Code | Description |
import rapture.core._ |
Access core Rapture functionality, like Modes |
import modes.returnTry |
Have all fallible methods return results wrapped in Try |
import modes.captureExceptions |
Have all fallible methods return results wrapped in Either |
import rapture.json._ |
Use the Rapture JSON library |
import jsonBackends.scalaJson._ |
Use the Scala standard library JSON backend |
import jsonBackends.argonaut._ |
Use the Argonaut backend |
import jsonBackends.jackson._ |
Use the Jackson backend |
import jsonBackends.jawn._ |
Use the Jawn backend |
import jsonBackends.json4s._ |
Use the JSON4S backend |
import jsonBackends.lift._ |
Use the Lift JSON backend |
import jsonBackends.spray._ |
Use the Spray JSON backend |
import patternMatching.exactObjects |
Do not match objects with spurious additional keys |
import patternMatching.exactArrays |
Do not match arrays with spurious additional elements |
import patternMatching.exact |
Exact matching of both arrays and objects |
import formatters.compact._ |
Output JSON to String s without whitespace |
import formatters.humanReadable._ |
Output JSON to String s formatted with newlines and indentation |
Code | Description |
Json.parse(src) |
Parse the string src |
json"""{"foo":42}""" |
A JSON "literal" |
json"""{ "foo" : $j }""" |
A JSON "literal" with substituted value |
Code | Description |
json.candidates |
Access the candidates value of the JSON object |
json.candidates(0) |
Access the first array of the candidates array |
json.candidates(0).name |
Access the name value of the first candidate |
Code | Description |
---|---|[String] |
Extract a String from the JSON value |[Int] |
Extract an Int from the JSON value |[Double] |
Extract a Double from the JSON value |[Boolean] |
Extract a Boolean from the JSON value |[List[String]] |
Extracts a List of String s from a JSON array |[Set[String]] |
Extracts a Set of String s from a JSON array |[Vector[Int]] |
Extracts a Vector of Int s from a JSON array |[MyCaseClass] |
Extracts an instance of MyCaseClass from a JSON object (assumes every parameter of the case class can be extracted) |[Option[Int]] |
Extract Some[Int] if the value exists, otherwise extract None |
Code | Description |
Json(7) |
Returns a Json integer |
Json("Hello World!") |
Returns a Json string |
Json(true) |
Returns a Json boolean |
Json(List(1, 2, 3)) |
Returns a Json array |
Json(Set("red", "green", "blue")) |
Returns a Json array |
Json(MyCaseClass(42, "Hello", true)) |
Returns a Json object |
Json(backendJsonValue) |
Returns a Rapture Json value which wraps a type from the underlying JSON backend |
To be completed