You should be on the HMA Home tab at this point, if not, please open HMA from your app drawer.
On the next screen tap Create A Blacklist Template
On the following screen, type root into the Template Name box, then tap Edit List, just below and to the right.
Selecting root, HMA and lsposed apps...
On the following screen, you'll see a list of all your apps, select the following, by tapping to tick them:
- Magisks renamed (hidden) app - mine's always App (because as i said, im lazy and its easy to add)*
- Any other root apps or apps simply related to root or custom modification etc. (that banks may flag as security risks, indicators of custom mods or compromised runtime environment). Environment checking apps like Momo are an example.
- HMA - obviously
- Any other Xsposed/LSposed apps
Nb. Anytime you take Restore the Magisk app option and then Hide the Magisk app again you'll need to re-add it as, while the old randomised package name is retained in HMA, you will now be using a new one...
When youre done, tap the back navigation key, swipe back or tap the back arrow in top left to return to main HMA screen.
From the main HMA Settings menu, tap App Manage
On the following screen, you'll see a list of all your apps, select any which you want to hide root/mod related apps, HMA and other xposed/lsposed modules from by tapping to tick them.
This will normally be:
- Banking apps
- Any "detection" apps (see list in Testing HMA page for common detection apps)
i.e. Any apps which complain about root or are sensitive to other apps for their own reasons (eg. the app might compromise security / code execution environment) are a candidate for adding here.
For each app you add, do the following:
- Tap the toggle to the right of Enable Hidebr> to enable hiding
- Under Template Config (toward bottom) tap Using 0 Template
On the popup window that appears:
- Tap the checkbox next to root to select the root blacklist template
- Tap OK to close the popup window
You should now see a screen similar to this for the app you just configured
When youre done, tap back navigation key, swipe back or tap the back arrow in top left to return to app list, and repeat the above few steps for each app you wish to hide root-related apps, HMA and other xposed/lsposed modules from.
Now tap the back navigation key, swipe back or tap the back arrow in top left to return to main HMA screen
Close out from HMA
Reboot your device to activate HMA and the configuration you just setup
After reboot has completed, launch HMA from your app drawer
You should show the following screen, showing the status as Activated
Please Note:
- Any time you make a configuration change in HMA, you need to reboot for it to take effect
- It can take several minutes on first boot after being configured, for HMA to take effect. Ive noticed this on several ROM flashes. I would wait a good 5 minutes before testing, or opening any apps you have hidden via HMA after this first initial boot. On rare occasions it has taken an additonal reboot for me to see HMA take affect, so please try an additional reboot before troubleshooting.
Continue to :
Hiding from Store
Jump to :
Install LSPosed - Install HMA - Compare HMA Blacklist vs Whitelist Modes - Configure Whitelist Mode - Testing HMA - Backup and Restore