The aim of this Scala example project is to convert thrift generated classes to nested maps using shapeless
is used to generate the classes from thrift.
In parallel, case classes have been defined to mimic the thrift classes.
Classes to maps
As suggested on Stack Overflow I have defined a type class ToMapRec
and implicits for heads, hnils and a general recursive case. On top of that a options
implicit has been added.
Maps to classes
Any object that has been converted to nested maps should be able to be converted back to case classes.
This Stack Overflow answer has been used for this functionality.
Given an object:
id = "cat-id",
animalType = AnimalType(0),
keywords = Seq("cat", "feline"),
description = "The fluffiest fluff ever to fluff.",
data = AnimalData.Cat(Cat(
name = "Felix",
fur = Some(Fur(colour = "black", pattern = None)),
description = Some("Black cat"))),
importantDates = ImportantDates(
found = Some(Record(36823L,
person = Some(Person(
email = "[email protected]",
firstName = Some("stranger"),
lastName = None)))),
adopted = None),
flags = Some(Flags(
isDangerous = Some(false),
isWild = None))
The output should be:
"id" -> "cat-id",
"animalType" -> "Cat",
"keywords" -> List("key", "word"),
"description" -> "This is a cat",
"data" -> Map(
"cat" -> Map(
"name" -> "Felix",
"fur" -> Some(Map(
"colour" -> "black",
"pattern" -> None)),
"description" -> Some("Black cat"))),
"importantDates" -> Map(
"adopted" -> None,
"found" -> Some(Map(
"person" -> Some(Map(
"lastName" -> None,
"firstName" -> Some("stranger"),
"email" -> "[email protected]")),
"date" -> 36823L))),
"flags" -> Some(Map(
"isWild" -> None,
"isDangerous" -> Some(false)))
There are some basic tests, run them using: sbt test
The class to map case is also implemented using Magnolia.