Elektra has a lot of developers and hence the error messages vary in how they are written. This guideline should unify the message format so that users will get consistent error messages.
- All error messages start with a capital letter. Reword sentences that theoretically require a lowercase first letter such as
regex patterns, method names or variable strings ("%s"-strings) to have a normal word at the start of the sentence. Also surround method names with single quotes.
kdbSet() not supported
should be changed toMethod 'kdbSet()' is not supported
- Always report all information which could be useful for the user. For some error types, templates are provided to not forget something. (eg. keys, files, errno, etc.)
- If the error reason is in beneath a variable string (such as
or a caught exception), write"Reason: %s", variable_as_string
at the end of the error message. Also end the preceding sentence with a dot. Example:"XY failed. Reason: %s", exception.what()
. - The last sentence (or single sentence of your message if you just provide one) must not end with a dot. This should encourage users to continue reading if other messages appear.
- If your message has multiple sentences, separate them with dots and start with a capital letter like you would do in the normal English language.
- Short but many sentences are preferable over long ones.
- Use abbreviations and acronyms with care. Not everybody will know them. You can write them in brackets though.
No Byte Order Mark (BOM) found
instead ofNo BOM found
. ButXML does not support feature xy
is fine). - Never use exclamation marks at the end of sentences.
- If it is unclear where embedded strings in error messages start and end ("%s"-strings), surround them by single quotes '.
Sentences containing a variable string and end with
Reason: %s
do not need extra quotes because it is clear where they start and end.
Actual reason might be in errno or an exception
"The configuration file %s contains invalid syntax at line %s. Reason: %s", file.path(), line, e.what()
Result:The configuration file /etc/conf/file.csv contains invalid syntax at line 6. Reason: Missing column
"Could not rename file %s. Reason: %s" file.path(), e.what()
Result:Could not rename file /etc/conf/file.yml. Reason: File is not existent
"The key %s contained the value '%s', but only 'unmounted' is supported for non-global clauses at the moment", keyName(key), keyString(key)
Result:The key user:/my/key contained the value 'mounted', but only 'unmounted' is supported for non-global clauses at the moment