Releases: maestrano/impac-angular
Releases · maestrano/impac-angular
Week 22: Chart.js update, bugfixing
- Update Chart.js to v2.1.4
- Accounts balance: wait for updateSettings to finish before calling format()
- KpisSvc.load() to systematically wait for MainSvc and DashboardsSvc loading
- Charts drawing was unstable after update to Chrome v51
Week 21
- Revert workspace/index.js and workspace/index.css
- Add track by to ng-repeats in widgets
Week 20
- dates-picker to be inversible (from date can be displayed first in bootstrap mode)
- Balance sheet widget to invert from/to dates
- dates-picker autofocus + remove outline
- sso_session id to be stored only in ImpacMainSvc
- Important refactor of Kpis.svc
Week 19: Accounting behaviours improvements, Better Team performance widget
- Common directive "time-period-info" to display selected time period
- time-period-info added to hist-mode choser and some widgets
- time-presets can now be defined in ThemingSvc
- Better UI for widget Team performance
Config changes
- Time presets customization in ImpacTheming:
presets: [
label: 'Year to date'
# each "value" can be a string or a function that returns a string
from: (fyEndMonth) ->
to: moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')
period: 'MONTHLY'
- Impac API v1.3.3
Week 18: Fix widgets reload, custom calculation
- Custom calculation formula wasn't saved properly (settings where updated upon widget load)
- Widgets setting update function error case
- Widgets reload after currency change or dashboard sync (WidgetsSvc.refreshAll)
Week 17: Params picker improvement
- Params-picker setting selection applicable to all similar widgets
- dates-pickers' calendars are no longer hidden after widget drag/drop
Better time period selection, accounting behaviours, widgets generator, better dashboard sync...
- Reworked sync-apps UI, statuses & error management: new design & last sync statuses, last sync statuses customizable via ImpacTheming, alerts modal displays successful connector syncs, details & proper error messages for each alert, and a new caution button which opens the alerts modal.
- Workspace Http Interceptor: applys basic auth intelligently to requests to Maestrano's ecosystem.
- Widget Generator: generator widget components from the CLI.
- Gulp Server with live reload for Developer Workspace!
- [new widget] "Net Sales"
- [new widget] "New vs Existing Customers widget"
- [new widget] "Top Customers by Sales".
- Add getDateRange from array of Dates or date-strings method in ImpacUtilities service.
- Widget
now dictates which category the widgets appears in. - Bump Chart.js from version 2.0.0-beta2
- Add info panel for widgets
- Better display for widgets' top-line and action buttons
- Better time period selection setting (using presets, slider, and dates pickers / financial year handling)
- P&L and Balance sheet behaviours for some accounting widgets
- KPIs display correctly on dashboard change, remove kpi working properly, initializes properly before loading kpis.
- Better UI for widget name edit (tooltips + can now fully use the mouse without dragging the widget)
Developer provider, Gulp refactor, layout fixes, routing fixes, sync fix
- Deep routing to dashboards#index when an organization id is specified
- Apps sync: keeps syncing if the sync is just enqueued (and not performed straight away)
- Developer Provider Service - ability to stub widgets templates, and further configure the developer workspace.
- Gulp refactor - the gulp tasks are splitted in several files in the gulp directory.
- Better layout for all widgets using the widget-lines-container (+ adapted to xsmall screens)
Callbacks, Mass-assignment fix, Currency filter fix
- Mass Assign: merges the metadata instead of replacing it + update not pushed if the metadata hasn't changed
- mno-currency filter: official symbols for 12/14 supported currencies, 'showName' filter argument changed to 'ISOmode', for switching between suffixed ISO code and prefixed currency symbol display.
- ImpacDashboardsSvc.callbacks.widgetAdded
Dashboard sync fix, line chart layout fix, MYOB custom message
- Widget invoices list: guarding against metadata.order_by not specified
- Dashboard loading forever when DashboardsSvc was failing
- Guarding across all widgets agains $scope.content not being defined (in w.initContext())
- Organizations not being initialized if fails
- Broken sales forecast and top opportunities (since 1.0.5)
- Line charts with only one value won't display only one point but an horizontal line
- Configuration parameters for MYOB Essentials custom message