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Maneesh Sutar


An encryption and signature_authentication algorithm

Uses static public-private key.
Data encrypted with public key can be decrypted with private key (and vice versa too)

Unlike standard Diffie-Helman, RSA does not provide Forward Secrecy, but it does provide signature_authentication, so we can make sure that the messages are being sent by the right party.
In SSH, in remote server, we do this by adding the public keys of the client as authorized_keys, typically in a file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Over the internet however, RSA is still susceptible to MITM attacks. Thus websites use TLS certificates to verify the public key of the server.

In practice, ==RSA is almost never used as a key exchange mechanism==, because of lack of forward secrecy. In protocols like SSH, ==it is only used as user authentication==, along with ECDHE algorithms for the key-exchange. Nowadays SSH defaults to generate a ed25519 key for user authentication instead of RSA key.

RSA was used as user authentication algorithm in Cypher Suites till TLS 1.2.
==Since TLS 1.3, use of RSA is deprecated==, instead newer ECDSA algorithms like ed25519 are preferred.

Nevertheless, the algorithm is interesting, so go give it a read.

Basic Principle

A basic principle behind RSA is the observation that it is practical to find three very large positive integers e, d, and n, such that for all integers m (0 ≤ m < n),

$$(m^e)^d \mod n = m \mod n$$

because the two exponents can be swapped,, the private and public key can also be swapped, allowing for message signing and verification using the same algorithm.

Key generation

The math behind public-private key generation by Eddie Woo: video

  • Choose $p = 3$ and $q = 11$
  • Compute $n = pq = 311 = 33$
    • n is used as the modulus for both the public and private keys. Its length, usually expressed in bits, is the key length.
    • n is released as part of the public key.
  • Compute $\phi(n) = (p - 1)(q - 1) = 210 = 20$.
  • Choose $e$ such that $1 &lt; e &lt; \phi(n)$ and $e$ and $\phi(n)$ are co-prime. Let $e = 7$
  • Compute a value for d such that $(de) \mod \phi(n) = 1$.
    One solution is d = 3 ; as $(3
    7) \mod 20 = 1$
  • Public key is $(e, n) =&gt; (7, 33)$
  • Private key is $(d, n) =&gt; (3, 33)$

To play around with RSA key generation, try python's cryptography library.

Encryption and Decryption

Both public and private keys are actually pair of 2 large integers

For now assume, on the receiver end,
public key (e,n) = (5, 14)
private key (d,n) = (11, 14)

note that n is same in both public-private key. See the key generation

message to be sent = 10


Encrypted message = (message) ^ (e) mod (n)
= $10 ^ 5 \mod 14$
= 12


message = (encrypted message) ^ (d) mod (n)
= $12 ^ {11} \mod 14$
= 10


The ==scope of signing is only to check whether sender really signed the document==.
In such cases encryption is typically handled using other methods.

For signing, ==sender uses their public-private key pair==

On sender end, these are the keys

  • Public key is (e, n) => (7, 33)
  • Private key is (d, n) => (3, 33)

Message to be signed: "I signed" which converts to "14"

Sender uses their private key to generate signature.
sign = (message) ^ (d) mod n
= 14 ^ 3 mod 33
= 5

Verification of the sign
Anyone who has the public key of sender can verify the signature.
new_message = (sign) ^ 7 mod 33
= 5 ^ 7 mod 33
= 14

Since the new_message is as expected , signature is verified.


  1. RSA is used to encrypt messages that are shorter than the modulus of the public key. For 1024-bit keys, this means that the message must be 117 bytes or fewer (the modulus is 128-bytes, minus 11 for the padding of the message).

  2. The security of RSA relies on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers, or the "factoring problem". This solution to the problem is slow, but not as slow as a brute-force attack as there are algorithms available. Thus we need very large key length. As per this,

    • 1024-bit RSA keys are equivalent in strength to 80-bit symmetric keys
    • 2048-bit RSA keys to 112-bit symmetric keys
  3. RSA is much slower due to its mathematical complexity. It is not suitable for encrypting large data directly.

  4. Unlike Diffie–Hellman key exchange, It does not provide Forward Secrecy


  1. RSA Operation
  2. RSA encryption by Eddie Woo: video
  3. RSA signing by Adam Clay video