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Copy Task experiments for continual learning

In this subpackage we conduct experiments on variants of the Copy Task experiment. Unless noted otherwise, all experiments are performed using vanilla RNNs with 256 hidden neurons.

Please run the following command to see the available options for running Copy Task experiments.

$ python3 --help

Permuted Copy Task

We consider a variant of the Copy Task where output patterns are permuted across time. We report results for input sequences of length p=i=5.


The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 100.00% accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.0005 --clip_grad_norm=1  --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --multitask --orthogonal_hh_reg=1.0 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0

Main network from scratch

The following run on a single-head RNN leads to around 100.00% during accuracy:

$ python3  --train_from_scratch --num_tasks=5  --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.0005 --clip_grad_norm=-1 --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --orthogonal_hh_reg=1.0 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0

Main network fine-tuning

Using the recurrent main net only, and fine-tuning all weights for each task on a multi-head RNN (around 99.99% during accuracy):

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --clip_grad_norm=1 --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0

Chunked Hypernetwork (HNET)

The following run using a multi-head RNN leads to around 100.00% during and 100.00% final accuracy:

$ python3 --nh_chmlp_chunk_size=2500 --beta=10.0 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.0005 --clip_grad_norm=1 --rnn_arch="256" --net_act=tanh --use_vanilla_rnn --nh_hnet_type=chunked_hmlp --nh_hmlp_arch="50,50" --nh_cond_emb_size=32 --nh_chunk_emb_size="32" --use_new_hnet --std_normal_temb=1.0 --std_normal_emb=0.1 --use_cuda --hnet_all --hnet_reg_batch_size=-1 --orthogonal_hh_reg=10.0 --first_task_input_len=5 --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --permute_time

If regularizing on a single randomly picked task at each loss evaluation, the following run obtains 100.00% final accuracy:

$ python3 --nh_chmlp_chunk_size=2500 --beta=1 --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.0005 --clip_grad_norm=1 --rnn_arch="256" --net_act=tanh --use_vanilla_rnn --nh_hnet_type=chunked_hmlp --nh_hmlp_arch="50,50" --nh_cond_emb_size=32 --nh_chunk_emb_size="16" --use_new_hnet --std_normal_temb=1.0 --std_normal_emb=0.1 --use_cuda --hnet_all --hnet_reg_batch_size=1 --orthogonal_hh_reg=10.0 --first_task_input_len=5 --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --permute_time

Online Elastic Weight Consolidation (Online EWC)

The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 99.93% during and 98.66% final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.001 --clip_grad_norm=1.0 --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --use_ewc --ewc_gamma=1.0 --ewc_lambda=100.0 --n_fisher=-1  --orthogonal_hh_reg=0.01 --permute_time

The following run on a multi-head RNN where the task identity is provided as additional input leads to around 97.61% during and 97.54% final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.01 --clip_grad_norm=1 --rnn_arch="256" --net_act=tanh --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --input_task_identity --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=1 --use_ewc --ewc_lambda=10000000.0 --n_fisher=200 --first_task_input_len=5 --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --permute_time

Synaptic Intelligence (SI)

The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 98.7% during and 94.5 final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --clip_grad_norm=1 --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --orthogonal_hh_reg=1.0 --use_si --si_lambda=0.01 --si_task_loss_only --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0


The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 99.93% during and 73.73% final accuracy:

$ python3 --no_context_mod_outputs --dont_softplus_gains --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.005 --clip_grad_norm=100  --use_vanilla_rnn --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=-1 --use_cuda --use_masks --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0

Masking + Synpatic Intelligence (Masking + SI)

The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 100.00% during and 100.00% final accuracy:

$ python3 --no_context_mod_outputs --dont_softplus_gains --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.005 --clip_grad_norm=100  --use_vanilla_rnn --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=-1 --use_cuda --use_masks --use_si --si_task_loss_only --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0

Generative Replay

The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 100.00% during and 100.00% final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.0001 --clip_grad_norm=100 --rnn_arch="256" --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --use_replay --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=1.0 --replay_pm_strength=1.0 --replay_rec_strength=10.0 --replay_distill_reg=1.0 --latent_dim=8 --dec_srnn_rec_layers="256" --dec_srnn_rec_type=elman --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0


The following run on a multi-head RNN with Coresets of size 100 leads to around 100% final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=10000 --lr=0.0001 --clip_grad_norm=-1 --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --use_replay --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=10.0 --replay_distill_reg=10.0 --coreset_size=100 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0

Padded Copy Task

We consider a variant of the Copy Task where input patterns are padded with zeros, yielding longer input sequences. We report results for input sequences of length i=25 and pattern output sequences of length p=5.

Chunked Hypernetwork (HNET)

The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 100% final accuracy:

$ python3 --nh_chmlp_chunk_size=4000 --beta=10.0 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=10000 --lr=0.001 --clip_grad_norm=10 --net_act=tanh --use_vanilla_rnn --nh_hnet_type=chunked_hmlp --nh_hmlp_arch="60,60,30" --nh_cond_emb_size=16 --nh_chunk_emb_size="32" --use_new_hnet --std_normal_temb=0.1 --std_normal_emb=0.1 --use_cuda --hnet_all --orthogonal_hh_reg=10.0 --first_task_input_len=25 --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --pat_len=5

Online Elastic Weight Consolidation (Online EWC)

The following run on a multi-head RNN leads to around 98.03% during and 98.07% final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --first_task_input_len=25 --pat_len=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.005 --clip_grad_norm=1  --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=1.0 --use_ewc --ewc_lambda=10000.0 --n_fisher=200 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0

Pattern Manipulation Task

We consider a variant of the Copy Task where the output is computed from the input pattern by applying a binary XOR operation iteratively with a series of r fixed permutations.

Chunked Hypernetwork (HNET)

The following run on a multi-head RNN for r=1 leads to around 100.00 % during and 100.00 % final accuracy:

$ python3 --hyper_chunks=4000 --beta=1.0 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.005 --clip_grad_norm=1 --use_vanilla_rnn --hnet_arch="64,64,32" --temb_size=32 --emb_size=32 --use_cuda --hnet_all --orthogonal_hh_reg=1.0 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --permute_xor --permute_xor_iter=1 --permute_xor_separate

The following run on a multi-head RNN for r=5 leads to around 97.07 % during and 93.93 % final accuracy:

$ python3 --hyper_chunks=4000 --beta=10.0 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.005 --clip_grad_norm=1 --use_vanilla_rnn --hnet_arch="64,64,32" --temb_size=32 --emb_size=32 --use_cuda --hnet_all --orthogonal_hh_reg=1.0 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --permute_xor --permute_xor_iter=5 --permute_xor_separate

Online Elastic Weight Consolidation (Online EWC)

The following run on a multi-head RNN for r=1 leads to around 99.65 % during and 95.92 % final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.005 --clip_grad_norm=1 --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=10 --use_ewc --ewc_lambda=1000.0 --n_fisher=200 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --permute_xor --permute_xor_separate --permute_xor_iter=1

The following run on a multi-head RNN for r=5 leads to around 94.41 % during and 86.39 % final accuracy:

$ python3 --multi_head --num_tasks=5 --batch_size=128 --n_iter=20000 --lr=0.001 --clip_grad_norm=-1 --use_vanilla_rnn --use_cuda --orthogonal_hh_init --orthogonal_hh_reg=10 --use_ewc --ewc_lambda=1000.0 --n_fisher=200 --permute_time --input_len_step=0 --input_len_variability=0 --permute_xor --permute_xor_separate --permute_xor_iter=5