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File metadata and controls

276 lines (194 loc) · 9.62 KB


APIs that want to notify the user of changes are common. Apple provides several of those and they come in many forms, such as notifications, delegates, target/action and KVO. What is common to them all is they will notify you of changes over time. In Flow, event-based APIs are represented by signals.

let statusSignal: Signal<Status> // Might be a notification, KVO or something else

Since a signal hides the logic behind and provides a uniform API, you can not only use them interchangeably but you can also easily pass them around.

By calling onValue() on a signal you will start listening on new changes until you dispose the returned disposable:

let disposable = statusSignal.onValue { status in
  // will be called every time a new status is signaled
disposable.dispose() // Stop listening for events

You can construct new signals with modified behavior by applying transformations on existing signals.

let isEnabled = { $0.isOpen } // Signal<Bool>
let didEnable = isEnabled.filter { $0 }.toVoid() // Signal<Void>

Signals could also be combined:

let latestEmailAndPassword = combineLatest(emailField, passwordField)

And as transformations return new signals we can easily chain signals.

let bag = DisposeBag()
bag += combineLatest(emailField, passwordField)
  .map { email, password in
    email.isValidEmail && password.isValidPassword
  }.atOnce().bindTo(button, \.isEnabled)

Constructing signals

To construct your own signal for listing on events you call a Signal<T> initializer with a closure that will call you back with a callback once someone starts to listen on the signal.

extension NotificationCenter {
  func signal(forName name: Notification.Name?) -> Signal<Notification> {
    return Signal { callback in // will be called once someone starts listening
      // Set up callback to be called for new notifications
      let observer = self.addObserver(forName: name, using: callback)
      return Disposer { // make sure to clean-up once the listener is removed

Producing values

You could also produce your own values. Here the Callbacker type comes in handy as it encapsulates the complexity of registration and de-registration of callbacks:

let callbacker = Callbacker<Bool>()
// Register a callback, and deregister it when the returned disposable is disposed.
bag += callbacker.addCallback { isEnabled in ... }

// Call all registered callbacks with the value `true`

Given a Callbacker it is easy to create a signal that will register itself for callbacks:

let isEnabled = Signal(callbacker: callbacker)

Four different kinds of signals

Flow provides four different kinds of signals with different characteristics:

  • Signal: A plain signal with no current value
  • ReadSignal: A signal with a readonly current value
  • ReadWriteSignal: A signal with a mutable current value
  • FiniteSignal: A signal with no current value that can terminate

The choice of signal type helps to express your intent in your APIs.


Signal<T> is the most basic signal. It has no concept of a current value. It is useful to model e.g. notification changes or button presses.

You can convert any of the other signal types to a plain Signal<T> by applying the plain() transform:

let signal: Signal<String> = textField.plain()


A ReadSignal<T> has the notion of a current value that you could access using the read-only value property. More commonly, the atOnce() transform is used, which signals this current value immediately upon setting up a listener:

bag += textField.atOnce().onValue {
  // will be called immediately with the text fields current value
  // and after that with any changes to this value.

This is a very useful way to share code between initialization and update handling.

You can create new ReadSignals using some of its initializers:

let readSignal = ReadSignal(capturing: self.value, callbacker: callbacker)

Or by upgrading a plain Signal<T> by using one of the readable() transforms:

let readSignal = Signal(callbacker: callbacker).readable(capturing: self.value)

If you have a ReadWriteSignal<T>, it can be downgraded to ReadSignal<T> using the readOnly() transformation:

let internalState = ReadWriteSignal(false) // For convenience
var state: ReadSignal<Bool> { // Should not be exposed as mutable
  return internalState.readOnly()


A ReadWriteSignal<T> has a mutable value property that will emit its current value when value is updated.

Typically you construct new instances by providing an initial value:

let signal = ReadWriteSignal(true)

But you can also upgrade a ReadSignal<T> to a ReadWriteSignal<T> using writable():

let signal = readSignal.writable { self.value = $0 }


A FinteSignal<T> can terminate by signaling an end event, whereafter no more events will be signaled and any hold resources will be disposed. A finite signal is using the Event<T> type to signal its events:

enum Event<Value> {
  case value(Value)
  case end(Error?)

Some transformations such as take() will return a FiniteSignal<T> to indicate that it might terminate.

Applying transformations on read and read-write signals

When applying transformations on read and read-write signals, they will sometimes lose their writable and/or readable properties. E.g. applying a filter() transformation can no longer guarantee to provide a current value and hence returns a plain signal Signal<T>. Similarly map() being a one-way transformation will lose its writable property. However, applying map() on read signal will return another read signal where the transform is applied to the current value as well.

Combining signals

Most combining transforms such as combineLatest() requires all the participating signals to be of the same type to be able to derive the returned type. This means that you sometimes have to add or remove readability and finiteness when combining several signals of different types.

Signal provider

SignalProvider allows conforming types to provide a default signal. This makes it more convenient to work with types such as UIControls as you can apply signal transform directly on the instance itself:

extension UITextField: SignalProvider { ... }
bag += { $0.isValidPassword }.onValue { isEnabled = $0 }

CoreSignal the base of Signal, ReadSignal etc. also conforms to SignalProvider, and in Flow, all signal transforms are implemented as extensions on SignalProvider:

extension SignalProvider {
  func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Value) -> T) -> CoreSignal<Kind.DropWrite, T>

Reading marble diagrams

The documentation of many signals transforms includes marble diagrams to help understand what will happen over time. Typically they show several timelines with values at the top being the values before the transform and the values at the bottom the values after. E.g. a filter() marble diagram might look like:

     |    |    |
| filter { v in v.isOdd() } |
     |         |

Here 0) indicates what happens with a current value if any. For filter(), any current value is lost, hence applying filter() on a read signal will return a plain signal. We can also see that only odd values are forwarded, hence even values are filtered out.

Binding signals to values

For convenience and to better state your intent Flow provides bindTo() helpers for most common type of bindings. So instead of writing:

bag += isEnabled.onValue { button.isEnabled = $0 }
bag += isEnabled.onValue { readWriteSignal.value = $0 }

You can use bindTo() variants instead:

bag += isEnabled.bindTo(button, \.isEnabled) // using key path
bag += isEnabled.bindTo(readWriteSignal)

UIKit extensions

To make it more convenient to work with UIKit, Flow conforms several UIControls to SignalProvider to allow applying transforms directly on those:

bag += { $0.isValidEmail }.bindTo(button, \.isEnabled)
bag += button.onValue(login)

Key value observing

Flow makes it easy to work with key value observing (KVO):

let frameSignal = view.signal(for: \.frame) // ReadWriteSignal<CGRect>
bag += frameSignal.onValue { ... }

Key paths

Using key paths you can also more conveniently transform your signals:

let heightSignal = frameSignal[\.size.height] // ReadWriteSignal<CGFloat>


For most Signal APIs accepting a callback closure, there is a defaulted scheduler parameter you could explicitly override to schedule the provided callback closure. The default scheduler is set to the current scheduler used when calling the API. {
  // Will be called back on the current scheduler at the time `map` was called. 
} .main) {
  // Will be called back on the main queue no matter from where `map` was called.

You can create your custom schedulers to e.g. wrap dispatch queues.

let imageProcessing = Scheduler(label: "image processing")

// call from main imageProcessing) { image in
   image.scaledAndDecorated() // called in background
}.onValue { image in
  // called on main

It seldom makes sense to provide a concurrent scheduler for signal transforms as it might change the order of events.