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SizeUp Action

Estimate how easy a pull request will be to review
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SizeUp Action

This GitHub Action helps you encourage your contributors to open pull requests that will be easy to digest by reviewers. It does this by providing two features:

  • Automatic labeling of pull requests with a size category.
  • Automatic commenting on pull requests that exceed a certain size threshold.

All aspects of this Action are configurable, including how sizes are calculated, what thresholds to use for each size category, and whether or not to actually perform the above automations or only to log them.


Create an Actions workflow in your desired repository (e.g. .github/workflows/sizeup.yaml) with the following contents:

name: SizeUp

      - opened
      - synchronize
      - reopened
      - edited
      - ready_for_review

  contents: read
  issues: write
  pull-requests: write

    name: Estimate reviewability
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Run sizeup
        # TODO: Replace the version below with your desired version.
        # For more details please see:
        uses: lerebear/[email protected]
        id: sizeup-action

          # A GitHub API token capable of reading pull requests from this
          # repository.
          # In this example, we've used the `permissions` key above to request
          # the necessary permissions for the default `GITHUB_TOKEN` secret,
          # and then we've passed it along here.
          # This input is required.
          token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"

          # Options that will be forwarded to `git diff` when computing the
          # diff to evaluate with this workflow.
          # Defaults to "--ignore-space-change", which ignores lines of the
          # diff in which the only change is to the amount of whitespace on the
          # line.
          git-diff-options: "--ignore-space-change"

          # Path to a YAML configuration file for this workflow that is stored
          # in this repository.
          # This input defaults to "", which instructs the workflow to use the
          # built-in default configuration.
          configuration-file-path: ".github/workflows/sizeup/config.yaml"

This will use sizeup to estimate the reviewability of any pull request opened on your repository using a YAML configuration file found at .github/workflows/sizeup/config.yaml. The format of the configuration file is described below.

Please note that the workflow configuration above does not use actions/checkout. This is because actions/checkout does not provide enough options to make a customized git diff command maximally efficient. Instead, this Action will perform its own clone, fetch, and checkout operations using the provided token.


This Action follows semantic versioning conventions, but is still <1.0. Thus, as is common for pre-1.0 software, breaking changes are sometimes introduced in minor version bumps (although patch version bumps will only contain backwards-compatible bug fixes). Please bear this in mind when choosing the version of this Action that you would like to use.


This Action can be configured by specifying the configuration-file input. The value of that input should be the path to a YAML file that contains configuration for this Action and the underlying sizeup library.

An example configuration file looks like this:


  # Whether or not to add a label to each pull request to indicate its assessed category
  applyCategoryLabels: true

  # The prefix to add to each category label that we apply.
  categoryLabelPrefix: "sizeup/"


  # Whether or not to comment on pull requests that exceed the configured score threshold
  addCommentWhenScoreThresholdHasBeenExceeded: true

  # The threshold above which we will add a comment to the assessed pull request.
  scoreThreshold: 100

  # The template for the comment that should be added to each pull request that
  # exceeds the score threshold. Any of the following variables can be included
  # in the template with surrounding curly braces (e.g. {{author}}) in order to
  # interpolate a computed value into the comment:
  #   - author
  #   - threshold
  #   - score
  #   - category
  #   - score-details
  commentTemplate: |
    👋 @{{author}} this pull request exceeds the configured reviewability score threshold of {{threshold}}. Your actual score was {{score}}.

# List of pull request authors for whom we should run this workflow. When this configuration key is omitted, the workflow runs for pull requests opened by all authors.
  - lerebear
  - glortho

# Configuration for how to evaluate pull requests.
# This is of the same format that `sizeup-core` accepts directly.
    - name: extra small
      lte: 10
        name: xs
        color: 3cbf00
    - name: small
      lte: 30
        name: s
        color: 5d9801
    - name: medium
      lte: 100
        name: m
        color: 7f7203
    - name: large
      lte: 500
        name: l
        color: a14c05
    - name: extra large
        name: xl
        color: c32607
    - "*_test.rb"
    formula: "- - + additions deletions comments whitespace"

The default configuration that is used when no configuration file is provided can be found in src/config/default.yaml.

The full specification for the configuration file, which includes options that are not specified in the example above or in the default configuration, is provided by the JSON schema at src/config/schema.json.

For details about what configuration can be provided under the sizeup key, please see the sizeup-core library's configuration guide.


For notes on how to develop this library, please see these docs.

SizeUp Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Estimate how easy a pull request will be to review

SizeUp Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.