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Cronos Play C++ SDK

Cronos Play C++ API Reference

API Reference can be found:

{% embed url="" %} Cronos Play C++ API Reference {% endembed %}


  • python 3.8 or newer
  • rust 1.61 or newer
  • C++ 14 or newer
  • Optional:
    • GNU make
    • GNU make for mac and linux, ninja for windows
    • Visual Studio 2019 or newer for windows

Pre-built Download

Please download the archive file based on your OS in the release page, where:

  • Visual Studio 2019 MSVC, x86_64, toolset 14.29 or newer:
  • macOS 10.15 or newer: play_cpp_sdk_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
  • Ubuntu 20.04 or newer: play_cpp_sdk_libstdc++_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz or play_cpp_sdk_libc++_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
  • Android: play_cpp_sdk_$(TARGET)-$(NDK_VERSION).tar.gz
  • IOS: play_cpp_sdk_aarch64-apple-ios.tar.gz

Setup a demo project


Visual Studio Project

Start with a C++ project with .sln and .vcxproj files:

  • Clone the current repository
git clone
  • Unzip the archive file into demo folder, and replace the original sdk folder
  • Open demo.sln which includes two projects: demo (dynamic build) and demostatic (static build). If you use Visual Studio 2022, retarget project, and upgrade PlatformToolset to v143.
  • Select Release profile.
  • Right click demo or demostatic project, click Build or Rebuild to build the project

CMake Project

Build modern, cross-platform C++ apps that don't depend on .sln or .vcxproj files:

  • Open Visual Studio, then open a local folder in welcome window (or click File > Open > Folder... in the menu), locate the demo folder and open it
  • Select configuration x64-Release in the tool bar
  • Click Build > Build All or Rebuild All to build the project


  • Clone the current repository
git clone
  • Unzip the archive file into demo folder, and replace the original sdk folder
  • Under demo folder and build the demo project
make CXX=g++     # Compile with g++
make CXX=clang++ # Compile with clang++
make             # Compile with default compiler


  • Clone the current repository
git clone
  • Unzip the archive file into demo folder, and replace the original sdk folder
  • Under demo folder and build the demo project with g++, clang++ or default compiler
make CXX=g++     # Compile with g++
make CXX=clang++ # Compile with clang++
make             # Compile with default compiler

Setup a c++ 14 (or newer) project

  • Unzip the archive file into the root folder of your project, you should see a folder named sdk and its subdirectories/files.
 - sdk
   - CMakeLists.txt
   - include: c++ source files and header files
   - lib: static and dynamic libraries
  • Include the following headers and use the namespaces in your source codes based on your need
#include "sdk/include/defi-wallet-core-cpp/src/" // erc20, erc721, erc1155 supports
#include "sdk/include/defi-wallet-core-cpp/src/" // wallet, EIP4361, query, signing, broadcast etc, on and cronos
#include "sdk/include/defi-wallet-core-cpp/src/" // chain nft support
#include "sdk/include/defi-wallet-core-cpp/src/" // uint256 type support
#include "sdk/include/defi-wallet-core-cpp/src/" // dynamic contract support
#include "sdk/include/extra-cpp-bindings/src/" // etherscan/cronoscan, pay, wallet connect support
#include "sdk/include/rust/cxx.h" // the important data types, e.g., rust::String, rust::str, etc

using namespace rust;
using namespace org::defi_wallet_core;
using namespace com::crypto::game_sdk;
  • Link the play_cpp_sdk static or dynamic library, cxxbridge1 static library, and sources (*.cc) into your build system (Visual Studio solution, CMake or Makefile). For more details, check out Cronos Play Docs.

Build libraries and bindings from scratch

If the Pre-built release does not support your platform, you can build the binaries and bindings on your own.


  1. Run windows_build.bat in x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019. It will clone necessary submodules, build play-cpp-sdk crate, finally setup and build the demo project.
  2. Clean ~/.cargo/git/checkouts if cxx fails to build, then run windows_build.bat again.
  3. Run windows_install.bat, libraries and bindings will be copied into a new created folder: install

Notes about Visual Studio 2022

  • Open demo.sln. If you use Visual Studio 2022, retarget project, and upgrade PlatformToolset to v143 before running windows_build.bat


  1. Run make
  2. Run make install, libraries and bindings will be copied into a new created folder: install


  1. Run make
  2. Run make install, libraries and bindings will be copied into a new created folder: install


  1. Install Android NDK (e.g. 21.4.7075529) via Android Studio

  2. Run make for one of the following Android targets on macOS or Linux

    NDK_VERSION=21.4.7075529 make armv7-linux-androideabi
    NDK_VERSION=21.4.7075529 make aarch64-linux-android
    NDK_VERSION=21.4.7075529 make i686-linux-android
    NDK_VERSION=21.4.7075529 make x86_64-linux-android
  3. Run make install, libraries and bindings will be copied into a new created folder: install


  1. Run make aarch64-apple-ios
  2. Run make install, libraries and bindings will be copied into a new created folder: install


All Examples could be found here

Wallet related functions

function new_wallet - Generates the HD wallet with a BIP39 backup phrase (English words) and password

::rust::Box<::org::defi_wallet_core::Wallet > new_wallet(
    ::rust::String password,
    ::org::defi_wallet_core::MnemonicWordCount word_count

function restore_wallet - Recovers/imports HD wallet from a BIP39 backup phrase (English words) and password

::rust::Box<::org::defi_wallet_core::Wallet > restore_wallet(
    ::rust::String mnemonic,
    ::rust::String password

function new_privatekey- Generates a random private key

::rust::Box<::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey > new_privatekey()

function new_privatekey_from_bytes - Constructs private key from hex bytes

// constructs private key from bytes
::rust::Box<::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey > new_privatekey_from_bytes(
    ::rust::Vec<::std::uint8_t > bytes

function new_privatekey_from_hex - Constructs private key from hex string

// constructs private key from hex string
::rust::Box<::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey > new_privatekey_from_hex(
    ::rust::String hex

ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 related functions

function balance_of - Returns the decimal amount of tokens owned by account_address.

::org::defi_wallet_core::U256 balance_of(
    ::rust::String account_address
) const


Erc20 erc20 = new_erc20("0xf0307093f23311FE6776a7742dB619EB3df62969",
   "", 383)
U256 = erc20.balance_of("0xf0307093f23311FE6776a7742dB619EB3df62969");
cout << balance.to_string() << endl;

function name -Returns the name of the token.

::rust::String name() const


Erc20 erc20 = new_erc20("0xf0307093f23311FE6776a7742dB619EB3df62969",
   "", 383);
String name =;
assert(name == "USDC");

function symbol - Returns the symbol of the token.

::rust::String symbol() const


Erc20 erc20 = new_erc20("0xf0307093f23311FE6776a7742dB619EB3df62969",
   "", 383);
String symbol = erc20.symbol();
assert(symbol == "USDC");

function decimals- Returns the number of decimals the token uses.

::std::uint8_t decimals() const


Erc20 erc20 = new_erc20("0xf0307093f23311FE6776a7742dB619EB3df62969",
   "", 383)
uint8_t decimals = erc20.decimals();
assert(decimals == 6);

function balance_of - Returns the number of tokens in owner's account_address.

::org::defi_wallet_core::U256 balance_of(
    ::rust::String account_address
) const

function owner_of - Returns the owner of the token_id token.

::rust::String owner_of(
    ::rust::String token_id
) const

function name - Get the descriptive name for a collection of NFTs in this contract.

::rust::String name() const

function symbol - Get the abbreviated name for NFTs in this contract.

::rust::String symbol() const

function token_uri- Get the distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset.

::rust::String token_uri(
    ::rust::String token_id
) const

function transfer_from - Transfers token_id token from from_address to to_address.

::org::defi_wallet_core::CronosTransactionReceiptRaw transfer_from(
    ::rust::String from_address,
    ::rust::String to_address,
    ::rust::String token_id,
    const ::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey & private_key
) const

function safe_transfer_from - Safely transfers token_id token from from_address to to_address.

::org::defi_wallet_core::CronosTransactionReceiptRaw safe_transfer_from(
    ::rust::String from_address,
    ::rust::String to_address,
    ::rust::String token_id,
    const ::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey & private_key
) const

function safe_transfer_from_with_data - Safely transfers token_id token from from_address to to_address with additional_data.

::org::defi_wallet_core::CronosTransactionReceiptRaw safe_transfer_from_with_data(
    ::rust::String from_address,
    ::rust::String to_address,
    ::rust::String token_id,
    ::rust::Vec<::std::uint8_t > additional_data,
    const ::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey & private_key
) const

function balance_of - Returns the amount of tokens of token_id owned by account_address.

::org::defi_wallet_core::U256 balance_of(
    ::rust::String account_address,
    ::rust::String token_id
) const

function balance_of_batch - Batched version of balance_of, get the balance of multiple account/token pairs

::rust::Vec<::rust::String > balance_of_batch(
    ::rust::Vec<::rust::String > account_addresses,
    ::rust::Vec<::rust::String > token_ids
) const

function uri - Get the distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset.

::rust::String uri(
    ::rust::String token_id
) const

function safe_transfer_from - Transfers amount tokens of token_id from from_address to to_address with additional_data.

::org::defi_wallet_core::CronosTransactionReceiptRaw safe_transfer_from(
    ::rust::String from_address,
    ::rust::String to_address,
    ::rust::String token_id,
    ::rust::String amount,
    ::rust::Vec<::std::uint8_t > additional_data,
    const ::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey & private_key
) const

function safe_batch_transfer_from - Batched version of safeTransferFrom.

::org::defi_wallet_core::CronosTransactionReceiptRaw safe_batch_transfer_from(
    ::rust::String from_address,
    ::rust::String to_address,
    ::rust::Vec<::rust::String > token_ids,
    ::rust::Vec<::rust::String > amounts,
    ::rust::Vec<::std::uint8_t > additional_data,
    const ::org::defi_wallet_core::PrivateKey & private_key
) const