BlindTransfer action message.
PHP Version 5
- Class name: BlindTransferAction
- Namespace: PAMI\Message\Action
- Parent class: PAMI\Message\Action\ActionMessage
const EOL = "\r\n"
const EOM = "\r\n\r\n"
protected array<mixed,string> $lines
Message content, line by line. This is what it gets sent or received literally.
- Visibility: protected
protected array<mixed,string> $variables
Metadata. Message variables (key/value).
- Visibility: protected
protected array<mixed,string> $keys
Metadata. Message "keys" i.e: Action: login
- Visibility: protected
protected integer $createdDate
Created date (unix timestamp).
- Visibility: protected
void PAMI\Message\Message::__construct()
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
void PAMI\Message\Action\ActionMessage::setActionID($actionID)
Sets Action ID.
The ActionID can be at most 69 characters long, according to Asterisk Issue 14847.
Therefore we'll throw an exception when the ActionID is too long.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Action\ActionMessage
- $actionID mixed - <p>The Action ID to have this action known by</p>
array<mixed,string> PAMI\Message\Message::__sleep()
Serialize function.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
integer PAMI\Message\Message::getCreatedDate()
Returns created date.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
void PAMI\Message\Message::setVariable(string $key, string $value)
Adds a variable to this message.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
- $key string - <p>Variable name.</p>
- $value string - <p>Variable value.</p>
string PAMI\Message\Message::getVariable(string $key)
Returns a variable by name.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
- $key string - <p>Variable name.</p>
void PAMI\Message\Message::setKey(string $key, string $value)
Adds a variable to this message.
- Visibility: protected
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
- $key string - <p>Key name (i.e: Action).</p>
- $value string - <p>Key value.</p>
string PAMI\Message\Message::getKey(string $key)
Returns a key by name.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
- $key string - <p>Key name (i.e: Action).</p>
array<mixed,string> PAMI\Message\Message::getKeys()
Returns all keys for this message.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
array<mixed,string> PAMI\Message\Message::getVariables()
Returns all variabels for this message.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
string PAMI\Message\Message::finishMessage($message)
Returns the end of message token appended to the end of a given message.
- Visibility: protected
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
- $message mixed
string PAMI\Message\Message::serializeVariable(string $key, string $value)
Returns the string representation for an ami action variable.
- Visibility: private
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
- $key string
- $value string
string PAMI\Message\Message::serialize()
Gives a string representation for this message, ready to be sent to ami.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message
string PAMI\Message\Message::getActionID()
Returns key: 'ActionID'.
- Visibility: public
- This method is defined by PAMI\Message\Message