This library implements the APIs required to communicate with Microchip Security device. The family of devices supported currently are:
The best place to start is with the Microchip Trust Platform
Online API documentation is at
Latest software and examples can be found at:
Prerequisite hardware to run CryptoAuthLib examples:
Alternatively a Microchip MCU and Adapter Board:
- ATSAMR21 Xplained Pro or ATSAMD21 Xplained Pro
- CryptoAuth Xplained Pro Extension or CryptoAuthentication SOIC Socket Board to accept SOIC parts
For most development, using socketed top-boards is preferable until your configuration is well tested, then you can commit it to a CryptoAuth Xplained Pro Extension, for example. Keep in mind that once you lock a device, it will not be changeable.
The CryptoAuthLib license can be found in the accompaning license.txt file.
Cryptoauthlib also includes optional third party software subject to their own licensing terms. If you are using one of these optional components please verify the terms of those licenses as well in the third_party/ directories.
- Watch CryptoAuthLib Documents for new examples coming online.
- Node Authentication Example Using Asymmetric PKI is a complete, all-in-one example demonstrating all the stages of crypto authentication starting from provisioning the Crypto Authentication device ATECC608/ATECC508A with keys and certificates to demonstrating an authentication sequence using asymmetric techniques.
In order to properly configured the library there must be a header file in your
project named atca_config.h
at minimum this needs to contain defines for the
hal and device types being used. Most integrations have an configuration mechanism
for generating this file. See the template
which is configured by CMake for Linux, MacOS, & Windows projects.
An example of the configuration:
/* Cryptoauthlib Configuration File */
/* Include HALS */
#define ATCA_HAL_I2C
/* Included device support */
/* \brief How long to wait after an initial wake failure for the POST to
* complete.
* If Power-on self test (POST) is enabled, the self test will run on waking
* from sleep or during power-on, which delays the wake reply.
#endif // ATCA_CONFIG_H
There are two major compiler defines that affect the operation of the library.
- ATCA_NO_POLL can be used to revert to a non-polling mechanism for device responses. Normally responses are polled for after sending a command, giving quicker response times. However, if ATCA_NO_POLL is defined, then the library will simply delay the max execution time of a command before reading the response.
- ATCA_NO_HEAP can be used to remove the use of malloc/free from the main library. This can be helpful for smaller MCUs that don't have a heap implemented. If just using the basic API, then there shouldn't be any code changes required. The lower-level API will no longer use the new/delete functions and the init/release functions should be used directly.
See Release Notes
CryptoAuthLib will run on a variety of platforms from small micro-controllers to desktop host systems. The current list of hardware abstraction layer support includes:
Rich OS Hosts:
- Linux Kit Protocol over HID USB
- Linux I2C
- Linux SPI
- Windows Kit Protocol over HID USB
- Microchip AVR, SAM, & PIC families. See hal readme
If you have specific microcontrollers or Rich OS platforms you need support for, please contact us through the Microchip portal with your request.
Cryptoauthlib API documentation is at
The library is structured to support portability to:
- multiple hardware/microcontroller platforms
- multiple environments including bare-metal, RTOS and Windows/Linux/MacOS
- multiple chip communication protocols (I2C, SPI, and SWI)
All platform dependencies are contained within the HAL (hardware abstraction layer).
lib - primary library source code
lib/atcacert - certificate data and i/o methods
lib/calib - the Basic Cryptoauth API
lib/crypto - Software crypto implementations external crypto libraries support (primarily SHA1 and SHA256)
lib/hal - hardware abstraction layer code for supporting specific platforms
lib/host - support functions for common host-side calculations
lib/jwt - json web token functions
test - Integration test and examples. See test/cmd-processor.c for main() implementation.
For production code, test directories should be excluded by not compiling it
into a project, so it is up to the developer to include or not as needed. Test
code adds significant bulk to an application - it's not intended to be included
in production code.
There is a set of integration tests found in the test directory which will at least partially demonstrate the use of the objects. Some tests may depend upon a certain device being configured in a certain way and may not work for all devices or specific configurations of the device.
The test/cmd-processor.c file contains a main() function for running the tests. It implements a command-line interface. Typing help will bring up the list of commands available.
One first selects a device type, with one of the following commands:
- 204 (ATSHA204A)
- 108 (ATECC108A)
- 508 (ATECC508A)
- 608 (ATECC608A/B)
From there the following unit test sweets are available:
- unit (test command builder functions)
- basic (test basic API functions)
- cio (test certification i/o functions)
- cd (test certificate data functions)
- util (test utility functions)
- crypto (test software crypto functions)
Tests available depend on the lock level of the device. The unit tests won't lock the config or data zones automatically to allow retesting at desired lock levels. Therefore, some commands will need to be repeated after locking to exercise all available tests.
Starting from a blank device, the sequence of commands to exercise all unit tests is:
The best place to start is with the Microchip Trust Platform
Also application examples are included as part of the Harmony 3 framework and can be copied from the Harmony Content Manager or found with the Harmony 3 Framework Cryptoauthlib_apps
The Linux HID HAL files use the Linux udev development software package.
To install the udev development package under Ubuntu Linux, please type the following command at the terminal window:
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
This adds the udev development development software package to the Ubuntu Linux installation.
The Linux HID HAL files also require a udev rule to be added to change the permissions of the USB HID Devices. Please add a new udev rule for the Microchip CryptoAuth USB devices.
cd /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo touch mchp-cryptoauth.rules
Edit the mchp-cryptoauth.rules file and add the following line to the file:
SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2312", MODE="0666"