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A Continuous Time Bayesian Networks Library


The library has been tested on Linux and Windows with Python 3.8 and it relies on the following Python modules:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • networkx
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • tqdm

Pip installation

Download the latest release in .tar.gz or .whl format and simply use pip install to install it:

$ pip install PyCTBN-2.2.tar.gz


Please refer to for the full project documentation.

Implementing your own data importer

This example demonstrates the implementation of a simple data importer the extends the class AbstractImporter
to import data in csv format. The net in exam has three ternary nodes and no prior net structure.
Suppose the trajectories that have to be inported have this structure:

An example trajectory to be imported.

In the read_csv_file method the data are imported in memory, put in a list and assigned to the _df_samples_list class
member, so that it contains all the trajectories to be processed.
In the import_variables method the dataframe containing the nodes labels and the cardinalities of the nodes
is assigned to the _df_variables class member.
The class member _sorter has to contain the nodes labels in the same order of the trajectory columns,
just override the build_sorter method to do that.
If your datasets names have particular id, you can keep it using the dataset_id method to assign the id to a new class member.
Finally the import_data method call all the previously implemented methods and calls the compute_row_delta_in_all_samples_frames
to process all the trajectories in _df_samples_list.
For more information about the class memebers and methods of AbstractImporter please refer to the documentation.
import pandas as pd
import typing

from PyCTBN import AbstractImporter
from PyCTBN import SamplePath

class CSVImporter(AbstractImporter):

    def __init__(self, file_path):
        self._df_samples_list = None
        super(CSVImporter, self).__init__(file_path)

    def import_data(self):
        self._sorter = self.build_sorter(self._df_samples_list[0])

    def read_csv_file(self):
        df = pd.read_csv(self._file_path)
        df.drop(df.columns[[0]], axis=1, inplace=True)
        self._df_samples_list = [df]

    def import_variables(self):
        values_list = [3 for var in self._sorter]
        # initialize dict of lists
        data = {'Name':self._sorter, 'Value':values_list}
        # Create the pandas DataFrame
        self._df_variables = pd.DataFrame(data)

    def build_sorter(self, sample_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> typing.List:
        return list(sample_frame.columns)[1:]

    def dataset_id(self) -> object:

def main():
    # create the importer object
    csvimp = CSVImporter('/dataset_example.csv')
    # call the wrapping method that wil import and process the data
    # pass the AbstractImporter object to the SamplePath constructor
    s1 = SamplePath(csvimp)
    # SamplePath will contain the Trajecotry object...
    #...and the Structure object with all the process data

Structure Estimation Examples

In this section some examples will be shown in order to provide some useful information about the usage of the library

Constraint based estimation

This example shows how to estimate the structure given a series of trajectories using a constraint based approach.
The first three instructions import all the necessary data (trajectories, nodes cardinalities, nodes labels),
and are contextual to the dataset that is been used, in the code comments are marked as optional <>.
If your data has a different structure or format you should implement your own importer
(see Implementing your own importer example).
The other instructions are not optional and should follow the same order.
A SamplePath object is been created, passing an AbstractImporter object that contains the correct class members
filled with the data that are necessary to estimate the structure.
Next the build_trajectories and build_structure methods are called to instantiate the objects that will contain
the processed trajectories and all the net information.
Then an estimator object is created, in this case a constraint based estimator,
it necessary to pass a SamplePath object where build_trajectories and build_structure methods have already been called.
If you have prior knowledge about the net structure pass it to the constructor with the known_edges parameter.
The other three parameters are contextual to the StructureConstraintBasedEstimator, see the documentation for more details.
To estimate the structure simply call the estimate_structure method.
You can obtain the estimated structure as a boolean adjacency matrix with the method adjacency_matrix,
or save it as a json file that contains all the nodes labels, and obviously the estimated edges.
You can also save a graphical model representation of the estimated structure
with the save_plot_estimated_structure_graph.
import glob
import os

from PyCTBN import JsonImporter
from PyCTBN import SamplePath
from PyCTBN import StructureConstraintBasedEstimator

def structure_constraint_based_estimation_example():
    # <read the json files in ./data path>
    read_files = glob.glob(os.path.join('./data', "*.json"))
    # <initialize a JsonImporter object for the first file>
    importer = JsonImporter(file_path=read_files[0], samples_label='samples',
                            structure_label='dyn.str', variables_label='variables',
                            time_key='Time', variables_key='Name')
    # <import the data at index 0 of the outer json array>
    # construct a SamplePath Object passing a filled AbstractImporter object
    s1 = SamplePath(importer=importer)
    # build the trajectories
    # build the information about the net
    # construct a StructureEstimator object passing a correctly build SamplePath object
    # and the independence tests significance, if you have prior knowledge about
    # the net structure create a list of tuples
    # that contains them and pass it as known_edges parameter
    se1 = StructureConstraintBasedEstimator(sample_path=s1, exp_test_alfa=0.1, chi_test_alfa=0.1,
                                            known_edges=[], thumb_threshold=25)
    # call the algorithm to estimate the structure
    # obtain the adjacency matrix of the estimated structure
    # save the estimated structure  to a json file
    # (remember to specify the path AND the .json extension)....
    # ...or save it also in a graphical model fashion
    # (remember to specify the path AND the .png extension)

Score based estimation with Hill Climbing

This example shows how to estimate the structure given a series of trajectories using a score based approach
and the Hill Climbing algorithm as optimization strategy.
The structure of the code is the same as the previus example, but an explanation of the Structure score based estimator
will be provided.
Then an estimator object is created, in this case a score based estimator,
it necessary to pass a SamplePath object where build_trajectories and build_structure methods have already been called.
If you have prior knowledge about the net structure pass it to the constructor with the known_edges parameter.
The other parameters are contextual to the StructureScoreBasedEstimator, see the documentation for more details.
To estimate the structure simply call the estimate_structure method passing the desidered parameters, such as the
optimization strategy, or simply use the default configuration.
In this case an Hill Climbing approch is choosen.
import glob
import os

from PyCTBN import JsonImporter
from PyCTBN import SamplePath
from PyCTBN import StructureScoreBasedEstimator

def structure_constraint_based_estimation_example():
    # <read the json files in ./data path>
    read_files = glob.glob(os.path.join('./data', "*.json"))
    # <initialize a JsonImporter object for the first file>
    importer = JsonImporter(file_path=read_files[0], samples_label='samples',
                            structure_label='dyn.str', variables_label='variables',
                            time_key='Time', variables_key='Name')
    # <import the data at index 0 of the outer json array>
    # construct a SamplePath Object passing a filled AbstractImporter object
    s1 = SamplePath(importer=importer)
    # build the trajectories
    # build the information about the net
    # construct a StructureEstimator object passing a correctly build SamplePath object
    # and hyperparameters tau and alpha, if you have prior knowledge about
    # the net structure create a list of tuples
    # that contains them and pass it as known_edges parameter
    se1 = StructureScoreBasedEstimator(sample_path=s1, tau_xu = 0.1, alpha_xu = 1,
    # call the algorithm to estimate the structure
    # and pass all the desidered parameters, in this case an Hill Climbing approach
    # will be selected as optimization strategy.
                        max_parents = None,
                        iterations_number = 40,
                        patience = None,
                        optimizer = 'hill'
    # obtain the adjacency matrix of the estimated structure
    # save the estimated structure  to a json file
    # (remember to specify the path AND the .json extension)....
    # ...or save it also in a graphical model fashion
    # (remember to specify the path AND the .png extension)

Score based estimation with Tabu Search and Data Augmentation

This example shows how to estimate the structure given a series of trajectories using a score based approach
and the Tabu Search algorithm as optimization strategy and how to use a data augmentation strategy to increase the
number of data available.
The structure of the code is the same as the previus example, but an explanation of the data augmentation technique
will be provided.
In this case a SampleImporter is used to import the data instead of a JsonImporter.
Using a SampleImporter requires the user to read the data and put it into different lists or DataFrames before to
inizialize the SampleImporter instance.
Then it is possible to increase the amount of data by using one of the external libraries who provide data augmentation
approaches, in this example sklearn is used.
Then all the information can be passed to the SampleImporter constructor and the import_data method can be used to provide
the preprossing operations of the PyCTBN library.
Then an estimator object is created, in this case a score based estimator,
it necessary to pass a SamplePath object where build_trajectories and build_structure methods have already been called.
If you have prior knowledge about the net structure pass it to the constructor with the known_edges parameter.
The other parameters are contextual to the StructureScoreBasedEstimator, see the documentation for more details.
To estimate the structure simply call the estimate_structure method passing the desidered parameters, such as the
optimization strategy, or simply use the default configuration.
In this case an Hill Climbing approch is choosen.
import glob
import os

from sklearn.utils import resample

from PyCTBN import SampleImporter
from PyCTBN import SamplePath
from PyCTBN import StructureScoreBasedEstimator

def structure_constraint_based_estimation_example():
    # <read the json files in ./data path>
    read_files = glob.glob(os.path.join('./data', "*.json"))

    # read the first file in the directory (or pass the file path)
    with open(file_path=read_files[0]) as f:
                raw_data = json.load(f)

                # read the variables information
                variables= pd.DataFrame(raw_data[0]["variables"])

                # read the prior information if they are given
                prior_net_structure = pd.DataFrame(raw_data[0]["dyn.str"])

                #read the samples
                trajectory_list_raw= raw_data[0]["samples"]

                #convert them in DataFrame
                trajectory_list = [pd.DataFrame(sample) for sample in trajectory_list_raw]

                # use an external library in order to provide the data augmentation operations, in this case
                # sklearn.utils is used
                augmented_trajectory_list = resample (trajectory_list, replace = True, n_samples = 300 )

    # <initialize a SampleImporter object using the data read before>
    importer = SampleImporter(
                                    trajectory_list = augmented_trajectory_list,

    # <import the data>
    # construct a SamplePath Object passing a filled AbstractImporter object

    s1 = SamplePath(importer=importer)
    # build the trajectories
    # build the information about the net
    # construct a StructureEstimator object passing a correctly build SamplePath object
    # and hyperparameters tau and alpha, if you have prior knowledge about
    # the net structure create a list of tuples
    # that contains them and pass it as known_edges parameter
    se1 = StructureScoreBasedEstimator(sample_path=s1, tau_xu = 0.1, alpha_xu = 1,
    # call the algorithm to estimate the structure
    # and pass all the desidered parameters, in this case a Tabu Search approach
    # will be selected as optimization strategy. It is possible to select the tabu list length and
    # the tabu rules duration, and the other parameters as in the previus example.
                        max_parents = None,
                        iterations_number = 100,
                        patience = 20,
                        optimizer = 'tabu',
                        tabu_length = 10,
                        tabu_rules_duration = 10
    # obtain the adjacency matrix of the estimated structure
    # save the estimated structure  to a json file
    # (remember to specify the path AND the .json extension)....
    # ...or save it also in a graphical model fashion
    # (remember to specify the path AND the .png extension)

Network graph and parameters generation, trajectory sampling, data export

This example shows how to randomically generate a CTBN, that means both the graph and the CIMS, taking as input
the list of variables labels and their related cardinality. The whole procedure is managed by NetworkGenerator,
respectively with the generate_graph method, that allows to define the expected density of the graph, and
generate_cims method, that takes as input the range in which the parameters must be included.
Afterwards, the example shows how to sample a trajectory over the previously generated network, through the
CTBN_Sample method and setting a fixed number of transitions equal to 30000.
The output data, made up by network structure, cims and trajectory, are then saved on a JSON file by
exploiting the functions of JSONExporter class.
To prove the simplicity of interaction among the modules, the example eventually reads the file and computes
the estimation of the structure by using a ConstraintBased approach.
from PyCTBN.PyCTBN.structure_graph.trajectory_generator import TrajectoryGenerator
from PyCTBN.PyCTBN.structure_graph.network_generator import NetworkGenerator
from PyCTBN.PyCTBN.utility.json_importer import JsonImporter
from PyCTBN.PyCTBN.utility.json_exporter import JsonExporter
from PyCTBN.PyCTBN.structure_graph.sample_path import SamplePath
from PyCTBN.PyCTBN.estimators.structure_constraint_based_estimator import StructureConstraintBasedEstimator

def main():
    # Network Generation
    labels = ["X", "Y", "Z"]
    card = 3
    vals = [card for l in labels]
    cim_min = 1
    cim_max = 3
    ng = NetworkGenerator(labels, vals)
    ng.generate_cims(cim_min, cim_max)

    # Trajectory Generation
    e1 = JsonExporter(ng.variables, ng.dyn_str, ng.cims)
    tg = TrajectoryGenerator(variables = ng.variables, dyn_str = ng.dyn_str, dyn_cims = ng.cims)
    sigma = tg.CTBN_Sample(max_tr = 30000)

    # Network Estimation (Constraint Based)
    importer = JsonImporter(file_path = "example.json", samples_label = "samples",
                            structure_label = "dyn.str", variables_label = "variables",
                            cims_label = "dyn.cims", time_key = "Time",
                            variables_key = "Name")
    s1 = SamplePath(importer=importer)
    se1 = StructureConstraintBasedEstimator(sample_path=s1, exp_test_alfa=0.1, chi_test_alfa=0.1,
                                            known_edges=[], thumb_threshold=25)
    edges = se1.estimate_structure(True)