[] offsets 4 tests failing [] Textcontroller used after dispose (on widget tree changed) [X] Investigate onFieldSubmitted and onSuggestionTap are conflicting
[ ] SuggestionDirection.up
- Test that the suggestions are displayed above the textfield in reverse order
- Arrow keys should navigate suggestions in correct order
- emptyWidget should be displayed in the overlay
[ ] SuggestionDirection.down
- Widget should have focus when pressed Tab
- Enter key should show suggestions
- Arrow keys should navigate suggestions
- Enter key should select suggestion
- Tab key should navigate suggestions if expanded
- Shift+Tab key should navigate suggestions backwards
- Escape key should close suggestions
- Arrow keys should navigate suggestions
- Enter key should select suggestion
- Tab key should shift focus to next widget if not expanded
- Shift+Tab key should shift focus to previous widget if not expanded
- Escape key should close suggestions if expanded