This document is a brief intro to Verilog, and in conjunction with the examples and exercises should give you enough knowledge to develop and test your CPU. This is given as a written document than a lecture simply because students usually prefer this kind of content more as a resource they can return to. There are also extra sources of information linked at the end of this document.
To develop your MIPS CPU and test-bench you need to use a relatively small set of Verilog constructs. These can be split into two groups:
Synthesizable : language constructs which can be synthesised into concrete digital logic with well defined semantics.
Non-synthesizable language constructs which only work in simulation, and either have no hardware equivalent or ambiguous hardware semantics.
Synthesisable constructs can be used both in your digital circuit and in the test-bench testing that circuit, but non-synthesisable constructs can only be used in the test-bench. Beware: you may or may not get a warning/error when trying to synthesise a non-synthesisable construct.
More time is given to discussing test-benches, as testing circuits is often a more complex and subtle problem than designing them.
This is a brief summary of some synthesisable constructs you are likely to need, along with some suggestions. This list is not exhaustive (see the references at the end), and you may need to perform your own research and experimentation.
You may be aware of the wire
and reg
types from classic Verilog
(these were used in DECA in places). However, you are strongly
encouraged to use the newer logic
type from SystemVerilog because:
Usually you can just declare everything as
and the compiler will work it out. -
activates certain warning and error messages, particularly in combination withalways_comb
To declare a single bit signal, just use logic
To declare a multi-bit signal, use logic[msb:0]
, where
is an integer. The total width of the signal is msb+1
You need two main constructs to manage your hierarchy:
Module definition : declare a new module, including it's name, input and output ports, and the internal structure.
Module instantiation : create an instance of an existing module by name, then binding the inputs and outputs to existing signals.
Examples of both were given in lecture 1 (developing the hierarchy of MIPS), and lecture 2 (ALU implementation), and should be sufficient for our purposes here.
While module instantiation is similar to function calls, it is important to remember that the hierarchy is static. The hierarchy is expanded once at compile/synthesis time, as the complete set of resources (gates and wires) must be known in order to construct the circuit. This contrasts with the function call stack in software which is dynamic - the call graph will expand and contract at run-time, with different function calls re-using the same memory.
Combinatorial logic takes two main forms:
Which approach you use to describe combinatorial logic is a matter
of preference, though usually assign
makes more sense for simple
wiring (e.g. basic maths or multiplexors), while always_comb
useful for complex statements involving if ... else ...
In an always_comb
block you should always use blocking assignment,
of the form signal = expression;
always_comb begin
if (x==0) begin
These are called "blocking" because the right-hand-side of the assignment is evaluated and the assignment completed before any more statements are executed. So the idea is that each statement runs to completion and "blocks" following assignments until it is done.
You should try to be disciplined in always_comb
blocks in order to
avoid errors and weirdness. Some good tips are:
Any variable being assigned should be assigned exactly once on any path through the code. For example, in the above code
is assigned once in theif
branch, and once in theelse
branch - only one branch can be true at any given time, so there is a single assignment toa_n
on each path through the code. -
Do not refer to the same signal on both the left- and right-hand size of a blocking assignment in
. This can be understood by considering what the statementassign a = a + 1;
synthesises to -- try drawing a picture of the circuit. You should usually be able to split signals in analways_comb
block into two sets:- Those that are assigned to : likely to include flip-flop inputs and module outputs;
- Those that are read from : likely to include flip-flop outputs and module inputs.
These guidelines can be violated - even in high quality code - but it is best to stick to simple rules until you understand the trade-offs involved.
Sequential (clocked) logic can use a number of forms, but you are encouraged
to use the always_ff
block, which should only contain "non-blocking"
assignments using the <=
assignment operator.
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
a <= a_n;
This can be interpreted as "assign the value of a_n to a at each clock edge.",
and is essentially turning a
into a flip-flop.
Note that the above example always_ff
block naturally pairs with the
example always_comb
block in the previous section:
- The combinatorial block prepares the next value
based on the flip-flopa
. - The flip-flop block assigns
to the flip-flopa
at the clock edge.
Some people find this complete separation between combinatorial and sequential logic useful, and it can help to keep things safe. However, you can relax things in some sequential blocks where the logic is relatively simple.
The assignment is called "non-blocking" because each statement does not affect the following statements. You can think of it as if all of the right-hand-side expressions are evaluated in parallel, then all the assignments to the left-hand-side signals happen. As a consequence you can refer to the same variable on both sides of a non-blocking assignment. So we could simplify the above combination of combinatorial and sequential blocks into just one sequential block:
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (x==0) begin
a <= 1;
a <= a+1;
This is just a design choice - you can also choose to keep sequential and combinatorial logic completely separate.
The set of non-synthesisable constructs is very large, as SystemVerilog added a lot of language features related to testing and verification. This is not too surprising, given how much time a digital engineer spends on testing circuits and trying to prove they are correct. We will only touch on a few of the features here, though these are sufficient to write moderately complex test-benches for CPUs.
A test-bench is just a module with no inputs or output ports. Instead the test-bench produces output by printing output during simulation, or by producing waveforms for later inspection. Test-benches can also read and write files, which can be used to initialise RAMs or record selected outputs to a file. Inside the test-bench you can instantiate other modules, include the synthesisable module you actually want to test - this is often called the Design Under Test (DUT), or Circuit Under Test (CUT).
In a test-bench you can print output at any point in time, using the
introduced in the previous session.
This command uses a format string, similar to the C printf
function, which allows you to embed the values of signals and choose
whether they should be shown as decimal or hexadecimal:
$display("The value of x is %d in decimal, and %h in hex", x, x);
This output will be printed to the stdout
of the simulator, and
so can be captured as a file and post-processed if necessary.
An initial
block starts execution at the beginning of the simulation,
and the statements in the block are executed one by one. These statements
can consist of standard synthesisable statements like assignments and
if statements, but can also include non-synthesisable statements like
and for
loops to simplify test-bench logic. The simulator
executes as many statements as possible, and only stops when it reaches
some sort of timing control statement, such as:
: delay control - wait forn
time units.@(posedge sig);
: event control - wait until a rising edge onsig
.wait (expr);
wait statement - wait until expressionexpr
is true.
You can have as many initial
blocks as you want, and they will all
start executing at the start of the simulation. However,
only one block will ever execute in the simulator at once, and if
there are two blocks which are ready to continue execution the
simulator will pick one arbitrarily. As a consequence, you should
avoid situations where two blocks compete to execute if they
both read and write the same signals.
One way of managing multiple blocks is to split initial
into two types: timing driven blocks, and event driven blocks.
For example:
module testbench();
logic x;
/* First process that is using time based delay */
initial begin
#4; /* Delay for 4 timeunits */
#3; /* Delay for 3 timeunits */
#2; /* Delay for 2 timeunits */
#1; /* Delay for 1 timeunit */
/* Second process that is using edge sensitive events.*/
initial begin
@(posedge x);
$display("x went high at time %t", $time);
@(negedge x);
$display("x went low at time %t", $time);
@(posedge x);
$display("x went high at time %t", $time);
@(negedge x);
$display("x went low at time %t", $time);
This test-bench can be compiled and executed, and will print:
x went high at time 4
x went low at time 7
x went high at time 9
x went low at time 10
This example is safe because the timed block is "driving" the event-driven block. (Well... I think it is safe - in practise I would be wary of this style of code, and would prefer something with a very clear clock and dependencies between signals.)
There is no inherent clock in Verilog, so it must be generated within the test-bench. This can be accomplished using timed delays. For example, this generates three cycles of a clock with a period of 2 time units:
initial begin
clk = 0;
clk = 1;
clk = 0;
clk = 1;
clk = 0;
clk = 1;
However, if you want to simulate millions of cycles then this gets quite long...
An alternative approach is to use the forever
construct, which simply repeats
a statement or block forever. This initial block generates an infinite clock
with a period of 2 time units:
initial begin
forever begin
clk = 0;
clk = 1;
Infinitely running test-benches can be a problem if the DUT fails in some way, and so never completes some expected task. For example, you might write a CPU test-bench with the expectation that the CPU will complete execution in 10 instructions. If the CPU does not finish within 1000 cycles, then it is probably never going to finish, so we might as well abort the test-bench. This is particularly important if you want to run tens or hundreds of test-benches, as one runaway test-bench means the entire batch doesn't complete.
A way of addressing this is to use a combination of repeat for
to generate a fixed number of clock cycles, then $fatal
exit the simulation if nothing else has finished it:
initial begin
repeat(1000) begin
clk = 0;
clk = 1;
$fatal(2, "Test-bench has not completed after 1000 clock cycles. Giving up.");
In another block the test-bench checking block can call $finish once the DUT has completed the expected tasks.
An advantage of using $finish
and $fatal
is that they make it much easier
to run and manage test-benches using scripts:
- If
is called, the simulator returns a success code (i.e. the program returns 0). - If
is called, the simulator returns a failure code (i.e. the program returns non zero).
You will often find discussions online that implies that people are spending lots of time running a single simulation using a GUI tool, such as the ModelSim GUI interface, or the built-in Quartus simulation tool you used in DECA. However, in real-world practise you typically have tens or hundreds of tests for a given circuit, some of which are very slow. You don't want to manually run each test-bench then look at the output, so clearly indicating whether a test-bench passed or failed using the simulator return code is very useful, as then you can run them from a script. The only time you start looking at waveforms is if the test-bench is not passing, and you need to go in and fix it.
Verilog has some slightly odd simulation semantics, so it makes testing
a clocked circuit harder than it could be. A particular problem is
around the ordering of statements in multiple blocks, where two
blocks are ready to execute at the same time.
For example, consider the module ff
and its test-bench ff_tb
module ff(input logic clk, output logic q, input logic d);
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
q <= d;
module ff_tb();
logic clk, d, q;
/* Clock generator */
initial begin
repeat (10) begin
/* Module under test */
ff dut(.clk(clk), .d(d), .q(q));
/* Non-synthesisable test-bench */
initial begin
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
The ff
module is completely correct, but the test-bench will report
that it fails, as the first two assertions do not hold. Looking at
the waveform shows why at least one of them is failing:
If you look at the waveforms at t=6 (shown with the white line), the
input d has fallen, but the ff
output q
did not change with the rising
edge. The problem here is that the test-bench is doing two sequential
things on the falling edge:
- Asserting that the output
has the correct value. - Immediately changing the input
Because only one thing can happen at a time, the simulator has done
both these steps before it runs q<=d
in the ff
module. Essentially
we have not met the hold time for the flip-flip, as the test-bench
changes it too soon after the clock-edge (the simulator doesn't
really model hold times, but this is a useful analogy).
One way of fixing this is to apply an offset between the clock edge and the assertion:
d=0; /* Change the input before the rising edge. */
@(posedge clk); /* Wait for rising edge... */
#1; /* then delay by one time-unit */
assert(q==0); /* Check the output once it has settled */
d=1; /* Change the input (still one unit after clock) */
@(posedge clk);
The test-bench now passes, and we get a different simulated waveform:
The offset approach can be a little fragile, as it means you need to
know how fast the simulated clock is. When your DUT is a positive
edge triggered circuit (as is usually the case), an alternative approach is to
simply move the test-bench onto the negative edge:
@(negedge clk);
@(negedge clk);
Regardless of how fast the clock is, this approach always has the
test-bench testing outputs and modifying inputs on the negative
edge, while the DUT performs it's non-blocking register updates
on the positive edge.
In order to manage the problem of ordering, it is often useful to split your test-bench into four parts:
- A clock generator using
. This is the only block which uses explicit time-delay, with everything else being clock sensitive. - A test-bench block using
. This is the thing sensitive to the negative clock edge, and performs all checking of outputs and setting of inputs. - The DUT module, synchronous to the positive clock edge.
- (Optional) Any other helper modules, such as RAMs, ROMs, or counters. These should ideally be synthesisable, and sensitive to the positive edge.
Using this approach you minimise the potential for problems:
- The clock generator does not depend on anything, and drives the whole simulation.
- The test-bench logic is the only negative edge sensitive logic, making it easy to check whether signals are checked before they are modified, and guaranteing any flip-flops are stable.
- All other logic is "just" clock synchronous logic. There may still be errors in it, but they won't be related to simulation ordering.
These are only suggestions, and many other approaches are possible (and even used in the examples I give you), but you should be aware of the potential complications if you end up having many blocks which mix delays and event triggers.
In the above I have talked about delaying for a certain number of time-units, and the time-scale in the waveforms is shown in seconds. A 1hz clock is clearly unrealistic, but in terms of a functional simulation of a clock synchronous digital circuit, the clock-rate doesn't matter at all. We could ask the simulator to run the clock at 1THz, and it would still produce exactly the same waveforms, just with a different time-scale on the x-axis.
When writing test-benches our focus is on functional correctness: given infinitely fast perfect logic gates, is our simulation correct? Combinatorial logic will be simulated with zero propagation delay, with the only requirement being that the simulator logic is causal - the output of a combinatorial operator will not change until and unless it's inputs change.
Timing aspects of clocked synchronous circuits are generally avoided (though it is sometimes done), for a few reasons:
- Simulating exact timing details of a circuit makes the simulator run much slower;
- Logic timing is inherently random, with each gate having a slightly different delay each time it switches;
- Making correctness conditional on timing means that we only know it is correct on one target technology (e.g. one specific FPGA family). Ideally we would like our circuit to run correctly in any FPGA, as well as in ASICs.
Timing is usually a separate step performed using vendor tools, and happens after functional correctness is demonstrated using a test-bench. Ultimately timing is sub-ordinate to correctness - what is the point of making a circuit faster if it doesn't work? If the circuit does not meet timing then you can start to optimise it, but your test-bench still remains critical to ensure that your optimisations haven't broken it.
If you want to change the simulated time-unit, you can do that using timeunit. There are two things that can be changed:
- unit : this determines what 1 means in
. - precision : this determines how finely the simulated time is split up.
For example, you might say:
timescale 1 ns/10 ps
Which means that the unit is 1ns, while the minimum representable simulated time is 10ps. Choosing a finer resolution than the time-unit allows you to specific fractional delays, while if the time unit and scale are equal (the default) you can only specific integer delays.
But be aware that it has no effect on whether your circuit might meet timing in any particular FPGA, nor does it (usually) change the way the circuit simulates.
While SystemVerilog has been around a long time, a lot of references and guides still treat Verilog as the core, and SystemVerilog as a recent extension. As a consquence you'll often see older Verilog constructs mixed with newer (and safer) SystemVerilog constructs.
A useful cheat-sheet of synthesisable SystemVerilog.
A slightly bigger mini reference that I found quite useful, though it is focused on Verilog.
If you want a more comprehensive set of tutorials, then I find the Doulos set of articles useful, though longer:
Another good focussed set of tutorials is the "VerilogGuide". Apart from knowing it is by someone called Meher Krishna Patel ( who appears to be at Xilinx), I don't know a lot about provenance, but generally I've found it reliable and well written.
There are a number of well-known problems with Verilog - it is quite a hostile language to users, due to the number of corner cases and sharp edges. You can get a sense of these problems from this presentation. One of you may wish to read the presentation, as it may help you to debug other people's problems. Note that Verilog has so many edge cases that Sutherland and Mills have written a complete book called "101 Verilog Gotchas".
You probably don't need to read a text-book to do this coursework, as you should mainly be at the level of translating diagrams into RTL, then writing simple test-benches. I have no particular opinion on text-books, but one that is freely available from the library as an e-book is "SystemVerilog for Hardware Description: RTL Design and Verification", Vaibbhav Taraate.