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Releases: mapbox/mapbox-directions-swift


08 May 21:30
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Changes since v0.4.0:

  • Updated Directions API v5 support to reflect late-breaking changes to the API. (#40)
  • Distinguished between requested transport types and transport types in the response. Each route step in a returned route may have a different transport type. (#40)
  • Route lines returned by the Directions API are now polyline-encoded instead of GeoJSON-encoded, so your application receives directions faster with less data usage (#27)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when encountering an unrecognized maneuver type from the Directions API. The API reserves the right to add new maneuver types at any time. Now unrecognized maneuver types resolve to nil. (#38)
  • Route summaries are synthesized on the client side when absent from routes returned from the server. (#40)
  • A single MBDirections object can manage multiple concurrent requests. cancel() cancels all outstanding tasks. (#42)


03 Apr 11:57
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Changes since 0.3.1:

  • Added support for Mapbox Directions API v5. (#23, #25) Some highlights:
    • An MBRoute now contains one or more MBRouteLegs, each of which contains one or more MBRouteSteps. A route leg connects two waypoints.
    • The arrival step now announces the side of the street that contains the destination, if available.
    • Specify an initial heading to avoid getting directions that begin opposite the current course.
    • Start and end headings are provided for most steps.
  • The library is now packaged as a dynamic framework, MapboxDirections.framework, rather than a collection of standalone Swift files. (#24)
  • Added support for getting the estimated travel time to a destination. (#17)
  • Added support for intermediate waypoints. (#16)
  • Added support for specifying a custom profile identifier beyond the standard driving, biking, and walking profiles. (#15)
  • An alternative route is no longer requested by default but can be requested by setting MBDirectionsRequest.requestsAlternateRoutes. (#19)
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the departure step required a turn. (#24)


08 Oct 16:23
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move to HTTPS


08 Oct 01:37
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simplify endpoint determination