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141 lines (112 loc) · 4.25 KB

File metadata and controls

141 lines (112 loc) · 4.25 KB


A first person character controller for the Three.js graphics library

npm bundle size npm NPM


npm install charactercontroller


import CharacterController from "charactercontroller";

// Scene & renderer initialisation...

const controller = new CharacterController(scene, options);

function animate() {
	// ...
  • scene

    An instance of THREE.Scene that the Character Controller is to become a child of.

  • options

    An object defining options for the Character Controller. The valid fields are described below

Constructor Options

  • walkSpeed

    The rate at which the controller is translated in the scene in response to player inputs, when the sprint key (left shift) is not being pressed.

    • Default: 5
  • sprintSpeed

    The rate at which the controller is translated in the scene in response to player inputs, when the sprint key (left shift) is being pressed.

    • Default: 10
  • floorDistance

    How far above a surface the controller can get before stopping falling.

    Could be interpreted as the height of the player.

    • Default: 1
  • gravity

    How quickly the controller is pulled down when there is no surface beneath it.

    • Default: -9.81
  • jumpPower

    With how much force the controller is projected upwards when a jump is initiated.

    • Default: 5
  • sensitivity

    • x

      How much the camera should move in response to the player moving the mouse left and right.

      • Default: 0.1
    • y

      How much the camera should move in response to the player moving the mouse up and down.

      • Default: 0.1
  • lookLimit

    • down

      The angle in degrees that the camera's x rotation should be clamped to when looking down

      • Default: 0
    • up

      The angle in degrees that the camera's x rotation should be clamped to when looking up

      • Default: 180
  • cameraFov

    The field of view of the camera attatched to the character controller.

    • Default: 75
  • inputMappings

    The that control the character controller. An array of codes are used to support multiple keys controlling the same actions; primarily for accessability reasons.

    • scalar


      The scalar property defines axes that can take on any value within a range. There are two axes that control the planar movement of the character controller; horizontal and vertical, named horizontalAxis and verticalAxis respectively. These both take an array of input maps as values. The format of the input maps required in arrays on scalar axes is as follows;

      { inputs: KeyboardEvent.code[], value: number }

      Where value is the magnitude of the axis when a key in inputs is being pressed.

      • horizontalAxis
        • Default:
           { inputs: ["KeyA", "ArrowLeft"], value: -1 },
           { inputs: ["KeyD", "ArrowRight"], value: 1 },
      • verticalAxis
        • Default:
           { inputs: ["KeyS", "ArrowDown"], value: -1 },
           { inputs: ["KeyW", "ArrowUp"], value: 1 },
    • discrete


      The discrete property defines single-fire actions that occur at a specific point in time. These inputs differ from the ones defined under scalar as they describe events that happen once at a time, rather than continuously over time. The format of input maps required here is simply an array of

      • jump
        • Default: ["Space"]
      • sprint
        • Default: ["ShiftLeft", "ShiftRight"],


    The default inputMappings object is shown below;

     inputMappings = {
     	scalar: {
     		horizontalAxis: [
     			{ inputs: ["KeyA", "ArrowLeft"], value: -1 },
     			{ inputs: ["KeyD", "ArrowRight"], value: 1 },
     		verticalAxis: [
     			{ inputs: ["KeyS", "ArrowDown"], value: -1 },
     			{ inputs: ["KeyW", "ArrowUp"], value: 1 },
     	discrete: {
     		jump: ["Space"],
     		sprint: ["ShiftLeft", "ShiftRight"],