Typical flow involves the following steps:
- Reading mainframe dataset,
- Transcoding dataset to ORC,
- Registering as an external table*
- Running a MERGE DML statement to load new incremental of data into target table
*Note: if dataset does not require further modifications after loading, then loading into a native table is a better option than loading into an external table
bq query --project_id=myproject \
myproject:DATASET.TABLE \
query (gszutil-1.0.0)
Usage: query [options]
--help prints this usage text
--parameters_from_file <value>
Comma-separated query parameters in the form [NAME]:[TYPE]:[DDNAME]. An empty name creates a positional parameter. [TYPE] may be omitted to assume a STRING value in the form: name::ddname or ::ddname. NULL produces a null value.
--create_if_needed When specified, create destination table. The default value is false.
-m, --allow_multiple_queries
When specified, allow multiple queries. The default value is false.
--allow_large_results When specified, enables large destination table sizes for legacy SQL queries.
--append_table When specified, append data to a destination table. The default value is false.
--batch When specified, run the query in batch mode. The default value is false.
--clustering_fields <value>
If specified, a comma-separated list of columns is used to cluster the destination table in a query. This flag must be used with the time partitioning flags to create either an ingestion-time partitioned table or a table partitioned on a DATE or TIMESTAMP column. When specified, the table is first partitioned, and then it is clustered using the supplied columns.
--destination_kms_key <value>
The Cloud KMS key used to encrypt the destination table data.
--destination_schema <value>
The path to a local JSON schema file or a comma-separated list of column definitions in the form [FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE],[FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE]. The default value is ''.
--destination_table <value>
The name of the destination table for writing query results. The default value is ''
--dryRun When specified, the query is validated but not run.
--external_table_definition <value>
The table name and schema definition used in an external table query. The schema can be a path to a local JSON schema file or a comma-separated list of column definitions in the form [FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE],[FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE]. The format for supplying the table name and schema is: [TABLE]::[PATH_TO_FILE] or [TABLE]::[SCHEMA]@[SOURCE_FORMAT]=[CLOUD_STORAGE_URI]. Repeat this flag to query multiple tables.
--label <value> A label to apply to a query job in the form [KEY]:[VALUE]. Repeat this flag to specify multiple labels.
--maximum_bytes_billed <value>
An integer that limits the bytes billed for the query. If the query goes beyond the limit, it fails (without incurring a charge). If not specified, the bytes billed is set to the project default.
--parameters <value> comma-separated query parameters in the form [NAME]:[TYPE]:[VALUE]. An empty name creates a positional parameter. [TYPE] may be omitted to assume a STRING value in the form: name::value or ::value. NULL produces a null value.
--replace If specified, overwrite the destination table with the query results. The default value is false.
--require_cache If specified, run the query only if results can be retrieved from the cache.
--require_partition_filter <value>
If specified, a partition filter is required for queries over the supplied table. This flag can only be used with a partitioned table.
--schema_update_option <value>
When appending data to a table (in a load job or a query job), or when overwriting a table partition, specifies how to update the schema of the destination table. Possible values include:
new fields to be added
--time_partitioning_expiration <value>
An integer that specifies (in seconds) when a time-based partition should be deleted. The expiration time evaluates to the partition's UTC date plus the integer value. A negative number indicates no expiration.
--time_partitioning_field <value>
The field used to determine how to create a time-based partition. If time-based partitioning is enabled without this value, the table is partitioned based on the load time.
--time_partitioning_type <value>
Enables time-based partitioning on a table and sets the partition type. Currently, the only possible value is DAY which generates one partition per day.
--use_cache <value> When specified, caches the query results. The default value is true.
--use_legacy_sql When set to false, runs a standard SQL query. The default value is false (uses Standard SQL).
--dataset_id <value> The default dataset to use for requests. This flag is ignored when not applicable. You can set the value to [PROJECT_ID]:[DATASET] or [DATASET]. If [PROJECT_ID] is missing, the default project is used. You can override this setting by specifying the --project_id flag. The default value is ''.
--debug_mode Set logging level to debug. The default value is false.
--job_id <value> The unique job ID to use for the request. If not specified in a job creation request, a job ID is generated. This flag applies only to commands that create jobs: cp, extract, load, and query.
--location <value> A string corresponding to your region or multi-region location.
--project_id <value> The project ID to use for requests. The default value is ''.
--synchronous_mode <value>
If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.
--sync <value> If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.
--stats_table <value> tablespec of table to insert stats
- Queries can be provided in a variaty of ways: inline, separate dataset via DD, separate dataset via DSN.
- Custom parameterization tokens can be applied to the query datasets separately from what is provided by the connector. This requires a preceding job step to replace parameter tokens to produce the query dataset.
bq load --project_id=myproject \
myproject:dataset.table \
load (gszutil-1.0.0)
Usage: load [options] tablespec path [schema]
--help prints this usage text
tablespec Tablespec in format [PROJECT]:[DATASET].[TABLE]
path Comma-separated source URIs in format gs://bucket/path,gs://bucket/path
schema Comma-separated list of column definitions in the form [FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE],[FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE].
--allow_jagged_rows When specified, allow missing trailing optional columns in CSV data.
--allow_quoted_newlines When specified, allow quoted newlines in CSV data.
--autodetect When specified, enable schema auto-detection for CSV and JSON data.
--destination_kms_key <value>
The Cloud KMS key for encryption of the destination table data.
-E, --encoding <value> The character encoding used in the data. Possible values include:
ISO-8859-1 (also known as Latin-1) UTF-8
-F, --field_delimiter <value>
The character that indicates the boundary between columns in the data. Both \t and tab are allowed for tab delimiters.
--ignore_unknown_values When specified, allow and ignore extra, unrecognized values in CSV or JSON data.
--max_bad_records <value>
An integer that specifies the maximum number of bad records allowed before the entire job fails. The default value is 0. At most, five errors of any type are returned regardless of the --max_bad_records value.
--null_marker <value> An optional custom string that represents a NULL value in CSV data.
--clustering_fields <value>
If specified, a comma-separated list of columns is used to cluster the destination table in a query. This flag must be used with the time partitioning flags to create either an ingestion-time partitioned table or a table partitioned on a DATE or TIMESTAMP column. When specified, the table is first partitioned, and then it is clustered using the supplied columns.
--projection_fields <value>
If used with --source_format set to DATASTORE_BACKUP, indicates which entity properties to load from a Cloud Datastore export as a comma-separated list. Property names are case sensitive and must refer to top-level properties. The default value is ''. This flag can also be used with Cloud Firestore exports.
--quote <value> The quote character to use to enclose records. The default value is " which indicates no quote character.
--replace When specified, existing data is erased when new data is loaded. The default value is false.
--append_table When specified, append data to a destination table. The default value is false.
--schema <value> Comma-separated list of column definitions in the form [FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE],[FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE].
--schema_update_option <value>
When appending data to a table (in a load job or a query job), or when overwriting a table partition, specifies how to update the schema of the destination table. Possible values include:
ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION: Allow new fields to be added
Repeat this flag to specify multiple schema update options.
--skip_leading_rows <value>
An integer that specifies the number of rows to skip at the beginning of the source file.
--source_format <value> The format of the source data. Possible values include: CSV NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON AVRO DATASTORE_BACKUP PARQUET ORC (Default: ORC)
--time_partitioning_expiration <value>
An integer that specifies (in seconds) when a time-based partition should be deleted. The expiration time evaluates to the partition's UTC date plus the integer value. A negative number indicates no expiration.
--time_partitioning_field <value>
The field used to determine how to create a time-based partition. If time-based partitioning is enabled without this value, the table is partitioned based on the load time.
--time_partitioning_type <value>
Enables time-based partitioning on a table and sets the partition type. Currently, the only possible value is DAY which generates one partition per day.
--require_partition_filter <value>
If specified, a partition filter is required for queries over the supplied table. This flag can only be used with a partitioned table.
--use_avro_logical_types <value>
If sourceFormat is set to AVRO, indicates whether to convert logical types into their corresponding types (such as TIMESTAMP) instead of only using their raw types (such as INTEGER).
--dataset_id <value> The default dataset to use for requests. This flag is ignored when not applicable. You can set the value to [PROJECT_ID]:[DATASET] or [DATASET]. If [PROJECT_ID] is missing, the default project is used. You can override this setting by specifying the --project_id flag. The default value is ''.
--debug_mode <value> Set logging level to debug. The default value is false.
--job_id <value> The unique job ID to use for the request. If not specified in a job creation request, a job ID is generated. This flag applies only to commands that create jobs: cp, extract, load, and query.
--location <value> A string corresponding to your region or multi-region location.
--project_id <value> The project ID to use for requests. The default value is ''.
--synchronous_mode <value>
If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.
--sync <value> If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.
--stats_table <value> tablespec of table to insert stats
This command is most commonly used to create external tables or native tables that need partitioning and clustering to be set up
mk (gszutil-1.0.0)
Usage: mk [options] tablespec
--help prints this usage text
--clustering_fields <value>
A comma-separated list of column names used to cluster a table. This flag is currently available only for partitioned tables. When specified, the table is partitioned and then clustered using these columns.
-d, --dataset When specified, creates a dataset. The default value is false.
--default_partition_expiration <value>
An integer that specifies the default expiration time, in seconds, for all partitions in newly-created partitioned tables in the dataset. A partition's expiration time is set to the partition's UTC date plus the integer value. If this property is set, it overrides the dataset-level default table expiration if it exists. If you supply the --time_partitioning_expiration flag when you create or update a partitioned table, the table-level partition expiration takes precedence over the dataset-level default partition expiration.
--default_table_expiration <value>
An integer that specifies the default lifetime, in seconds, for newly-created tables in a dataset. The expiration time is set to the current UTC time plus this value.
--description <value> The description of the dataset or table.
--destination_kms_key <value>
The Cloud KMS key used to encrypt the table data.
--display_name <value> The display name for the transfer configuration. The default value is ''.
--expiration <value> An integer that specifies the table or view's lifetime in milliseconds. The expiration time is set to the current UTC time plus this value.
-e, --external_table_definition <value>
Specifies a table definition to used to create an external table. The format of an inline definition is format=uri. Example: ORC=gs://bucket/table_part1.orc/*,gs://bucket/table_part2.orc/*
-f, --force When specified, if a resource already exists, the exit code is 0. The default value is false.
--label <value> A label to set on the table. The format is [KEY]:[VALUE]. Repeat this flag to specify multiple labels.
--require_partition_filter <value>
When specified, this flag determines whether to require a partition filter for queries over the supplied table. This flag only applies to partitioned tables. The default value is true.
--schema <value> The path to a local JSON schema file or a comma-separated list of column definitions in the form [FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE],[FIELD]:[DATA_TYPE]. The default value is ''.
-t, --table When specified, create a table. The default value is false.
--time_partitioning_expiration <value>
An integer that specifies (in seconds) when a time-based partition should be deleted. The expiration time evaluates to the partition's UTC date plus the integer value. A negative number indicates no expiration.
--time_partitioning_field <value>
The field used to determine how to create a time-based partition. If time-based partitioning is enabled without this value, the table is partitioned based on the load time.
--time_partitioning_type <value>
Enables time-based partitioning on a table and sets the partition type. Currently, the only possible value is DAY which generates one partition per day.
--use_legacy_sql When set to false, uses a standard SQL query to create a view. The default value is false (uses Standard SQL).
--view When specified, creates a view. The default value is false.
--dataset_id <value> The default dataset to use for requests. This flag is ignored when not applicable. You can set the value to [PROJECT_ID]:[DATASET] or [DATASET]. If [PROJECT_ID] is missing, the default project is used. You can override this setting by specifying the --project_id flag. The default value is ''.
--debug_mode Set logging level to debug. The default value is false.
--job_id <value> The unique job ID to use for the request. If not specified in a job creation request, a job ID is generated. This flag applies only to commands that create jobs: cp, extract, load, and query.
--location <value> A string corresponding to your region or multi-region location.
--project_id <value> The project ID to use for requests. The default value is ''.
--synchronous_mode <value>
If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.
--sync <value> If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.
--stats_table <value> tablespec of table to insert stats
rm (gszutil-1.0.0)
Usage: rm [options] tablespec
--help prints this usage text
-d, --dataset When specified, deletes a dataset. The default value is false.
-f, --force When specified, deletes a table, view, model, or dataset without prompting. The default value is false.
-m, --model <value> When specified, deletes a BigQuery ML model.
-r, --recursive When specified, deletes a dataset and any tables, table data, or models in it. The default value is false.
-t, --table When specified, deletes a table. The default value is false.
--dataset_id <value> The default dataset to use for requests. This flag is ignored when not applicable. You can set the value to [PROJECT_ID]:[DATASET] or [DATASET]. If [PROJECT_ID] is missing, the default project is used. You can override this setting by specifying the --project_id flag. The default value is ''.
--debug_mode Set logging level to debug. The default value is false.
--job_id <value> The unique job ID to use for the request. If not specified in a job creation request, a job ID is generated. This flag applies only to commands that create jobs: cp, extract, load, and query.
--location <value> A string corresponding to your region or multi-region location.
--project_id <value> The project ID to use for requests. The default value is ''.
--synchronous_mode <value>
If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.
--sync <value> If set to true, wait for the command to complete before returning, and use the job completion status as the error code. If set to false, the job is created, and successful completion status is used for the error code. The default value is true.