a02a --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/main.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +@minLength(1) +@maxLength(64) +@description('Name of the the environment which is used to generate a short unique hash used in all resources.') +param environmentName string + +@minLength(1) +@description('Primary location for all resources') +param location string = resourceGroup().location + +param cosmosAccountName string = '' +param cosmosDatabaseName string = '' +param keyvaultName string = '' + +var abbrs = loadJsonContent('./abbreviations.json') +var resourceToken = toLower(uniqueString(subscription().id, environmentName, location)) +var tags = { 'azd-env-name': environmentName } + +// The application database +module cosmos './app/db.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos' + params: { + accountName: !empty(cosmosAccountName) ? cosmosAccountName : '${abbrs.documentDBDatabaseAccounts}${resourceToken}' + databaseName: cosmosDatabaseName + location: location + tags: tags + keyVaultName: keyvaultName + } +} + +// Data outputs +output AZURE_COSMOS_CONNECTION_STRING_KEY string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output AZURE_COSMOS_DATABASE_NAME string = cosmos.outputs.databaseName + +// App outputs +output AZURE_LOCATION string = location +output AZURE_TENANT_ID string = tenant().tenantId diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/main.parameters.json b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/main.parameters.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67ad8524 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/main.parameters.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#", + "contentVersion": "", + "parameters": { + "environmentName": { + "value": "${AZURE_ENV_NAME}" + }, + "location": { + "value": "${AZURE_LOCATION}" + }, + "principalId": { + "value": "${AZURE_PRINCIPAL_ID}" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/manifest.yaml b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/manifest.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a56bb76 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS/manifest.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +name: Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS +version: 1.0.0 +summary: Todo Nodejs Mongo AKS +description: Deploys a todo app with Nodejs and Mongo +runner: ARM +templatePath: azuredeploy.json + +parameters: +- id: "environmentName" + name: "Environment Name (e.g. testenv)" + description: "Name of the Environment" + type: string + required: true + +- id: "location" + name: "Region (e.g. eastus)" + description: "Location of the resources" + type: string + required: true + +- id: "keyvaultName" + name: "keyvaultName (e.g. kv-abc123)" + description: "keyvault name that store the secret for mongo connection string" + type: string + required: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/abbreviations.json b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/abbreviations.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..289a08aa --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/abbreviations.json @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +{ + "analysisServicesServers": "as", + "apiManagementService": "apim-", + "appConfigurationConfigurationStores": "appcs-", + "appManagedEnvironments": "cae-", + "appContainerApps": "ca-", + "authorizationPolicyDefinitions": "policy-", + "automationAutomationAccounts": "aa-", + "blueprintBlueprints": "bp-", + "blueprintBlueprintsArtifacts": "bpa-", + "cacheRedis": "redis-", + "cdnProfiles": "cdnp-", + "cdnProfilesEndpoints": "cdne-", + "cognitiveServicesAccounts": "cog-", + "cognitiveServicesFormRecognizer": "cog-fr-", + "cognitiveServicesTextAnalytics": "cog-ta-", + "computeAvailabilitySets": "avail-", + "computeCloudServices": "cld-", + "computeDiskEncryptionSets": "des", + "computeDisks": "disk", + "computeDisksOs": "osdisk", + "computeGalleries": "gal", + "computeSnapshots": "snap-", + "computeVirtualMachines": "vm", + "computeVirtualMachineScaleSets": "vmss-", + "containerInstanceContainerGroups": "ci", + "containerRegistryRegistries": "cr", + "containerServiceManagedClusters": "aks-", + "databricksWorkspaces": "dbw-", + "dataFactoryFactories": "adf-", + "dataLakeAnalyticsAccounts": "dla", + "dataLakeStoreAccounts": "dls", + "dataMigrationServices": "dms-", + "dBforMySQLServers": "mysql-", + "dBforPostgreSQLServers": "psql-", + "devicesIotHubs": "iot-", + "devicesProvisioningServices": "provs-", + "devicesProvisioningServicesCertificates": "pcert-", + "documentDBDatabaseAccounts": "cosmos-", + "eventGridDomains": "evgd-", + "eventGridDomainsTopics": "evgt-", + "eventGridEventSubscriptions": "evgs-", + "eventHubNamespaces": "evhns-", + "eventHubNamespacesEventHubs": "evh-", + "hdInsightClustersHadoop": "hadoop-", + "hdInsightClustersHbase": "hbase-", + "hdInsightClustersKafka": "kafka-", + "hdInsightClustersMl": "mls-", + "hdInsightClustersSpark": "spark-", + "hdInsightClustersStorm": "storm-", + "hybridComputeMachines": "arcs-", + "insightsActionGroups": "ag-", + "insightsComponents": "appi-", + "keyVaultVaults": "kv-", + "kubernetesConnectedClusters": "arck", + "kustoClusters": "dec", + "kustoClustersDatabases": "dedb", + "loadTesting": "lt-", + "logicIntegrationAccounts": "ia-", + "logicWorkflows": "logic-", + "machineLearningServicesWorkspaces": "mlw-", + "managedIdentityUserAssignedIdentities": "id-", + "managementManagementGroups": "mg-", + "migrateAssessmentProjects": "migr-", + "networkApplicationGateways": "agw-", + "networkApplicationSecurityGroups": "asg-", + "networkAzureFirewalls": "afw-", + "networkBastionHosts": "bas-", + "networkConnections": "con-", + "networkDnsZones": "dnsz-", + "networkExpressRouteCircuits": "erc-", + "networkFirewallPolicies": "afwp-", + "networkFirewallPoliciesWebApplication": "waf", + "networkFirewallPoliciesRuleGroups": "wafrg", + "networkFrontDoors": "fd-", + "networkFrontdoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies": "fdfp-", + "networkLoadBalancersExternal": "lbe-", + "networkLoadBalancersInternal": "lbi-", + "networkLoadBalancersInboundNatRules": "rule-", + "networkLocalNetworkGateways": "lgw-", + "networkNatGateways": "ng-", + "networkNetworkInterfaces": "nic-", + "networkNetworkSecurityGroups": "nsg-", + "networkNetworkSecurityGroupsSecurityRules": "nsgsr-", + "networkNetworkWatchers": "nw-", + "networkPrivateDnsZones": "pdnsz-", + "networkPrivateLinkServices": "pl-", + "networkPublicIPAddresses": "pip-", + "networkPublicIPPrefixes": "ippre-", + "networkRouteFilters": "rf-", + "networkRouteTables": "rt-", + "networkRouteTablesRoutes": "udr-", + "networkTrafficManagerProfiles": "traf-", + "networkVirtualNetworkGateways": "vgw-", + "networkVirtualNetworks": "vnet-", + "networkVirtualNetworksSubnets": "snet-", + "networkVirtualNetworksVirtualNetworkPeerings": "peer-", + "networkVirtualWans": "vwan-", + "networkVpnGateways": "vpng-", + "networkVpnGatewaysVpnConnections": "vcn-", + "networkVpnGatewaysVpnSites": "vst-", + "notificationHubsNamespaces": "ntfns-", + "notificationHubsNamespacesNotificationHubs": "ntf-", + "operationalInsightsWorkspaces": "log-", + "portalDashboards": "dash-", + "powerBIDedicatedCapacities": "pbi-", + "purviewAccounts": "pview-", + "recoveryServicesVaults": "rsv-", + "resourcesResourceGroups": "rg-", + "searchSearchServices": "srch-", + "serviceBusNamespaces": "sb-", + "serviceBusNamespacesQueues": "sbq-", + "serviceBusNamespacesTopics": "sbt-", + "serviceEndPointPolicies": "se-", + "serviceFabricClusters": "sf-", + "signalRServiceSignalR": "sigr", + "sqlManagedInstances": "sqlmi-", + "sqlServers": "sql-", + "sqlServersDataWarehouse": "sqldw-", + "sqlServersDatabases": "sqldb-", + "sqlServersDatabasesStretch": "sqlstrdb-", + "storageStorageAccounts": "st", + "storageStorageAccountsVm": "stvm", + "storSimpleManagers": "ssimp", + "streamAnalyticsCluster": "asa-", + "synapseWorkspaces": "syn", + "synapseWorkspacesAnalyticsWorkspaces": "synw", + "synapseWorkspacesSqlPoolsDedicated": "syndp", + "synapseWorkspacesSqlPoolsSpark": "synsp", + "timeSeriesInsightsEnvironments": "tsi-", + "webServerFarms": "plan-", + "webSitesAppService": "app-", + "webSitesAppServiceEnvironment": "ase-", + "webSitesFunctions": "func-", + "webStaticSites": "stapp-" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/app/db.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/app/db.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..938949c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/app/db.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +param accountName string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param collections array = [ + { + name: 'TodoList' + id: 'TodoList' + shardKey: 'Hash' + indexKey: '_id' + } + { + name: 'TodoItem' + id: 'TodoItem' + shardKey: 'Hash' + indexKey: '_id' + } +] +param databaseName string = '' +param keyVaultName string + +// Because databaseName is optional in main.bicep, we make sure the database name is set here. +var defaultDatabaseName = 'Todo' +var actualDatabaseName = !empty(databaseName) ? databaseName : defaultDatabaseName + +module cosmos '../core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-mongo' + params: { + accountName: accountName + databaseName: actualDatabaseName + location: location + collections: collections + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + tags: tags + } +} + +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output databaseName string = cosmos.outputs.databaseName +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/ai/cognitiveservices.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/ai/cognitiveservices.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1bf5666b --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/ai/cognitiveservices.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cognitive Services instance.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} +@description('The custom subdomain name used to access the API. Defaults to the value of the name parameter.') +param customSubDomainName string = name +param deployments array = [] +param kind string = 'OpenAI' + +@allowed([ 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]) +param publicNetworkAccess string = 'Enabled' +param sku object = { + name: 'S0' +} + +param allowedIpRules array = [] +param networkAcls object = empty(allowedIpRules) ? { + defaultAction: 'Allow' +} : { + ipRules: allowedIpRules + defaultAction: 'Deny' +} + +resource account 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts@2023-05-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + kind: kind + properties: { + customSubDomainName: customSubDomainName + publicNetworkAccess: publicNetworkAccess + networkAcls: networkAcls + } + sku: sku +} + +@batchSize(1) +resource deployment 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts/deployments@2023-05-01' = [for deployment in deployments: { + parent: account + name: deployment.name + properties: { + model: deployment.model + raiPolicyName: contains(deployment, 'raiPolicyName') ? deployment.raiPolicyName : null + } + sku: contains(deployment, 'sku') ? deployment.sku : { + name: 'Standard' + capacity: 20 + } +}] + +output endpoint string = account.properties.endpoint +output id string = account.id +output name string = account.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f8747f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB account.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param connectionStringKey string = 'AZURE-COSMOS-CONNECTION-STRING' +param keyVaultName string + +@allowed([ 'GlobalDocumentDB', 'MongoDB', 'Parse' ]) +param kind string + +resource cosmos 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-08-15' = { + name: name + kind: kind + location: location + tags: tags + properties: { + consistencyPolicy: { defaultConsistencyLevel: 'Session' } + locations: [ + { + locationName: location + failoverPriority: 0 + isZoneRedundant: false + } + ] + databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard' + enableAutomaticFailover: false + enableMultipleWriteLocations: false + apiProperties: (kind == 'MongoDB') ? { serverVersion: '4.2' } : {} + capabilities: [ { name: 'EnableServerless' } ] + } +} + +resource cosmosConnectionString 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = { + parent: keyVault + name: connectionStringKey + properties: { + value: cosmos.listConnectionStrings().connectionStrings[0].connectionString + } +} + +resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2022-07-01' existing = { + name: keyVaultName +} + +output connectionStringKey string = connectionStringKey +output endpoint string = cosmos.properties.documentEndpoint +output id string = cosmos.id +output name string = cosmos.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-account.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-account.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4aafbf38 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-account.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB account.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param keyVaultName string +param connectionStringKey string = 'AZURE-COSMOS-CONNECTION-STRING' + +module cosmos '../../cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-account' + params: { + name: name + location: location + connectionStringKey: connectionStringKey + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + kind: 'MongoDB' + tags: tags + } +} + +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint +output id string = cosmos.outputs.id diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a670578 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB account with a database.' +param accountName string +param databaseName string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param collections array = [] +param connectionStringKey string = 'AZURE-COSMOS-CONNECTION-STRING' +param keyVaultName string + +module cosmos 'cosmos-mongo-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-mongo-account' + params: { + name: accountName + location: location + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + tags: tags + connectionStringKey: connectionStringKey + } +} + +resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/mongodbDatabases@2022-08-15' = { + name: '${accountName}/${databaseName}' + tags: tags + properties: { + resource: { id: databaseName } + } + + resource list 'collections' = [for collection in collections: { + name: collection.name + properties: { + resource: { + id: collection.id + shardKey: { _id: collection.shardKey } + indexes: [ { key: { keys: [ collection.indexKey ] } } ] + } + } + }] + + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + ] +} + +output connectionStringKey string = connectionStringKey +output databaseName string = databaseName +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-account.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-account.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8431135e --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-account.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param keyVaultName string + +module cosmos '../../cosmos/cosmos-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-account' + params: { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB' + } +} + +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint +output id string = cosmos.outputs.id +output name string = cosmos.outputs.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-db.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-db.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..265880dc --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-db.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account with a database.' +param accountName string +param databaseName string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param containers array = [] +param keyVaultName string +param principalIds array = [] + +module cosmos 'cosmos-sql-account.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-sql-account' + params: { + name: accountName + location: location + tags: tags + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + } +} + +resource database 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases@2022-05-15' = { + name: '${accountName}/${databaseName}' + properties: { + resource: { id: databaseName } + } + + resource list 'containers' = [for container in containers: { + name: container.name + properties: { + resource: { + id: container.id + partitionKey: { paths: [ container.partitionKey ] } + } + options: {} + } + }] + + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + ] +} + +module roleDefinition 'cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep' = { + name: 'cosmos-sql-role-definition' + params: { + accountName: accountName + } + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + database + ] +} + +// We need batchSize(1) here because sql role assignments have to be done sequentially +@batchSize(1) +module userRole 'cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep' = [for principalId in principalIds: if (!empty(principalId)) { + name: 'cosmos-sql-user-role-${uniqueString(principalId)}' + params: { + accountName: accountName + roleDefinitionId: roleDefinition.outputs.id + principalId: principalId + } + dependsOn: [ + cosmos + database + ] +}] + +output accountId string = cosmos.outputs.id +output accountName string = cosmos.outputs.name +output connectionStringKey string = cosmos.outputs.connectionStringKey +output databaseName string = databaseName +output endpoint string = cosmos.outputs.endpoint +output roleDefinitionId string = roleDefinition.outputs.id diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3949efef --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-assign.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a SQL role assignment under an Azure Cosmos DB account.' +param accountName string + +param roleDefinitionId string +param principalId string = '' + +resource role 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleAssignments@2022-05-15' = { + parent: cosmos + name: guid(roleDefinitionId, principalId, cosmos.id) + properties: { + principalId: principalId + roleDefinitionId: roleDefinitionId + scope: cosmos.id + } +} + +resource cosmos 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-08-15' existing = { + name: accountName +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..778d6dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-role-def.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a SQL role definition under an Azure Cosmos DB account.' +param accountName string + +resource roleDefinition 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlRoleDefinitions@2022-08-15' = { + parent: cosmos + name: guid(cosmos.id, accountName, 'sql-role') + properties: { + assignableScopes: [ + cosmos.id + ] + permissions: [ + { + dataActions: [ + 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/readMetadata' + 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/items/*' + 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/sqlDatabases/containers/*' + ] + notDataActions: [] + } + ] + roleName: 'Reader Writer' + type: 'CustomRole' + } +} + +resource cosmos 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-08-15' existing = { + name: accountName +} + +output id string = roleDefinition.id diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/postgresql/flexibleserver.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/postgresql/flexibleserver.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e26b1a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/postgresql/flexibleserver.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param sku object +param storage object +param administratorLogin string +@secure() +param administratorLoginPassword string +param databaseNames array = [] +param allowAzureIPsFirewall bool = false +param allowAllIPsFirewall bool = false +param allowedSingleIPs array = [] + +// PostgreSQL version +param version string + +// Latest official version 2022-12-01 does not have Bicep types available +resource postgresServer 'Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers@2022-12-01' = { + location: location + tags: tags + name: name + sku: sku + properties: { + version: version + administratorLogin: administratorLogin + administratorLoginPassword: administratorLoginPassword + storage: storage + highAvailability: { + mode: 'Disabled' + } + } + + resource database 'databases' = [for name in databaseNames: { + name: name + }] + + resource firewall_all 'firewallRules' = if (allowAllIPsFirewall) { + name: 'allow-all-IPs' + properties: { + startIpAddress: '' + endIpAddress: '' + } + } + + resource firewall_azure 'firewallRules' = if (allowAzureIPsFirewall) { + name: 'allow-all-azure-internal-IPs' + properties: { + startIpAddress: '' + endIpAddress: '' + } + } + + resource firewall_single 'firewallRules' = [for ip in allowedSingleIPs: { + name: 'allow-single-${replace(ip, '.', '')}' + properties: { + startIpAddress: ip + endIpAddress: ip + } + }] + +} + +output POSTGRES_DOMAIN_NAME string = postgresServer.properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/sqlserver/sqlserver.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/sqlserver/sqlserver.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84f2cc2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/database/sqlserver/sqlserver.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure SQL Server instance.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param appUser string = 'appUser' +param databaseName string +param keyVaultName string +param sqlAdmin string = 'sqlAdmin' +param connectionStringKey string = 'AZURE-SQL-CONNECTION-STRING' + +@secure() +param sqlAdminPassword string +@secure() +param appUserPassword string + +resource sqlServer 'Microsoft.Sql/servers@2022-05-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + properties: { + version: '12.0' + minimalTlsVersion: '1.2' + publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled' + administratorLogin: sqlAdmin + administratorLoginPassword: sqlAdminPassword + } + + resource database 'databases' = { + name: databaseName + location: location + } + + resource firewall 'firewallRules' = { + name: 'Azure Services' + properties: { + // Allow all clients + // Note: range [] means "allow all Azure-hosted clients only". + // This is not sufficient, because we also want to allow direct access from developer machine, for debugging purposes. + startIpAddress: '' + endIpAddress: '' + } + } +} + +resource sqlDeploymentScript 'Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts@2020-10-01' = { + name: '${name}-deployment-script' + location: location + kind: 'AzureCLI' + properties: { + azCliVersion: '2.37.0' + retentionInterval: 'PT1H' // Retain the script resource for 1 hour after it ends running + timeout: 'PT5M' // Five minutes + cleanupPreference: 'OnSuccess' + environmentVariables: [ + { + name: 'APPUSERNAME' + value: appUser + } + { + name: 'APPUSERPASSWORD' + secureValue: appUserPassword + } + { + name: 'DBNAME' + value: databaseName + } + { + name: 'DBSERVER' + value: sqlServer.properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName + } + { + name: 'SQLCMDPASSWORD' + secureValue: sqlAdminPassword + } + { + name: 'SQLADMIN' + value: sqlAdmin + } + ] + + scriptContent: ''' +wget https://github.com/microsoft/go-sqlcmd/releases/download/v0.8.1/sqlcmd-v0.8.1-linux-x64.tar.bz2 +tar x -f sqlcmd-v0.8.1-linux-x64.tar.bz2 -C . + +cat < ./initDb.sql +drop user if exists ${APPUSERNAME} +go +create user ${APPUSERNAME} with password = '${APPUSERPASSWORD}' +go +alter role db_owner add member ${APPUSERNAME} +go +SCRIPT_END + +./sqlcmd -S ${DBSERVER} -d ${DBNAME} -U ${SQLADMIN} -i ./initDb.sql + ''' + } +} + +resource sqlAdminPasswordSecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = { + parent: keyVault + name: 'sqlAdminPassword' + properties: { + value: sqlAdminPassword + } +} + +resource appUserPasswordSecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = { + parent: keyVault + name: 'appUserPassword' + properties: { + value: appUserPassword + } +} + +resource sqlAzureConnectionStringSercret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = { + parent: keyVault + name: connectionStringKey + properties: { + value: '${connectionString}; Password=${appUserPassword}' + } +} + +resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2022-07-01' existing = { + name: keyVaultName +} + +var connectionString = 'Server=${sqlServer.properties.fullyQualifiedDomainName}; Database=${sqlServer::database.name}; User=${appUser}' +output connectionStringKey string = connectionStringKey +output databaseName string = sqlServer::database.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/gateway/apim.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/gateway/apim.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..be7464f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/gateway/apim.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure API Management instance.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('The email address of the owner of the service') +@minLength(1) +param publisherEmail string = 'noreply@microsoft.com' + +@description('The name of the owner of the service') +@minLength(1) +param publisherName string = 'n/a' + +@description('The pricing tier of this API Management service') +@allowed([ + 'Consumption' + 'Developer' + 'Standard' + 'Premium' +]) +param sku string = 'Consumption' + +@description('The instance size of this API Management service.') +@allowed([ 0, 1, 2 ]) +param skuCount int = 0 + +@description('Azure Application Insights Name') +param applicationInsightsName string + +resource apimService 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service@2021-08-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: union(tags, { 'azd-service-name': name }) + sku: { + name: sku + capacity: (sku == 'Consumption') ? 0 : ((sku == 'Developer') ? 1 : skuCount) + } + properties: { + publisherEmail: publisherEmail + publisherName: publisherName + // Custom properties are not supported for Consumption SKU + customProperties: sku == 'Consumption' ? {} : { + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Ciphers.TripleDes168': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls10': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Tls11': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Protocols.Ssl30': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls10': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Tls11': 'false' + 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ApiManagement.Gateway.Security.Backend.Protocols.Ssl30': 'false' + } + } +} + +resource apimLogger 'Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/loggers@2021-12-01-preview' = if (!empty(applicationInsightsName)) { + name: 'app-insights-logger' + parent: apimService + properties: { + credentials: { + instrumentationKey: applicationInsights.properties.InstrumentationKey + } + description: 'Logger to Azure Application Insights' + isBuffered: false + loggerType: 'applicationInsights' + resourceId: applicationInsights.id + } +} + +resource applicationInsights 'Microsoft.Insights/components@2020-02-02' existing = if (!empty(applicationInsightsName)) { + name: applicationInsightsName +} + +output apimServiceName string = apimService.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks-agent-pool.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks-agent-pool.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c764358 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks-agent-pool.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +metadata description = 'Adds an agent pool to an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.' +param clusterName string + +@description('The agent pool name') +param name string + +@description('The agent pool configuration') +param config object + +resource aksCluster 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2023-10-02-preview' existing = { + name: clusterName +} + +resource nodePool 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/agentPools@2023-10-02-preview' = { + parent: aksCluster + name: name + properties: config +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks-managed-cluster.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks-managed-cluster.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de562a66 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks-managed-cluster.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster with a system agent pool.' +@description('The name for the AKS managed cluster') +param name string + +@description('The name of the resource group for the managed resources of the AKS cluster') +param nodeResourceGroupName string = '' + +@description('The Azure region/location for the AKS resources') +param location string = resourceGroup().location + +@description('Custom tags to apply to the AKS resources') +param tags object = {} + +@description('Kubernetes Version') +param kubernetesVersion string = '1.27.7' + +@description('Whether RBAC is enabled for local accounts') +param enableRbac bool = true + +// Add-ons +@description('Whether web app routing (preview) add-on is enabled') +param webAppRoutingAddon bool = true + +// AAD Integration +@description('Enable Azure Active Directory integration') +param enableAad bool = false + +@description('Enable RBAC using AAD') +param enableAzureRbac bool = false + +@description('The Tenant ID associated to the Azure Active Directory') +param aadTenantId string = tenant().tenantId + +@description('The load balancer SKU to use for ingress into the AKS cluster') +@allowed([ 'basic', 'standard' ]) +param loadBalancerSku string = 'standard' + +@description('Network plugin used for building the Kubernetes network.') +@allowed([ 'azure', 'kubenet', 'none' ]) +param networkPlugin string = 'azure' + +@description('Network policy used for building the Kubernetes network.') +@allowed([ 'azure', 'calico' ]) +param networkPolicy string = 'azure' + +@description('If set to true, getting static credentials will be disabled for this cluster.') +param disableLocalAccounts bool = false + +@description('The managed cluster SKU.') +@allowed([ 'Free', 'Paid', 'Standard' ]) +param sku string = 'Free' + +@description('Configuration of AKS add-ons') +param addOns object = {} + +@description('The log analytics workspace id used for logging & monitoring') +param workspaceId string = '' + +@description('The node pool configuration for the System agent pool') +param systemPoolConfig object + +@description('The DNS prefix to associate with the AKS cluster') +param dnsPrefix string = '' + +resource aks 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2023-10-02-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + identity: { + type: 'SystemAssigned' + } + sku: { + name: 'Base' + tier: sku + } + properties: { + nodeResourceGroup: !empty(nodeResourceGroupName) ? nodeResourceGroupName : 'rg-mc-${name}' + kubernetesVersion: kubernetesVersion + dnsPrefix: empty(dnsPrefix) ? '${name}-dns' : dnsPrefix + enableRBAC: enableRbac + aadProfile: enableAad ? { + managed: true + enableAzureRBAC: enableAzureRbac + tenantID: aadTenantId + } : null + agentPoolProfiles: [ + systemPoolConfig + ] + networkProfile: { + loadBalancerSku: loadBalancerSku + networkPlugin: networkPlugin + networkPolicy: networkPolicy + } + disableLocalAccounts: disableLocalAccounts && enableAad + addonProfiles: addOns + ingressProfile: { + webAppRouting: { + enabled: webAppRoutingAddon + } + } + } +} + +var aksDiagCategories = [ + 'cluster-autoscaler' + 'kube-controller-manager' + 'kube-audit-admin' + 'guard' +] + +// TODO: Update diagnostics to be its own module +// Blocking issue: https://github.com/Azure/bicep/issues/622 +// Unable to pass in a `resource` scope or unable to use string interpolation in resource types +resource diagnostics 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = if (!empty(workspaceId)) { + name: 'aks-diagnostics' + scope: aks + properties: { + workspaceId: workspaceId + logs: [for category in aksDiagCategories: { + category: category + enabled: true + }] + metrics: [ + { + category: 'AllMetrics' + enabled: true + } + ] + } +} + +@description('The resource name of the AKS cluster') +output clusterName string = aks.name + +@description('The AKS cluster identity') +output clusterIdentity object = { + clientId: aks.properties.identityProfile.kubeletidentity.clientId + objectId: aks.properties.identityProfile.kubeletidentity.objectId + resourceId: aks.properties.identityProfile.kubeletidentity.resourceId +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..536a534b --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/aks.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,280 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster with a system agent pool as well as an additional user agent pool.' +@description('The name for the AKS managed cluster') +param name string + +@description('The name for the Azure container registry (ACR)') +param containerRegistryName string + +@description('The name of the connected log analytics workspace') +param logAnalyticsName string = '' + +@description('The name of the keyvault to grant access') +param keyVaultName string + +@description('The Azure region/location for the AKS resources') +param location string = resourceGroup().location + +@description('Custom tags to apply to the AKS resources') +param tags object = {} + +@description('AKS add-ons configuration') +param addOns object = { + azurePolicy: { + enabled: true + config: { + version: 'v2' + } + } + keyVault: { + enabled: true + config: { + enableSecretRotation: 'true' + rotationPollInterval: '2m' + } + } + openServiceMesh: { + enabled: false + config: {} + } + omsAgent: { + enabled: true + config: {} + } + applicationGateway: { + enabled: false + config: {} + } +} + +@description('The managed cluster SKU.') +@allowed([ 'Free', 'Paid', 'Standard' ]) +param sku string = 'Free' + +@description('The load balancer SKU to use for ingress into the AKS cluster') +@allowed([ 'basic', 'standard' ]) +param loadBalancerSku string = 'standard' + +@description('Network plugin used for building the Kubernetes network.') +@allowed([ 'azure', 'kubenet', 'none' ]) +param networkPlugin string = 'azure' + +@description('Network policy used for building the Kubernetes network.') +@allowed([ 'azure', 'calico' ]) +param networkPolicy string = 'azure' + +@description('The DNS prefix to associate with the AKS cluster') +param dnsPrefix string = '' + +@description('The name of the resource group for the managed resources of the AKS cluster') +param nodeResourceGroupName string = '' + +@allowed([ + 'CostOptimised' + 'Standard' + 'HighSpec' + 'Custom' +]) +@description('The System Pool Preset sizing') +param systemPoolType string = 'CostOptimised' + +@allowed([ + '' + 'CostOptimised' + 'Standard' + 'HighSpec' + 'Custom' +]) +@description('The User Pool Preset sizing') +param agentPoolType string = '' + +// Configure system / user agent pools +@description('Custom configuration of system node pool') +param systemPoolConfig object = {} +@description('Custom configuration of user node pool') +param agentPoolConfig object = {} + +@description('Id of the user or app to assign application roles') +param principalId string = '' + +@description('Kubernetes Version') +param kubernetesVersion string = '1.27.7' + +@description('The Tenant ID associated to the Azure Active Directory') +param aadTenantId string = tenant().tenantId + +@description('Whether RBAC is enabled for local accounts') +param enableRbac bool = true + +@description('If set to true, getting static credentials will be disabled for this cluster.') +param disableLocalAccounts bool = false + +@description('Enable RBAC using AAD') +param enableAzureRbac bool = false + +// Add-ons +@description('Whether web app routing (preview) add-on is enabled') +param webAppRoutingAddon bool = true + +// Configure AKS add-ons +var omsAgentConfig = (!empty(logAnalyticsName) && !empty(addOns.omsAgent) && addOns.omsAgent.enabled) ? union( + addOns.omsAgent, + { + config: { + logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID: logAnalytics.id + } + } +) : {} + +var addOnsConfig = union( + (!empty(addOns.azurePolicy) && addOns.azurePolicy.enabled) ? { azurepolicy: addOns.azurePolicy } : {}, + (!empty(addOns.keyVault) && addOns.keyVault.enabled) ? { azureKeyvaultSecretsProvider: addOns.keyVault } : {}, + (!empty(addOns.openServiceMesh) && addOns.openServiceMesh.enabled) ? { openServiceMesh: addOns.openServiceMesh } : {}, + (!empty(addOns.omsAgent) && addOns.omsAgent.enabled) ? { omsagent: omsAgentConfig } : {}, + (!empty(addOns.applicationGateway) && addOns.applicationGateway.enabled) ? { ingressApplicationGateway: addOns.applicationGateway } : {} +) + +// Link to existing log analytics workspace when available +resource logAnalytics 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2021-12-01-preview' existing = if (!empty(logAnalyticsName)) { + name: logAnalyticsName +} + +var systemPoolSpec = !empty(systemPoolConfig) ? systemPoolConfig : nodePoolPresets[systemPoolType] + +// Create the primary AKS cluster resources and system node pool +module managedCluster 'aks-managed-cluster.bicep' = { + name: 'managed-cluster' + params: { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + systemPoolConfig: union( + { name: 'npsystem', mode: 'System' }, + nodePoolBase, + systemPoolSpec + ) + nodeResourceGroupName: nodeResourceGroupName + sku: sku + dnsPrefix: dnsPrefix + kubernetesVersion: kubernetesVersion + addOns: addOnsConfig + workspaceId: !empty(logAnalyticsName) ? logAnalytics.id : '' + enableAad: enableAzureRbac && aadTenantId != '' + disableLocalAccounts: disableLocalAccounts + aadTenantId: aadTenantId + enableRbac: enableRbac + enableAzureRbac: enableAzureRbac + webAppRoutingAddon: webAppRoutingAddon + loadBalancerSku: loadBalancerSku + networkPlugin: networkPlugin + networkPolicy: networkPolicy + } +} + +var hasAgentPool = !empty(agentPoolConfig) || !empty(agentPoolType) +var agentPoolSpec = hasAgentPool && !empty(agentPoolConfig) ? agentPoolConfig : empty(agentPoolType) ? {} : nodePoolPresets[agentPoolType] + +// Create additional user agent pool when specified +module agentPool 'aks-agent-pool.bicep' = if (hasAgentPool) { + name: 'aks-node-pool' + params: { + clusterName: managedCluster.outputs.clusterName + name: 'npuserpool' + config: union({ name: 'npuser', mode: 'User' }, nodePoolBase, agentPoolSpec) + } +} + +// Creates container registry (ACR) +module containerRegistry 'container-registry.bicep' = { + name: 'container-registry' + params: { + name: containerRegistryName + location: location + tags: tags + workspaceId: !empty(logAnalyticsName) ? logAnalytics.id : '' + } +} + +// Grant ACR Pull access from cluster managed identity to container registry +module containerRegistryAccess '../security/registry-access.bicep' = { + name: 'cluster-container-registry-access' + params: { + containerRegistryName: containerRegistry.outputs.name + principalId: managedCluster.outputs.clusterIdentity.objectId + } +} + +// Give AKS cluster access to the specified principal +module clusterAccess '../security/aks-managed-cluster-access.bicep' = if (enableAzureRbac || disableLocalAccounts) { + name: 'cluster-access' + params: { + clusterName: managedCluster.outputs.clusterName + principalId: principalId + } +} + +// Give the AKS Cluster access to KeyVault +module clusterKeyVaultAccess '../security/keyvault-access.bicep' = { + name: 'cluster-keyvault-access' + params: { + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + principalId: managedCluster.outputs.clusterIdentity.objectId + } +} + +// Helpers for node pool configuration +var nodePoolBase = { + osType: 'Linux' + maxPods: 30 + type: 'VirtualMachineScaleSets' + upgradeSettings: { + maxSurge: '33%' + } +} + +var nodePoolPresets = { + CostOptimised: { + vmSize: 'Standard_B4ms' + count: 1 + minCount: 1 + maxCount: 3 + enableAutoScaling: true + availabilityZones: [] + } + Standard: { + vmSize: 'Standard_DS2_v2' + count: 3 + minCount: 3 + maxCount: 5 + enableAutoScaling: true + availabilityZones: [ + '1' + '2' + '3' + ] + } + HighSpec: { + vmSize: 'Standard_D4s_v3' + count: 3 + minCount: 3 + maxCount: 5 + enableAutoScaling: true + availabilityZones: [ + '1' + '2' + '3' + ] + } +} + +// Module outputs +@description('The resource name of the AKS cluster') +output clusterName string = managedCluster.outputs.clusterName + +@description('The AKS cluster identity') +output clusterIdentity object = managedCluster.outputs.clusterIdentity + +@description('The resource name of the ACR') +output containerRegistryName string = containerRegistry.outputs.name + +@description('The login server for the container registry') +output containerRegistryLoginServer string = containerRegistry.outputs.loginServer diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appservice-appsettings.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appservice-appsettings.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4b22f81 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appservice-appsettings.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +metadata description = 'Updates app settings for an Azure App Service.' +@description('The name of the app service resource within the current resource group scope') +param name string + +@description('The app settings to be applied to the app service') +@secure() +param appSettings object + +resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' existing = { + name: name +} + +resource settings 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config@2022-03-01' = { + name: 'appsettings' + parent: appService + properties: appSettings +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appservice.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appservice.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bef4d2ba --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appservice.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure App Service in an existing Azure App Service plan.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +// Reference Properties +param applicationInsightsName string = '' +param appServicePlanId string +param keyVaultName string = '' +param managedIdentity bool = !empty(keyVaultName) + +// Runtime Properties +@allowed([ + 'dotnet', 'dotnetcore', 'dotnet-isolated', 'node', 'python', 'java', 'powershell', 'custom' +]) +param runtimeName string +param runtimeNameAndVersion string = '${runtimeName}|${runtimeVersion}' +param runtimeVersion string + +// Microsoft.Web/sites Properties +param kind string = 'app,linux' + +// Microsoft.Web/sites/config +param allowedOrigins array = [] +param alwaysOn bool = true +param appCommandLine string = '' +@secure() +param appSettings object = {} +param clientAffinityEnabled bool = false +param enableOryxBuild bool = contains(kind, 'linux') +param functionAppScaleLimit int = -1 +param linuxFxVersion string = runtimeNameAndVersion +param minimumElasticInstanceCount int = -1 +param numberOfWorkers int = -1 +param scmDoBuildDuringDeployment bool = false +param use32BitWorkerProcess bool = false +param ftpsState string = 'FtpsOnly' +param healthCheckPath string = '' + +resource appService 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + kind: kind + properties: { + serverFarmId: appServicePlanId + siteConfig: { + linuxFxVersion: linuxFxVersion + alwaysOn: alwaysOn + ftpsState: ftpsState + minTlsVersion: '1.2' + appCommandLine: appCommandLine + numberOfWorkers: numberOfWorkers != -1 ? numberOfWorkers : null + minimumElasticInstanceCount: minimumElasticInstanceCount != -1 ? minimumElasticInstanceCount : null + use32BitWorkerProcess: use32BitWorkerProcess + functionAppScaleLimit: functionAppScaleLimit != -1 ? functionAppScaleLimit : null + healthCheckPath: healthCheckPath + cors: { + allowedOrigins: union([ 'https://portal.azure.com', 'https://ms.portal.azure.com' ], allowedOrigins) + } + } + clientAffinityEnabled: clientAffinityEnabled + httpsOnly: true + } + + identity: { type: managedIdentity ? 'SystemAssigned' : 'None' } + + resource basicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesFtp 'basicPublishingCredentialsPolicies' = { + name: 'ftp' + properties: { + allow: false + } + } + + resource basicPublishingCredentialsPoliciesScm 'basicPublishingCredentialsPolicies' = { + name: 'scm' + properties: { + allow: false + } + } +} + +// Updates to the single Microsoft.sites/web/config resources that need to be performed sequentially +// sites/web/config 'appsettings' +module configAppSettings 'appservice-appsettings.bicep' = { + name: '${name}-appSettings' + params: { + name: appService.name + appSettings: union(appSettings, + { + SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT: string(scmDoBuildDuringDeployment) + ENABLE_ORYX_BUILD: string(enableOryxBuild) + }, + runtimeName == 'python' && appCommandLine == '' ? { PYTHON_ENABLE_GUNICORN_MULTIWORKERS: 'true'} : {}, + !empty(applicationInsightsName) ? { APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING: applicationInsights.properties.ConnectionString } : {}, + !empty(keyVaultName) ? { AZURE_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT: keyVault.properties.vaultUri } : {}) + } +} + +// sites/web/config 'logs' +resource configLogs 'Microsoft.Web/sites/config@2022-03-01' = { + name: 'logs' + parent: appService + properties: { + applicationLogs: { fileSystem: { level: 'Verbose' } } + detailedErrorMessages: { enabled: true } + failedRequestsTracing: { enabled: true } + httpLogs: { fileSystem: { enabled: true, retentionInDays: 1, retentionInMb: 35 } } + } + dependsOn: [configAppSettings] +} + +resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2022-07-01' existing = if (!(empty(keyVaultName))) { + name: keyVaultName +} + +resource applicationInsights 'Microsoft.Insights/components@2020-02-02' existing = if (!empty(applicationInsightsName)) { + name: applicationInsightsName +} + +output identityPrincipalId string = managedIdentity ? appService.identity.principalId : '' +output name string = appService.name +output uri string = 'https://${appService.properties.defaultHostName}' diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appserviceplan.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appserviceplan.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e37e041 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/appserviceplan.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure App Service plan.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param kind string = '' +param reserved bool = true +param sku object + +resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2022-03-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + sku: sku + kind: kind + properties: { + reserved: reserved + } +} + +output id string = appServicePlan.id +output name string = appServicePlan.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-app-upsert.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-app-upsert.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3eec62f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-app-upsert.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates or updates an existing Azure Container App.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('The environment name for the container apps') +param containerAppsEnvironmentName string + +@description('The number of CPU cores allocated to a single container instance, e.g., 0.5') +param containerCpuCoreCount string = '0.5' + +@description('The maximum number of replicas to run. Must be at least 1.') +@minValue(1) +param containerMaxReplicas int = 10 + +@description('The amount of memory allocated to a single container instance, e.g., 1Gi') +param containerMemory string = '1.0Gi' + +@description('The minimum number of replicas to run. Must be at least 1.') +@minValue(1) +param containerMinReplicas int = 1 + +@description('The name of the container') +param containerName string = 'main' + +@description('The name of the container registry') +param containerRegistryName string = '' + +@allowed([ 'http', 'grpc' ]) +@description('The protocol used by Dapr to connect to the app, e.g., HTTP or gRPC') +param daprAppProtocol string = 'http' + +@description('Enable or disable Dapr for the container app') +param daprEnabled bool = false + +@description('The Dapr app ID') +param daprAppId string = containerName + +@description('Specifies if the resource already exists') +param exists bool = false + +@description('Specifies if Ingress is enabled for the container app') +param ingressEnabled bool = true + +@description('The type of identity for the resource') +@allowed([ 'None', 'SystemAssigned', 'UserAssigned' ]) +param identityType string = 'None' + +@description('The name of the user-assigned identity') +param identityName string = '' + +@description('The name of the container image') +param imageName string = '' + +@description('The secrets required for the container') +param secrets array = [] + +@description('The environment variables for the container') +param env array = [] + +@description('Specifies if the resource ingress is exposed externally') +param external bool = true + +@description('The service binds associated with the container') +param serviceBinds array = [] + +@description('The target port for the container') +param targetPort int = 80 + +resource existingApp 'Microsoft.App/containerApps@2023-04-01-preview' existing = if (exists) { + name: name +} + +module app 'container-app.bicep' = { + name: '${deployment().name}-update' + params: { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + identityType: identityType + identityName: identityName + ingressEnabled: ingressEnabled + containerName: containerName + containerAppsEnvironmentName: containerAppsEnvironmentName + containerRegistryName: containerRegistryName + containerCpuCoreCount: containerCpuCoreCount + containerMemory: containerMemory + containerMinReplicas: containerMinReplicas + containerMaxReplicas: containerMaxReplicas + daprEnabled: daprEnabled + daprAppId: daprAppId + daprAppProtocol: daprAppProtocol + secrets: secrets + external: external + env: env + imageName: !empty(imageName) ? imageName : exists ? existingApp.properties.template.containers[0].image : '' + targetPort: targetPort + serviceBinds: serviceBinds + } +} + +output defaultDomain string = app.outputs.defaultDomain +output imageName string = app.outputs.imageName +output name string = app.outputs.name +output uri string = app.outputs.uri diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-app.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-app.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3724086d --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-app.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a container app in an Azure Container App environment.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('Allowed origins') +param allowedOrigins array = [] + +@description('Name of the environment for container apps') +param containerAppsEnvironmentName string + +@description('CPU cores allocated to a single container instance, e.g., 0.5') +param containerCpuCoreCount string = '0.5' + +@description('The maximum number of replicas to run. Must be at least 1.') +@minValue(1) +param containerMaxReplicas int = 10 + +@description('Memory allocated to a single container instance, e.g., 1Gi') +param containerMemory string = '1.0Gi' + +@description('The minimum number of replicas to run. Must be at least 1.') +param containerMinReplicas int = 1 + +@description('The name of the container') +param containerName string = 'main' + +@description('The name of the container registry') +param containerRegistryName string = '' + +@description('The protocol used by Dapr to connect to the app, e.g., http or grpc') +@allowed([ 'http', 'grpc' ]) +param daprAppProtocol string = 'http' + +@description('The Dapr app ID') +param daprAppId string = containerName + +@description('Enable Dapr') +param daprEnabled bool = false + +@description('The environment variables for the container') +param env array = [] + +@description('Specifies if the resource ingress is exposed externally') +param external bool = true + +@description('The name of the user-assigned identity') +param identityName string = '' + +@description('The type of identity for the resource') +@allowed([ 'None', 'SystemAssigned', 'UserAssigned' ]) +param identityType string = 'None' + +@description('The name of the container image') +param imageName string = '' + +@description('Specifies if Ingress is enabled for the container app') +param ingressEnabled bool = true + +param revisionMode string = 'Single' + +@description('The secrets required for the container') +param secrets array = [] + +@description('The service binds associated with the container') +param serviceBinds array = [] + +@description('The name of the container apps add-on to use. e.g. redis') +param serviceType string = '' + +@description('The target port for the container') +param targetPort int = 80 + +resource userIdentity 'Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities@2023-01-31' existing = if (!empty(identityName)) { + name: identityName +} + +// Private registry support requires both an ACR name and a User Assigned managed identity +var usePrivateRegistry = !empty(identityName) && !empty(containerRegistryName) + +// Automatically set to `UserAssigned` when an `identityName` has been set +var normalizedIdentityType = !empty(identityName) ? 'UserAssigned' : identityType + +module containerRegistryAccess '../security/registry-access.bicep' = if (usePrivateRegistry) { + name: '${deployment().name}-registry-access' + params: { + containerRegistryName: containerRegistryName + principalId: usePrivateRegistry ? userIdentity.properties.principalId : '' + } +} + +resource app 'Microsoft.App/containerApps@2023-04-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + // It is critical that the identity is granted ACR pull access before the app is created + // otherwise the container app will throw a provision error + // This also forces us to use an user assigned managed identity since there would no way to + // provide the system assigned identity with the ACR pull access before the app is created + dependsOn: usePrivateRegistry ? [ containerRegistryAccess ] : [] + identity: { + type: normalizedIdentityType + userAssignedIdentities: !empty(identityName) && normalizedIdentityType == 'UserAssigned' ? { '${userIdentity.id}': {} } : null + } + properties: { + managedEnvironmentId: containerAppsEnvironment.id + configuration: { + activeRevisionsMode: revisionMode + ingress: ingressEnabled ? { + external: external + targetPort: targetPort + transport: 'auto' + corsPolicy: { + allowedOrigins: union([ 'https://portal.azure.com', 'https://ms.portal.azure.com' ], allowedOrigins) + } + } : null + dapr: daprEnabled ? { + enabled: true + appId: daprAppId + appProtocol: daprAppProtocol + appPort: ingressEnabled ? targetPort : 0 + } : { enabled: false } + secrets: secrets + service: !empty(serviceType) ? { type: serviceType } : null + registries: usePrivateRegistry ? [ + { + server: '${containerRegistryName}.azurecr.io' + identity: userIdentity.id + } + ] : [] + } + template: { + serviceBinds: !empty(serviceBinds) ? serviceBinds : null + containers: [ + { + image: !empty(imageName) ? imageName : 'mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/containerapps-helloworld:latest' + name: containerName + env: env + resources: { + cpu: json(containerCpuCoreCount) + memory: containerMemory + } + } + ] + scale: { + minReplicas: containerMinReplicas + maxReplicas: containerMaxReplicas + } + } + } +} + +resource containerAppsEnvironment 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments@2023-04-01-preview' existing = { + name: containerAppsEnvironmentName +} + +output defaultDomain string = containerAppsEnvironment.properties.defaultDomain +output identityPrincipalId string = normalizedIdentityType == 'None' ? '' : (empty(identityName) ? app.identity.principalId : userIdentity.properties.principalId) +output imageName string = imageName +output name string = app.name +output serviceBind object = !empty(serviceType) ? { serviceId: app.id, name: name } : {} +output uri string = ingressEnabled ? 'https://${app.properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn}' : '' diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-apps-environment.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-apps-environment.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8633ba48 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-apps-environment.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Container Apps environment.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('Name of the Application Insights resource') +param applicationInsightsName string = '' + +@description('Specifies if Dapr is enabled') +param daprEnabled bool = false + +@description('Name of the Log Analytics workspace') +param logAnalyticsWorkspaceName string + +resource containerAppsEnvironment 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments@2023-04-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + properties: { + appLogsConfiguration: { + destination: 'log-analytics' + logAnalyticsConfiguration: { + customerId: logAnalyticsWorkspace.properties.customerId + sharedKey: logAnalyticsWorkspace.listKeys().primarySharedKey + } + } + daprAIInstrumentationKey: daprEnabled && !empty(applicationInsightsName) ? applicationInsights.properties.InstrumentationKey : '' + } +} + +resource logAnalyticsWorkspace 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2022-10-01' existing = { + name: logAnalyticsWorkspaceName +} + +resource applicationInsights 'Microsoft.Insights/components@2020-02-02' existing = if (daprEnabled && !empty(applicationInsightsName)) { + name: applicationInsightsName +} + +output defaultDomain string = containerAppsEnvironment.properties.defaultDomain +output id string = containerAppsEnvironment.id +output name string = containerAppsEnvironment.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-apps.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-apps.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c656e28 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-apps.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Container Registry and an Azure Container Apps environment.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param containerAppsEnvironmentName string +param containerRegistryName string +param containerRegistryResourceGroupName string = '' +param containerRegistryAdminUserEnabled bool = false +param logAnalyticsWorkspaceName string +param applicationInsightsName string = '' + +module containerAppsEnvironment 'container-apps-environment.bicep' = { + name: '${name}-container-apps-environment' + params: { + name: containerAppsEnvironmentName + location: location + tags: tags + logAnalyticsWorkspaceName: logAnalyticsWorkspaceName + applicationInsightsName: applicationInsightsName + } +} + +module containerRegistry 'container-registry.bicep' = { + name: '${name}-container-registry' + scope: !empty(containerRegistryResourceGroupName) ? resourceGroup(containerRegistryResourceGroupName) : resourceGroup() + params: { + name: containerRegistryName + location: location + adminUserEnabled: containerRegistryAdminUserEnabled + tags: tags + } +} + +output defaultDomain string = containerAppsEnvironment.outputs.defaultDomain +output environmentName string = containerAppsEnvironment.outputs.name +output environmentId string = containerAppsEnvironment.outputs.id + +output registryLoginServer string = containerRegistry.outputs.loginServer +output registryName string = containerRegistry.outputs.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-registry.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-registry.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c64531b --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/container-registry.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Container Registry.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('Indicates whether admin user is enabled') +param adminUserEnabled bool = false + +@description('Indicates whether anonymous pull is enabled') +param anonymousPullEnabled bool = false + +@description('Indicates whether data endpoint is enabled') +param dataEndpointEnabled bool = false + +@description('Encryption settings') +param encryption object = { + status: 'disabled' +} + +@description('Options for bypassing network rules') +param networkRuleBypassOptions string = 'AzureServices' + +@description('Public network access setting') +param publicNetworkAccess string = 'Enabled' + +@description('SKU settings') +param sku object = { + name: 'Basic' +} + +@description('Zone redundancy setting') +param zoneRedundancy string = 'Disabled' + +@description('The log analytics workspace ID used for logging and monitoring') +param workspaceId string = '' + +// 2022-02-01-preview needed for anonymousPullEnabled +resource containerRegistry 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries@2022-02-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + sku: sku + properties: { + adminUserEnabled: adminUserEnabled + anonymousPullEnabled: anonymousPullEnabled + dataEndpointEnabled: dataEndpointEnabled + encryption: encryption + networkRuleBypassOptions: networkRuleBypassOptions + publicNetworkAccess: publicNetworkAccess + zoneRedundancy: zoneRedundancy + } +} + +// TODO: Update diagnostics to be its own module +// Blocking issue: https://github.com/Azure/bicep/issues/622 +// Unable to pass in a `resource` scope or unable to use string interpolation in resource types +resource diagnostics 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = if (!empty(workspaceId)) { + name: 'registry-diagnostics' + scope: containerRegistry + properties: { + workspaceId: workspaceId + logs: [ + { + category: 'ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents' + enabled: true + } + { + category: 'ContainerRegistryLoginEvents' + enabled: true + } + ] + metrics: [ + { + category: 'AllMetrics' + enabled: true + timeGrain: 'PT1M' + } + ] + } +} + +output loginServer string = containerRegistry.properties.loginServer +output name string = containerRegistry.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/functions.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/functions.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7070a2c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/functions.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Function in an existing Azure App Service plan.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +// Reference Properties +param applicationInsightsName string = '' +param appServicePlanId string +param keyVaultName string = '' +param managedIdentity bool = !empty(keyVaultName) +param storageAccountName string + +// Runtime Properties +@allowed([ + 'dotnet', 'dotnetcore', 'dotnet-isolated', 'node', 'python', 'java', 'powershell', 'custom' +]) +param runtimeName string +param runtimeNameAndVersion string = '${runtimeName}|${runtimeVersion}' +param runtimeVersion string + +// Function Settings +@allowed([ + '~4', '~3', '~2', '~1' +]) +param extensionVersion string = '~4' + +// Microsoft.Web/sites Properties +param kind string = 'functionapp,linux' + +// Microsoft.Web/sites/config +param allowedOrigins array = [] +param alwaysOn bool = true +param appCommandLine string = '' +@secure() +param appSettings object = {} +param clientAffinityEnabled bool = false +param enableOryxBuild bool = contains(kind, 'linux') +param functionAppScaleLimit int = -1 +param linuxFxVersion string = runtimeNameAndVersion +param minimumElasticInstanceCount int = -1 +param numberOfWorkers int = -1 +param scmDoBuildDuringDeployment bool = true +param use32BitWorkerProcess bool = false +param healthCheckPath string = '' + +module functions 'appservice.bicep' = { + name: '${name}-functions' + params: { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + allowedOrigins: allowedOrigins + alwaysOn: alwaysOn + appCommandLine: appCommandLine + applicationInsightsName: applicationInsightsName + appServicePlanId: appServicePlanId + appSettings: union(appSettings, { + AzureWebJobsStorage: 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=${storage.name};AccountKey=${storage.listKeys().keys[0].value};EndpointSuffix=${environment().suffixes.storage}' + FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION: extensionVersion + FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME: runtimeName + }) + clientAffinityEnabled: clientAffinityEnabled + enableOryxBuild: enableOryxBuild + functionAppScaleLimit: functionAppScaleLimit + healthCheckPath: healthCheckPath + keyVaultName: keyVaultName + kind: kind + linuxFxVersion: linuxFxVersion + managedIdentity: managedIdentity + minimumElasticInstanceCount: minimumElasticInstanceCount + numberOfWorkers: numberOfWorkers + runtimeName: runtimeName + runtimeVersion: runtimeVersion + runtimeNameAndVersion: runtimeNameAndVersion + scmDoBuildDuringDeployment: scmDoBuildDuringDeployment + use32BitWorkerProcess: use32BitWorkerProcess + } +} + +resource storage 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2021-09-01' existing = { + name: storageAccountName +} + +output identityPrincipalId string = managedIdentity ? functions.outputs.identityPrincipalId : '' +output name string = functions.outputs.name +output uri string = functions.outputs.uri diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/staticwebapp.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/staticwebapp.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cedaf906 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/host/staticwebapp.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Static Web Apps instance.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param sku object = { + name: 'Free' + tier: 'Free' +} + +resource web 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites@2022-03-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + sku: sku + properties: { + provider: 'Custom' + } +} + +output name string = web.name +output uri string = 'https://${web.properties.defaultHostname}' diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/applicationinsights-dashboard.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/applicationinsights-dashboard.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d082e668 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/applicationinsights-dashboard.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,1236 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a dashboard for an Application Insights instance.' +param name string +param applicationInsightsName string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +// 2020-09-01-preview because that is the latest valid version +resource applicationInsightsDashboard 'Microsoft.Portal/dashboards@2020-09-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + properties: { + lenses: [ + { + order: 0 + parts: [ + { + position: { + x: 0 + y: 0 + colSpan: 2 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'id' + value: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + { + name: 'Version' + value: '1.0' + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/AspNetOverviewPinnedPart' + asset: { + idInputName: 'id' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + defaultMenuItemId: 'overview' + } + } + { + position: { + x: 2 + y: 0 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ComponentId' + value: { + Name: applicationInsights.name + SubscriptionId: subscription().subscriptionId + ResourceGroup: resourceGroup().name + } + } + { + name: 'Version' + value: '1.0' + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/ProactiveDetectionAsyncPart' + asset: { + idInputName: 'ComponentId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + defaultMenuItemId: 'ProactiveDetection' + } + } + { + position: { + x: 3 + y: 0 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ComponentId' + value: { + Name: applicationInsights.name + SubscriptionId: subscription().subscriptionId + ResourceGroup: resourceGroup().name + } + } + { + name: 'ResourceId' + value: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/QuickPulseButtonSmallPart' + asset: { + idInputName: 'ComponentId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 4 + y: 0 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ComponentId' + value: { + Name: applicationInsights.name + SubscriptionId: subscription().subscriptionId + ResourceGroup: resourceGroup().name + } + } + { + name: 'TimeContext' + value: { + durationMs: 86400000 + endTime: null + createdTime: '2018-05-04T01:20:33.345Z' + isInitialTime: true + grain: 1 + useDashboardTimeRange: false + } + } + { + name: 'Version' + value: '1.0' + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/AvailabilityNavButtonPart' + asset: { + idInputName: 'ComponentId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 5 + y: 0 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ComponentId' + value: { + Name: applicationInsights.name + SubscriptionId: subscription().subscriptionId + ResourceGroup: resourceGroup().name + } + } + { + name: 'TimeContext' + value: { + durationMs: 86400000 + endTime: null + createdTime: '2018-05-08T18:47:35.237Z' + isInitialTime: true + grain: 1 + useDashboardTimeRange: false + } + } + { + name: 'ConfigurationId' + value: '78ce933e-e864-4b05-a27b-71fd55a6afad' + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/AppMapButtonPart' + asset: { + idInputName: 'ComponentId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 0 + y: 1 + colSpan: 3 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [] + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart' + settings: { + content: { + settings: { + content: '# Usage' + title: '' + subtitle: '' + } + } + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 3 + y: 1 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ComponentId' + value: { + Name: applicationInsights.name + SubscriptionId: subscription().subscriptionId + ResourceGroup: resourceGroup().name + } + } + { + name: 'TimeContext' + value: { + durationMs: 86400000 + endTime: null + createdTime: '2018-05-04T01:22:35.782Z' + isInitialTime: true + grain: 1 + useDashboardTimeRange: false + } + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/UsageUsersOverviewPart' + asset: { + idInputName: 'ComponentId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 4 + y: 1 + colSpan: 3 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [] + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart' + settings: { + content: { + settings: { + content: '# Reliability' + title: '' + subtitle: '' + } + } + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 7 + y: 1 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ResourceId' + value: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + { + name: 'DataModel' + value: { + version: '1.0.0' + timeContext: { + durationMs: 86400000 + createdTime: '2018-05-04T23:42:40.072Z' + isInitialTime: false + grain: 1 + useDashboardTimeRange: false + } + } + isOptional: true + } + { + name: 'ConfigurationId' + value: '8a02f7bf-ac0f-40e1-afe9-f0e72cfee77f' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/CuratedBladeFailuresPinnedPart' + isAdapter: true + asset: { + idInputName: 'ResourceId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + defaultMenuItemId: 'failures' + } + } + { + position: { + x: 8 + y: 1 + colSpan: 3 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [] + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart' + settings: { + content: { + settings: { + content: '# Responsiveness\r\n' + title: '' + subtitle: '' + } + } + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 11 + y: 1 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ResourceId' + value: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + { + name: 'DataModel' + value: { + version: '1.0.0' + timeContext: { + durationMs: 86400000 + createdTime: '2018-05-04T23:43:37.804Z' + isInitialTime: false + grain: 1 + useDashboardTimeRange: false + } + } + isOptional: true + } + { + name: 'ConfigurationId' + value: '2a8ede4f-2bee-4b9c-aed9-2db0e8a01865' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/CuratedBladePerformancePinnedPart' + isAdapter: true + asset: { + idInputName: 'ResourceId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + defaultMenuItemId: 'performance' + } + } + { + position: { + x: 12 + y: 1 + colSpan: 3 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [] + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MarkdownPart' + settings: { + content: { + settings: { + content: '# Browser' + title: '' + subtitle: '' + } + } + } + } + } + { + position: { + x: 15 + y: 1 + colSpan: 1 + rowSpan: 1 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'ComponentId' + value: { + Name: applicationInsights.name + SubscriptionId: subscription().subscriptionId + ResourceGroup: resourceGroup().name + } + } + { + name: 'MetricsExplorerJsonDefinitionId' + value: 'BrowserPerformanceTimelineMetrics' + } + { + name: 'TimeContext' + value: { + durationMs: 86400000 + createdTime: '2018-05-08T12:16:27.534Z' + isInitialTime: false + grain: 1 + useDashboardTimeRange: false + } + } + { + name: 'CurrentFilter' + value: { + eventTypes: [ + 4 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 13 + ] + typeFacets: {} + isPermissive: false + } + } + { + name: 'id' + value: { + Name: applicationInsights.name + SubscriptionId: subscription().subscriptionId + ResourceGroup: resourceGroup().name + } + } + { + name: 'Version' + value: '1.0' + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/AppInsightsExtension/PartType/MetricsExplorerBladePinnedPart' + asset: { + idInputName: 'ComponentId' + type: 'ApplicationInsights' + } + defaultMenuItemId: 'browser' + } + } + { + position: { + x: 0 + y: 2 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'sessions/count' + aggregationType: 5 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components/kusto' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Sessions' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'users/count' + aggregationType: 5 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components/kusto' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Users' + color: '#7E58FF' + } + } + ] + title: 'Unique sessions and users' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + openBladeOnClick: { + openBlade: true + destinationBlade: { + extensionName: 'HubsExtension' + bladeName: 'ResourceMenuBlade' + parameters: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + menuid: 'segmentationUsers' + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 4 + y: 2 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'requests/failed' + aggregationType: 7 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Failed requests' + color: '#EC008C' + } + } + ] + title: 'Failed requests' + visualization: { + chartType: 3 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + openBladeOnClick: { + openBlade: true + destinationBlade: { + extensionName: 'HubsExtension' + bladeName: 'ResourceMenuBlade' + parameters: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + menuid: 'failures' + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 8 + y: 2 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'requests/duration' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Server response time' + color: '#00BCF2' + } + } + ] + title: 'Server response time' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + openBladeOnClick: { + openBlade: true + destinationBlade: { + extensionName: 'HubsExtension' + bladeName: 'ResourceMenuBlade' + parameters: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + menuid: 'performance' + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 12 + y: 2 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'browserTimings/networkDuration' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Page load network connect time' + color: '#7E58FF' + } + } + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'browserTimings/processingDuration' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Client processing time' + color: '#44F1C8' + } + } + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'browserTimings/sendDuration' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Send request time' + color: '#EB9371' + } + } + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'browserTimings/receiveDuration' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Receiving response time' + color: '#0672F1' + } + } + ] + title: 'Average page load time breakdown' + visualization: { + chartType: 3 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 0 + y: 5 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'availabilityResults/availabilityPercentage' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Availability' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + ] + title: 'Average availability' + visualization: { + chartType: 3 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + openBladeOnClick: { + openBlade: true + destinationBlade: { + extensionName: 'HubsExtension' + bladeName: 'ResourceMenuBlade' + parameters: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + menuid: 'availability' + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 4 + y: 5 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'exceptions/server' + aggregationType: 7 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Server exceptions' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'dependencies/failed' + aggregationType: 7 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Dependency failures' + color: '#7E58FF' + } + } + ] + title: 'Server exceptions and Dependency failures' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 8 + y: 5 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'performanceCounters/processorCpuPercentage' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Processor time' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'performanceCounters/processCpuPercentage' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Process CPU' + color: '#7E58FF' + } + } + ] + title: 'Average processor and process CPU utilization' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 12 + y: 5 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'exceptions/browser' + aggregationType: 7 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Browser exceptions' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + ] + title: 'Browser exceptions' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 0 + y: 8 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'availabilityResults/count' + aggregationType: 7 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Availability test results count' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + ] + title: 'Availability test results count' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 4 + y: 8 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'performanceCounters/processIOBytesPerSecond' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Process IO rate' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + ] + title: 'Average process I/O rate' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + { + position: { + x: 8 + y: 8 + colSpan: 4 + rowSpan: 3 + } + metadata: { + inputs: [ + { + name: 'options' + value: { + chart: { + metrics: [ + { + resourceMetadata: { + id: '/subscriptions/${subscription().subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup().name}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/components/${applicationInsights.name}' + } + name: 'performanceCounters/memoryAvailableBytes' + aggregationType: 4 + namespace: 'microsoft.insights/components' + metricVisualization: { + displayName: 'Available memory' + color: '#47BDF5' + } + } + ] + title: 'Average available memory' + visualization: { + chartType: 2 + legendVisualization: { + isVisible: true + position: 2 + hideSubtitle: false + } + axisVisualization: { + x: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 2 + } + y: { + isVisible: true + axisType: 1 + } + } + } + } + } + } + { + name: 'sharedTimeRange' + isOptional: true + } + ] + #disable-next-line BCP036 + type: 'Extension/HubsExtension/PartType/MonitorChartPart' + settings: {} + } + } + ] + } + ] + } +} + +resource applicationInsights 'Microsoft.Insights/components@2020-02-02' existing = { + name: applicationInsightsName +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/applicationinsights.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/applicationinsights.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b4d01e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/applicationinsights.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Application Insights instance based on an existing Log Analytics workspace.' +param name string +param dashboardName string = '' +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} +param logAnalyticsWorkspaceId string + +resource applicationInsights 'Microsoft.Insights/components@2020-02-02' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + kind: 'web' + properties: { + Application_Type: 'web' + WorkspaceResourceId: logAnalyticsWorkspaceId + } +} + +module applicationInsightsDashboard 'applicationinsights-dashboard.bicep' = if (!empty(dashboardName)) { + name: 'application-insights-dashboard' + params: { + name: dashboardName + location: location + applicationInsightsName: applicationInsights.name + } +} + +output connectionString string = applicationInsights.properties.ConnectionString +output instrumentationKey string = applicationInsights.properties.InstrumentationKey +output name string = applicationInsights.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/loganalytics.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/loganalytics.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33f9dc29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/loganalytics.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a Log Analytics workspace.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +resource logAnalytics 'Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces@2021-12-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + properties: any({ + retentionInDays: 30 + features: { + searchVersion: 1 + } + sku: { + name: 'PerGB2018' + } + }) +} + +output id string = logAnalytics.id +output name string = logAnalytics.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/monitoring.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/monitoring.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6bb05b0b --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/monitor/monitoring.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Application Insights instance and a Log Analytics workspace.' +param logAnalyticsName string +param applicationInsightsName string +param applicationInsightsDashboardName string = '' +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +module logAnalytics 'loganalytics.bicep' = { + name: 'loganalytics' + params: { + name: logAnalyticsName + location: location + tags: tags + } +} + +module applicationInsights 'applicationinsights.bicep' = { + name: 'applicationinsights' + params: { + name: applicationInsightsName + location: location + tags: tags + dashboardName: applicationInsightsDashboardName + logAnalyticsWorkspaceId: logAnalytics.outputs.id + } +} + +output applicationInsightsConnectionString string = applicationInsights.outputs.connectionString +output applicationInsightsInstrumentationKey string = applicationInsights.outputs.instrumentationKey +output applicationInsightsName string = applicationInsights.outputs.name +output logAnalyticsWorkspaceId string = logAnalytics.outputs.id +output logAnalyticsWorkspaceName string = logAnalytics.outputs.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn-endpoint.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn-endpoint.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5e8ab695 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn-endpoint.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +metadata description = 'Adds an endpoint to an Azure CDN profile.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('The name of the CDN profile resource') +@minLength(1) +param cdnProfileName string + +@description('Delivery policy rules') +param deliveryPolicyRules array = [] + +@description('The origin URL for the endpoint') +@minLength(1) +param originUrl string + +resource endpoint 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/endpoints@2022-05-01-preview' = { + parent: cdnProfile + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + properties: { + originHostHeader: originUrl + isHttpAllowed: false + isHttpsAllowed: true + queryStringCachingBehavior: 'UseQueryString' + optimizationType: 'GeneralWebDelivery' + origins: [ + { + name: replace(originUrl, '.', '-') + properties: { + hostName: originUrl + originHostHeader: originUrl + priority: 1 + weight: 1000 + enabled: true + } + } + ] + deliveryPolicy: { + rules: deliveryPolicyRules + } + } +} + +resource cdnProfile 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles@2022-05-01-preview' existing = { + name: cdnProfileName +} + +output id string = endpoint.id +output name string = endpoint.name +output uri string = 'https://${endpoint.properties.hostName}' diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn-profile.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn-profile.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27669ee2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn-profile.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure CDN profile.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('The pricing tier of this CDN profile') +@allowed([ + 'Custom_Verizon' + 'Premium_AzureFrontDoor' + 'Premium_Verizon' + 'StandardPlus_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn' + 'StandardPlus_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn' + 'StandardPlus_ChinaCdn' + 'Standard_955BandWidth_ChinaCdn' + 'Standard_Akamai' + 'Standard_AvgBandWidth_ChinaCdn' + 'Standard_AzureFrontDoor' + 'Standard_ChinaCdn' + 'Standard_Microsoft' + 'Standard_Verizon' +]) +param sku string = 'Standard_Microsoft' + +resource profile 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles@2022-05-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + sku: { + name: sku + } +} + +output id string = profile.id +output name string = profile.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de98a1f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/networking/cdn.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure CDN profile with a single endpoint.' +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@description('Name of the CDN endpoint resource') +param cdnEndpointName string + +@description('Name of the CDN profile resource') +param cdnProfileName string + +@description('Delivery policy rules') +param deliveryPolicyRules array = [] + +@description('Origin URL for the CDN endpoint') +param originUrl string + +module cdnProfile 'cdn-profile.bicep' = { + name: 'cdn-profile' + params: { + name: cdnProfileName + location: location + tags: tags + } +} + +module cdnEndpoint 'cdn-endpoint.bicep' = { + name: 'cdn-endpoint' + params: { + name: cdnEndpointName + location: location + tags: tags + cdnProfileName: cdnProfile.outputs.name + originUrl: originUrl + deliveryPolicyRules: deliveryPolicyRules + } +} + +output endpointName string = cdnEndpoint.outputs.name +output endpointId string = cdnEndpoint.outputs.id +output profileName string = cdnProfile.outputs.name +output profileId string = cdnProfile.outputs.id +output uri string = cdnEndpoint.outputs.uri diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/search/search-services.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/search/search-services.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d9c619a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/search/search-services.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure AI Search instance.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param sku object = { + name: 'standard' +} + +param authOptions object = {} +param disableLocalAuth bool = false +param disabledDataExfiltrationOptions array = [] +param encryptionWithCmk object = { + enforcement: 'Unspecified' +} +@allowed([ + 'default' + 'highDensity' +]) +param hostingMode string = 'default' +param networkRuleSet object = { + bypass: 'None' + ipRules: [] +} +param partitionCount int = 1 +@allowed([ + 'enabled' + 'disabled' +]) +param publicNetworkAccess string = 'enabled' +param replicaCount int = 1 +@allowed([ + 'disabled' + 'free' + 'standard' +]) +param semanticSearch string = 'disabled' + +var searchIdentityProvider = (sku.name == 'free') ? null : { + type: 'SystemAssigned' +} + +resource search 'Microsoft.Search/searchServices@2021-04-01-preview' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + // The free tier does not support managed identity + identity: searchIdentityProvider + properties: { + authOptions: authOptions + disableLocalAuth: disableLocalAuth + disabledDataExfiltrationOptions: disabledDataExfiltrationOptions + encryptionWithCmk: encryptionWithCmk + hostingMode: hostingMode + networkRuleSet: networkRuleSet + partitionCount: partitionCount + publicNetworkAccess: publicNetworkAccess + replicaCount: replicaCount + semanticSearch: semanticSearch + } + sku: sku +} + +output id string = search.id +output endpoint string = 'https://${name}.search.windows.net/' +output name string = search.name +output principalId string = !empty(searchIdentityProvider) ? search.identity.principalId : '' + diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/aks-managed-cluster-access.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/aks-managed-cluster-access.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dec984e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/aks-managed-cluster-access.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +metadata description = 'Assigns RBAC role to the specified AKS cluster and principal.' +param clusterName string +param principalId string + +var aksClusterAdminRole = subscriptionResourceId('Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', 'b1ff04bb-8a4e-4dc4-8eb5-8693973ce19b') + +resource aksRole 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2022-04-01' = { + scope: aksCluster // Use when specifying a scope that is different than the deployment scope + name: guid(subscription().id, resourceGroup().id, principalId, aksClusterAdminRole) + properties: { + roleDefinitionId: aksClusterAdminRole + principalType: 'User' + principalId: principalId + } +} + +resource aksCluster 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2023-10-02-preview' existing = { + name: clusterName +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault-access.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault-access.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..316775f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault-access.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +metadata description = 'Assigns an Azure Key Vault access policy.' +param name string = 'add' + +param keyVaultName string +param permissions object = { secrets: [ 'get', 'list' ] } +param principalId string + +resource keyVaultAccessPolicies 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/accessPolicies@2022-07-01' = { + parent: keyVault + name: name + properties: { + accessPolicies: [ { + objectId: principalId + tenantId: subscription().tenantId + permissions: permissions + } ] + } +} + +resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2022-07-01' existing = { + name: keyVaultName +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault-secret.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault-secret.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7441b296 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault-secret.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates or updates a secret in an Azure Key Vault.' +param name string +param tags object = {} +param keyVaultName string +param contentType string = 'string' +@description('The value of the secret. Provide only derived values like blob storage access, but do not hard code any secrets in your templates') +@secure() +param secretValue string + +param enabled bool = true +param exp int = 0 +param nbf int = 0 + +resource keyVaultSecret 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/secrets@2022-07-01' = { + name: name + tags: tags + parent: keyVault + properties: { + attributes: { + enabled: enabled + exp: exp + nbf: nbf + } + contentType: contentType + value: secretValue + } +} + +resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2022-07-01' existing = { + name: keyVaultName +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..314a1db6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/keyvault.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Key Vault.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +param principalId string = '' + +resource keyVault 'Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults@2022-07-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + properties: { + tenantId: subscription().tenantId + sku: { family: 'A', name: 'standard' } + accessPolicies: !empty(principalId) ? [ + { + objectId: principalId + permissions: { secrets: [ 'get', 'list' ] } + tenantId: subscription().tenantId + } + ] : [] + } +} + +output endpoint string = keyVault.properties.vaultUri +output name string = keyVault.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/registry-access.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/registry-access.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5335efab --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/registry-access.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +metadata description = 'Assigns ACR Pull permissions to access an Azure Container Registry.' +param containerRegistryName string +param principalId string + +var acrPullRole = subscriptionResourceId('Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', '7f951dda-4ed3-4680-a7ca-43fe172d538d') + +resource aksAcrPull 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2022-04-01' = { + scope: containerRegistry // Use when specifying a scope that is different than the deployment scope + name: guid(subscription().id, resourceGroup().id, principalId, acrPullRole) + properties: { + roleDefinitionId: acrPullRole + principalType: 'ServicePrincipal' + principalId: principalId + } +} + +resource containerRegistry 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries@2022-02-01-preview' existing = { + name: containerRegistryName +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/role.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/role.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b30cfd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/security/role.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates a role assignment for a service principal.' +param principalId string + +@allowed([ + 'Device' + 'ForeignGroup' + 'Group' + 'ServicePrincipal' + 'User' +]) +param principalType string = 'ServicePrincipal' +param roleDefinitionId string + +resource role 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments@2022-04-01' = { + name: guid(subscription().id, resourceGroup().id, principalId, roleDefinitionId) + properties: { + principalId: principalId + principalType: principalType + roleDefinitionId: resourceId('Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions', roleDefinitionId) + } +} diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/storage/storage-account.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/storage/storage-account.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b6febbe --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/storage/storage-account.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +metadata description = 'Creates an Azure storage account.' +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param tags object = {} + +@allowed([ + 'Cool' + 'Hot' + 'Premium' ]) +param accessTier string = 'Hot' +param allowBlobPublicAccess bool = true +param allowCrossTenantReplication bool = true +param allowSharedKeyAccess bool = true +param containers array = [] +param defaultToOAuthAuthentication bool = false +param deleteRetentionPolicy object = {} +@allowed([ 'AzureDnsZone', 'Standard' ]) +param dnsEndpointType string = 'Standard' +param kind string = 'StorageV2' +param minimumTlsVersion string = 'TLS1_2' +param supportsHttpsTrafficOnly bool = true +param networkAcls object = { + bypass: 'AzureServices' + defaultAction: 'Allow' +} +@allowed([ 'Enabled', 'Disabled' ]) +param publicNetworkAccess string = 'Enabled' +param sku object = { name: 'Standard_LRS' } + +resource storage 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2022-05-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + kind: kind + sku: sku + properties: { + accessTier: accessTier + allowBlobPublicAccess: allowBlobPublicAccess + allowCrossTenantReplication: allowCrossTenantReplication + allowSharedKeyAccess: allowSharedKeyAccess + defaultToOAuthAuthentication: defaultToOAuthAuthentication + dnsEndpointType: dnsEndpointType + minimumTlsVersion: minimumTlsVersion + networkAcls: networkAcls + publicNetworkAccess: publicNetworkAccess + supportsHttpsTrafficOnly: supportsHttpsTrafficOnly + } + + resource blobServices 'blobServices' = if (!empty(containers)) { + name: 'default' + properties: { + deleteRetentionPolicy: deleteRetentionPolicy + } + resource container 'containers' = [for container in containers: { + name: container.name + properties: { + publicAccess: contains(container, 'publicAccess') ? container.publicAccess : 'None' + } + }] + } +} + +output name string = storage.name +output primaryEndpoints object = storage.properties.primaryEndpoints diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/testing/loadtesting.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/testing/loadtesting.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46781086 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/core/testing/loadtesting.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +param name string +param location string = resourceGroup().location +param managedIdentity bool = false +param tags object = {} + +resource loadTest 'Microsoft.LoadTestService/loadTests@2022-12-01' = { + name: name + location: location + tags: tags + identity: { type: managedIdentity ? 'SystemAssigned' : 'None' } + properties: { + } +} + +output loadTestingName string = loadTest.name diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/main.bicep b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/main.bicep new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb7d4593 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/main.bicep @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +@minLength(1) +@maxLength(64) +@description('Name of the the environment which is used to generate a short unique hash used in all resources.') +param environmentName string + +@minLength(1) +@description('Primary location for all resources') +param location string = resourceGroup().location + +@description('The resource name of the AKS cluster') +param clusterName string = '' + +@description('The resource name of the Container Registry (ACR)') +param containerRegistryName string = '' + +param applicationInsightsDashboardName string = '' +param applicationInsightsName string = '' +param keyVaultName string = '' +param logAnalyticsName string = '' + +@description('Id of the user or app to assign application roles') +param principalId string = '' + +var abbrs = loadJsonContent('./abbreviations.json') +var resourceToken = toLower(uniqueString(subscription().id, environmentName, location)) +var tags = { 'azd-env-name': environmentName } + +// The AKS cluster to host applications +module aks './core/host/aks.bicep' = { + name: 'aks' + params: { + location: location + name: !empty(clusterName) ? clusterName : '${abbrs.containerServiceManagedClusters}${resourceToken}' + containerRegistryName: !empty(containerRegistryName) ? containerRegistryName : '${abbrs.containerRegistryRegistries}${resourceToken}' + logAnalyticsName: monitoring.outputs.logAnalyticsWorkspaceName + keyVaultName: keyVault.outputs.name + } +} + +// Store secrets in a keyvault +module keyVault './core/security/keyvault.bicep' = { + name: 'keyvault' + params: { + name: !empty(keyVaultName) ? keyVaultName : '${abbrs.keyVaultVaults}${resourceToken}' + location: location + tags: tags + principalId: principalId + } +} + +// Monitor application with Azure Monitor +module monitoring './core/monitor/monitoring.bicep' = { + name: 'monitoring' + params: { + location: location + tags: tags + logAnalyticsName: !empty(logAnalyticsName) ? logAnalyticsName : '${abbrs.operationalInsightsWorkspaces}${resourceToken}' + applicationInsightsName: !empty(applicationInsightsName) ? applicationInsightsName : '${abbrs.insightsComponents}${resourceToken}' + applicationInsightsDashboardName: !empty(applicationInsightsDashboardName) ? applicationInsightsDashboardName : '${abbrs.portalDashboards}${resourceToken}' + } +} + +// App outputs +output APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING string = monitoring.outputs.applicationInsightsConnectionString +output AZURE_KEY_VAULT_ENDPOINT string = keyVault.outputs.endpoint +output AZURE_KEY_VAULT_NAME string = keyVault.outputs.name +output AZURE_LOCATION string = location +output AZURE_TENANT_ID string = tenant().tenantId +output AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_NAME string = aks.outputs.clusterName +output AZURE_AKS_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID string = aks.outputs.clusterIdentity.clientId +output AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ENDPOINT string = aks.outputs.containerRegistryLoginServer +output AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME string = aks.outputs.containerRegistryName +output REACT_APP_APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING string = monitoring.outputs.applicationInsightsConnectionString diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/main.parameters.json b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/main.parameters.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67ad8524 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/main.parameters.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentParameters.json#", + "contentVersion": "", + "parameters": { + "environmentName": { + "value": "${AZURE_ENV_NAME}" + }, + "location": { + "value": "${AZURE_LOCATION}" + }, + "principalId": { + "value": "${AZURE_PRINCIPAL_ID}" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/manifest.yaml b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/manifest.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a5c1e75 --- /dev/null +++ b/Environments/Todo-Shared-AKS/manifest.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +name: Todo-Nodejs-Mongo-AKS +version: 1.0.0 +summary: Todo Nodejs Mongo AKS +description: Deploys a todo app with Nodejs and Mongo +runner: ARM +templatePath: azuredeploy.json + +parameters: +- id: "environmentName" + name: "Environment Name (e.g. testenv)" + description: "Name of the Environment" + type: string + required: true + +- id: "location" + name: "Region (e.g. eastus)" + description: "Location of the resources" + type: string + required: true + +- id: "principalId" + name: "principalId (e.g. )" + description: "principal id that have the permission (get list) to access key vault" + type: string + required: false + default: '' + +