To learn how to use PyTorch, begin with our Getting Started Tutorials. The :doc:`60-minute blitz </beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz>` is the most common starting point, and provides a broad view into how to use PyTorch from the basics all the way into constructing deep neural networks.
Some considerations:
- If you would like to do the tutorials interactively via IPython / Jupyter, each tutorial has a download link for a Jupyter Notebook and Python source code.
- Additional high-quality examples are available, including image classification, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, machine translation, and many other applications, in PyTorch Examples.
- You can find reference documentation for the PyTorch API and layers in PyTorch Docs or via inline help.
- If you would like the tutorials section improved, please open a github issue here with your feedback.
Lastly, some of the tutorials are marked as requiring the Preview release. These are tutorials that use the new functionality from the PyTorch 1.0 Preview. Please visit the Get Started section of the PyTorch website for instructions on how to install the latest Preview build before trying these tutorials.
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/pytorch-logo-flat.png :tooltip: Understand PyTorch’s Tensor library and neural networks at a high level :description: :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/landmarked_face2.png :tooltip: Learn how to load and preprocess/augment data from a non trivial dataset :description: :doc:`/beginner/data_loading_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: This tutorial introduces the fundamental concepts of PyTorch through self-contained examples :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/examples.png :description: :doc:`/beginner/pytorch_with_examples`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/sphx_glr_transfer_learning_tutorial_001.png :tooltip: In transfer learning, a model created from one task is used in another :description: :doc:`beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/hybrid.png :tooltip: Experiment with some of the key features of the PyTorch hybrid frontend :description: :doc:`beginner/deploy_seq2seq_hybrid_frontend_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/floppy.png :tooltip: Explore use cases for the saving and loading of PyTorch models :description: :doc:`beginner/saving_loading_models`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/eye.png :tooltip: Finetune and feature extract the torchvision models :description: :doc:`beginner/finetuning_torchvision_models_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/stn/five.gif :tooltip: Learn how to augment your network using a visual attention mechanism called spatial transformer networks :description: :doc:`intermediate/spatial_transformer_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/neural-style/sphx_glr_neural_style_tutorial_004.png :tooltip: How to implement the Neural-Style algorithm developed by Gatys, Ecker, and Bethge :description: :doc:`advanced/neural_style_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/panda.png :tooltip: Raise your awareness to the security vulnerabilities of ML models, and get insight into the hot topic of adversarial machine learning :description: :doc:`beginner/fgsm_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/cat.jpg :tooltip: Use ONNX to convert a model defined in PyTorch into the ONNX format and then load it into Caffe2 :description: :doc:`advanced/super_resolution_with_caffe2`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/chat.png :tooltip: Train a simple chatbot using movie scripts :description: :doc:`beginner/chatbot_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/char_rnn_generation.png :tooltip: Generate names from languages :description: :doc:`intermediate/char_rnn_generation_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :figure: /_static/img/rnnclass.png :tooltip: Build and train a basic character-level RNN to classify words :description: :doc:`intermediate/char_rnn_classification_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Explore the key concepts of deep learning programming using Pytorch :figure: /_static/img/thumbnails/babel.jpg :description: :doc:`/beginner/deep_learning_nlp_tutorial`
.. galleryitem:: intermediate/ :figure: _static/img/seq2seq_flat.png
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Train a generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate new celebrities :figure: /_static/img/dcgan_generator.png :description: :doc:`beginner/dcgan_faces_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Use PyTorch to train a Deep Q Learning (DQN) agent :figure: /_static/img/cartpole.gif :description: :doc:`intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning`
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Create extensions using numpy and scipy :figure: /_static/img/scipynumpy.png :description: :doc:`advanced/numpy_extensions_tutorial`
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Implement custom extensions in C++ or CUDA :description: :doc:`/advanced/cpp_extension` :figure: _static/img/cpp_logo.png
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Loading a PyTorch model in C++ :description: :doc:`advanced/cpp_export` :figure: _static/img/cpp_logo.png
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Convert a neural style transfer model that has been exported from PyTorch into the Apple CoreML format using ONNX :description: :doc:`advanced/ONNXLive` :figure: _static/img/ONNXLive.png
.. customgalleryitem:: :tooltip: Parallelize computations across processes and clusters of machines :description: :doc:`/intermediate/dist_tuto` :figure: _static/img/distributed/DistPyTorch.jpg
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: :includehidden: :caption: Getting Started beginner/deep_learning_60min_blitz beginner/data_loading_tutorial beginner/pytorch_with_examples beginner/transfer_learning_tutorial beginner/deploy_seq2seq_hybrid_frontend_tutorial beginner/saving_loading_models
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Image beginner/finetuning_torchvision_models_tutorial intermediate/spatial_transformer_tutorial advanced/neural_style_tutorial beginner/fgsm_tutorial advanced/super_resolution_with_caffe2
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Audio
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Text beginner/chatbot_tutorial intermediate/char_rnn_generation_tutorial intermediate/char_rnn_classification_tutorial beginner/deep_learning_nlp_tutorial intermediate/seq2seq_translation_tutorial
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Generative beginner/dcgan_faces_tutorial
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Reinforcement Learning intermediate/reinforcement_q_learning
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Extending PyTorch advanced/numpy_extensions_tutorial advanced/cpp_extension
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :includehidden: :hidden: :caption: Production Usage intermediate/dist_tuto advanced/ONNXLive advanced/cpp_export